Facial nerve palsy: An early sign of COVID-19.
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oregon; medford; covid-19
INTRODUCTION: Bell's palsy is a peripheral lower motor neuron (LMN) facial nerve palsy, characterized by the acute onset (72 hours or less) of unilateral peripheral facial paresis without other neurologic signs. Bell's palsy has been described at three clinical junctures of COVID-19 infection: as the unique initial signal of COVID-19, as an accompanying feature during the acute phase of COVID-19 when respiratory and systemic symptoms predominate, or during the recuperative phase beginning 2-3 weeks after resolution of respiratory and systemic covid symptoms.
CASE REPORT: We present a unique case of a COVID-19-related facial nerve palsy that occurred 3 weeks prior to the onset of pneumonia caused by COVID-19.
CONCLUSIONS: This case report suggests an association between early COVID-19 presenting as facial nerve palsy and alerts physicians about the ways in which COVID-19 may cause this phenomenon.
Clinical Institute
Neurosciences (Brain & Spine)
Infectious Diseases
Recommended Citation
Somero, Michael; Akagi, Elisa; and Bhargava, Ashish, "Facial nerve palsy: An early sign of COVID-19." (2023). Articles, Abstracts, and Reports. 8204.