Prediction of quality of life by Helsinki computed tomography scoring system in patients with traumatic brain injury.

Publication Title

Brain injury : [BI]

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PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to assess the association between the Computed Tomography (CT) findings on admission, according to the Helsinki computed tomography CT score, and patient's Quality of Life (QoL) following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Lebanon.

METHODS: A retrospective study was performed on 49 males suffering from war induced TBI. Participants were stratified into two groups based on the date of injury. Helsinki CT score was calculated for CT scans of participants. Outcomes were assessed using QoL scales including the Project for the Epidemiological Analysis of Critical Care Patients scale (PAEEC).

RESULTS: Correlation analysis showed that QoL, up to 4 years post-TBI, was significantly associated with Helsinki CT classification. Group 1 of subjects living with TBI for 1-2 years revealed a correlation coefficient r = 0.536,

CONCLUSION: The present study showed that patients with traumatic brain injury experienced significant quality of life deterioration up to 4 years post-TBI. Our findings propose the important role of Helsinki score in predicting the quality of life among patients with TBI.

Clinical Institute

Neurosciences (Brain & Spine)


