Books from 2010
First do No Harm Optimizing Quality for Frail Elderly and Their Families in the Final Months of Life, Marian Hodges
Books from 2009
Cultural Dimensions of Death and Dying, Barbara Koenig
Personal Integrity in the Medical Professions, Margaret Mohrmann
Deception and Placebo in Patient Management, John Tuohey
Books from 2008
Are Caregivers Prophetic Leaders A New Look at a Very Old Idea, John Tuohey
Books from 2007
Do Everything! Legal Perspectives on Conflict Between Families, Physicians & Patients, Sandra Johnson
Disparities in Health Care: Is Ethics Part of the Problem, Mark Repenshek
Dealing with Tough Situations: When Families and Caregivers Disagree, Carol Taylor
Books from 2006
Justice and Compassion Challenges for Stewardship in Healthcare, Nuala Kenny
Books from 2005
Caring for People from Diverse Cultures at the End of Life, Gottfried Oosterwal
Books from 2004
Scarcity of Resources & the Good Samaritan A Tough Experiment, Allen Verhey