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direct insertion of the papillary muscle into the mitral valve; dpm; malfunctions of cardiac anatomy; mitral valve; papillary muscle
Direct insertion of the anterior papillary muscle (DPM) into the mitral valve is uncommon. During the routine dissection of an adult female, a DPM into the mitral valve with abnormal chordae tendinae was observed. This abnormal papillary muscle was measured as 28.0 mm in length from myocardial to insertion, 14.8 mm in width, and 7.0 mm in depth. The embryology, symptoms, associated cardiac diseases, and surgical precautions of this congenital malformation in the heart are reviewed.
Recommended Citation
Sheikh, Sarvenaz; Iwanaga, Joe; Gonzales, Jocelyn R; Saga, Tsuyoshi; Loukas, Marios; Oskouian, Rod J; and Tubbs, R Shane, "Direct Insertion of the Papillary Muscle into the Anterior Mitral Leaflet: Cadaveric Findings." (2017). Articles, Abstracts, and Reports. 1438.