China’s Changing Health Care: Global Lessons at Scale

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NEJM Catalyst


Jiahui Health, Shanghai
April 26, 2019
1:00pm-5:00pm ET

China’s Changing Health Care: Global Lessons at Scale was live on Thursday, April 25th and rebroadcast on Friday, April 26. A video archive is now available.

With the world’s largest population and fastest-growing economy, China faces enormous challenges in health care, and at the same time presents enormous opportunities to reshape care delivery in ways that offer lessons for other societies.

Join NEJM Catalyst from Shanghai for China’s Changing Health Care: Global Lessons at Scale, a free, live Web event presented in coordination with Jiahui Health and sponsored by Tencent. This interactive event will bring international perspectives to the big questions in health care.

Health care providers and leaders around the world are invited to learn from academic experts, clinical leaders, and technology executives from the United States and China as they exchange insights and ideas in a series of thought-provoking sessions.

Watch the event to learn how health care in China is changing and the ramifications for care delivery around the world.


  • Why every aspect of health care in China is in transition – the needs of consumers, the delivery model, the clinician workforce, the use of technology, payment, and more.
  • How a primary care system can be structured to serve 1.4 billion people, including a growing elderly population.
  • The opportunities that exist for telehealth, mobile technologies, and AI to help extend care delivery as well as reduce costs and improve the quality of care and the patient experience.
  • How regulation and market forces can be balanced to drive innovation on a very large scale.


Health Care Administration
