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Dissertation, American Sentinel University

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Feedback is a tool that is often not utilized effectively. Clinical preceptors, when utilized, are the primary oversight for nursing students and should be able to provide feedback that is constructive and timely. Clinical preceptor feedback directly impacts the nurse generalists’ transition to practice which can increase competency levels by providing timely and quality feedback (Phillips, Mathew, Aktan, & Catano, 2017; Duteau, 2012). The purpose of this study was to determine if training clinical preceptors in the 5-Minute Preceptor method providing feedback to senior nursing students had an impact on the clinical teaching effectiveness. The research design was a comparative, two-group study with quantitative analysis, which utilized retrospective data from an undergraduate diploma program in the Southern United States. Senior nursing students in the final clinical immersion program from September 2018 to February 2020 were used as a convenience sample with a total of N=164 included in this study (n=100 before group, n=64 after group). Mann-Whitney U was used to analyze the data with a p< .05. Direct statements relating to feedback did not show significant correlations; however, the overall teaching statements showed significant findings on the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Inventory (CTEI). Training clinical preceptors in how and when to provide feedback has an impact on the overall teaching effectiveness, which could have a direct impact on the graduate nurse’s transition to practice by offering feedback in relation to decision making and critical thinking abilities.



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