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Cataloging and Metadata | Collection Development and Management | Health Sciences and Medical Librarianship | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication | Scholarly Publishing
Background: In the development of a new institutional repository, library staff at a large health system were faced with building an organizational structure that would be meaningful to both internal and external users. The health system context meant unique challenges designing a taxonomy that supported end users as well as institutional goals and branding. Health systems have unique user needs for specialized collections and organizational schemes. With a comparatively large volume of items being added there are also concerns with the backend structures to accommodate the institutions’ large research output.
Description: This large, recently merged health system did not already have a predefined structure or taxonomy by which to organize or make collections browsable. Complex institutions without clearly set “Departments” will be interested to hear how library staff created and implemented an organizational structure and taxonomy for their institutional repository. By considering existing classification schemes, internal naming practices, and consulting small stakeholder focus groups publications are now easily browsable by both internal and potential external users.
Additional organizational structures were created to house collections in support of institutional goals. One of the debut specialized collections focuses on nursing evidence-based practice, and was leveraged as documentation during a recent Magnet re-certification.
Tactics for creating back end organizational structures that support large volumes of items is also an area being explored in the first year of their institutional repository.
Conclusion: The institutional repository launched in 2018 with a taxonomy and organizational structure developed for the health system. The library continues to solicit feedback from stakeholders for improvements and ideas to serve internal and external users. Currently, different backend organizational structures are being tested in support of the large volume of items entered on a monthly basis in the institutional repository.
Specialty/Research Institute
Library Science
Conference / Event Name
Medical Library Association Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL, United States

Included in
Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Health Sciences and Medical Librarianship Commons, Scholarly Communication Commons, Scholarly Publishing Commons