Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Evolving Toward Higher-Value Care
Publication Title
NEJM Catalyst
Document Type
Publication Date
Financial Risk; Management in Health Care; Value Based Care
In health care, variation is the state of nature. Despite efforts to introduce protocols, care pathways, order sets, checklists, and standardized quality measures, providers vary in their practice to a remarkable degree. Differences in outcomes and cost of care are visible when comparing countries, geographical regions, hospitals within a single city, and providers in the same practice. Some of this variation is doubtless benign. In other cases, it contributes to poor outcomes. And sometimes, perhaps frequently, it results in waste — greater cost without better outcomes.
Health Care Administration
Recommended Citation
Stowell, Caleb, & Robicsek, Ari. (July 24, 2018). Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Evolving Toward Higher-Value Care. In NEJM Catalyst. Retrieved from https://catalyst.nejm.org/evolving-high-value-care-value-oriented-architecture/