Standardizing Chemotherapy Education Patient Practices to Increase Nurses’ Self-Efficacy

Publication Title

DNP project at St. Jude Medical Center

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california; sjmc; mission viejo; chemotherapy; standardization; education; oncology; nurse; quality improvement; self-efficacy


Background: Current practices with patient chemotherapy education reveal unstandardized processes among nurses. Lack of standardization can lead to patient misunderstanding and anxiety, as well as decreases in nurse satisfaction and overall quality of care.

Purpose: The goal of this project was to determine whether standardizing chemotherapy education practices and incorporating the teach-back method improved nurses’ self-efficacy.

Methods: A standardized process incorporating the teach-back method, an evidence-based method to ensure patient understanding, was compiled in the form of a checklist and a training session for this quality improvement project. Participants were oncology nurses who worked in an ambulatory infusion center. A pre-test/post-test design was utilized. Pre-intervention, nurses (n=21) completed the SE-12 Questionnaire. Post-intervention, nurses (n=16) completed the same questionnaire and provided anecdotal perspectives. A Mann Whitney U test was used to determine if there was an improvement in self-efficacy.

Results/Outcomes: Significant increases in nurse self-efficacy were observed. The checklist was used 74 times by participants throughout this process. Written anecdotal feedback from nurses was unanimously positive, with nurses specifically noting its usefulness and sustainability.

Implications for Practice: Standardizing chemotherapy education practices and the teach-back method can contribute positively to nurses’ self-efficacy. The observed outcomes of implementing the standardization suggested herein at the project site were overwhelmingly advantageous for nursing staff.

Keywords: chemotherapy; standardization; education; oncology; nurse; quality improvement; self-efficacy

Area of Special Interest


Specialty/Research Institute

Palliative Care

Specialty/Research Institute


Specialty/Research Institute


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