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2021 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium


oregon; portland; montana; missoula


In 2018 Providence launched its Digital Commons Institutional Repository (IR) becoming one of only a small group of large health systems providing such a service. In nearing the end of Year 4 there has been sustained growth and continued engagement of this initiative. Expanding on the initial ask from senior leadership to simply track and compile Providence scholarly activity, subsequent years saw significant development in scope and scale of the IR. New projects included the creation of special collections, including: COVID-19 Research; Environmental Stewardship; Genomics; Diversity & Inclusion; and a Patents collection. The library partnered with nursing and graduate medical education to host virtual conferences and archive conference materials. Targeting marketing emails to authors and institutional leadership leveraging the PlumX Altmetrics component of the BePress platform brought increased visibility and excitement. Providence Digital Commons is now an essential part of the Research division’s success metrics whose value is recognized throughout the health system.

Technology Transfer is the process of moving inventions, discoveries, research tools, and other intellectual property to the world outside. Providence System Library Services partnered with the Providence Health Technology Transfer Office to leverage our institutional repository platform to internally track patents owned by the institution and promote them externally. Library staff created a robust metadata architecture for this unique collection with links to individual US Patent Office Records. This special collection makes records more easily discoverable to external end users, particularly those with novice search skills related to patents and trademarks, and increases visibility of Providence innovation.


Library Science
