Poster: Improving High Reliability Organization (HRO) Education, Culture, & Engagement Through Video
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Nursing | Quality Improvement
Background: While Providence began the HRO journey in 2015, the Northern California region didn’t launch until March 2022. While most leaders and caregivers have been trained, several still have difficulty remembering and applying the HRO principles and tools. The HRO Vlog provides a series of short videos that not only reinforce the various high reliability principles, but also provides real-life stories of caregivers who have successfully applied HRO principles and tools in their daily work. Purpose: According to Press Ganey’s Virtuous Cycle Model (Fig A.), safety and engagement the drivers of HRO. When safety and engagement operate in tandem, benefits are realized in the areas of quality, experience, and efficiency. Throughout the Northern California region, safety is of paramount importance. What varies, however, is the engagement. As such, relationship between safety and engagement has been slow, and in turn, so has quality, experience, and efficiency. The purpose of the NorCal HRO Vlog, therefore, is to address the lack of engagement and to reignite the virtuous cycle of high reliability. Methods: HRO Vlog stories were selected in partnership with local quality and/or risk teams at each ministry. Good Catches that are submitted through Datix or submitted through our Good Catch award programs, serve as the source of the stories for the HRO Vlog. Once a story is selected, the event is analyzed to determine which HRO behavior and/or tool was used in the event. Staff are then interviewed and filmed, and the video is edited to an average length of 3-5 minutes. Once complete, the video is published on our SharePoint sites, Yammer, and the Caregiver Newsletter. Results: Our high reliability culture in Northern California has shifted from reactive to proactive. The volume of Near Miss reporting has increased since the inception of the HRO Video Blog. Near Miss/Good Catch reporting at five of six hospitals in Providence Northern California has increased by over 400%, increasing from 464 total near misses reported in 2021, to 2040 total near misses reported in 2022. And this number continues to rise. And on our annual culture of safety and employee engagement survey, staff at all six hospitals in Northern California reported that they are encouraged by others to report any patient safety concerns they may have: Northern California Hospital #1 Hospital #2 Hospital #3 Hospital #4 Hospital #5 Hospital #6 84 82 92 85 82 89 99 *Scores = % Favorable Conclusion: Given the increase in near miss/good catch reporting and the shift towards a “speak up for safety” culture, we believe that the HRO Video Blog has enhanced the high reliability learning and engagement experience for all caregivers and could be applied to support other educational/engagement efforts throughout Providence. Implications for Practice: Anyone can create an HRO vlog at Providence and it doesn’t require a large budget to get started. Required items include: • Smartphone (filming) • Lapel Microphone (audio) • Tripod • Microsoft Video Editor • Microsoft Stream (Publishing) • Microsoft PowerPoint (Thumbnails) • Microsoft OneDrive Link: NorCal HRO Vlog Channel
Specialty/Research Institute
Specialty/Research Institute
Conference / Event Name
Providence South Division Research Conference
South Division