With an emphasis on meeting patient and family needs, we strive to help you find the right doctor close to home and coordinate all care needs. Here, you’ll get access to leaders in the field, evidence-based care, the latest procedures, newest technologies and groundbreaking clinical trials. The Heart Institute is powered by a highly connected network of experts and thought leaders from across the organization. This collaboration enables Providence to standardize care and achieve superior outcomes while treating complex heart conditions such as valve disease and advanced heart failure.


Submissions from 2022


Managing Temporary Epicardial Pacemakers with Confidence, Rosemary Timmerman


Acute outcomes for the full US cohort of the FLASH mechanical thrombectomy registry in pulmonary embolism., Catalin Toma, Wissam A Jaber, Mitchell D Weinberg, Matthew C Bunte, Sameer Khandhar, Brian Stegman, Sreedevi Gondi, Jeffrey Chambers, Rohit Amin, Daniel A Leung, Herman Kado, Michael A Brown, Michael G Sarosi, Ambarish P Bhat, Jordan Castle, Michael Savin, Gary Siskin, Michael Rosenberg, Christina Fanola, James M Horowitz, and Jeffrey S Pollak


The Impact of Remote Optimization of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy in Patients with NYHA Stage II and III Heart Failure, Maurice N. Tran, Christine Doran, Trevor Laursen, Kellie Graybosch, and Jacob Abraham

The Impact of Remote Optimization of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy in Patients with NYHA Stage II and III Heart Failure, MN Tran, Jacob Abraham, and See all authors in comments


Center-Level Variation in Transplant Rates Following the Heart Allocation Policy Change., Zachary Tran, Roland A Hernandez, Josef Madrigal, Samuel T Kim, Arjun Verma, David G Rabkin, and Peyman Benharash


Eight-year outcomes of aortic valve replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease valve., Steven Tsui, Michael Rosenbloom, James Abel, Jeffrey Swanson, Axel Haverich, Joseph Zacharias, Gilbert Schorlemmer, Gideon Cohen, Michael Moulton, and Rüdiger Lange

Developments in managing DKD: Perspectives of a Nephrologist, Cardiologist & Diabetologist – a discussion of the main messages of the post hoc analysis of Figaro, Fidelio and Fidelity, Katherine Tuttle

Effect of Dual Receptor Agonists on Cardiovascular System and the Kidney, Katherine Tuttle

How to implement these heart failure guidelines in ambulatory patients around the world, Katherine Tuttle


SGLT2 inhibitors as the bedrock of therapy for heart failure., Katherine Tuttle and Janani Rangaswami

Evolution of TCAR in my carotid practice: patient selection, learning curve, and lessons learned, Brant Ullery

Role of protocolization in the management of acute aortic syndromes, Brant Ullery


Prevalence and Outcomes of Bicuspid Aortic Valve in Patients With Aneurysmal Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Neurology Registry Report., Saarwaani Vallabhajosyula, Li-Tan Yang, Sarah C Thomas, Joseph J Maleszewski, Amber N Boler, Prabin Thapa, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Alejandro A Rabinstein, and Hector I Michelena


Single-access for Impella-supported percutaneous coronary intervention using a sheathless technique with an 8 Fr guide., Louis Verreault-Julien, Nikoloz Shekiladze, Jason Wollmuth, and Stéphane Rinfret


Strategies for Reducing Vascular and Bleeding Risk for Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Device-supported High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention., George W Vetrovec, Amir Kaki, Jason Wollmuth, and Thom G Dahle


Safety and Tolerability of Nicotinamide Riboside in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction., Dennis D Wang, Sophia Airhart, Bo Zhou, Laura M Shireman, Siyi Jiang, Carolina Melendez Rodriguez, James N Kirkpatrick, Danny D Shen, Rong Tian, and Kevin D O'Brien


Atypical pericardial opportunistic infection, Brittney Ward, David Pash, and Brittney Carman

Racial Differences in Patients with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of the ISCAD Registry, BJ Wells, LM Tam, and See all authors in comments

Migraine Headache in Patients with SCAD: A Report of the iSCAD Registry, BJ Wells, L Tam, and See all authors in comments


2022 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Cardiovascular Sequelae of COVID-19 in Adults: Myocarditis and Other Myocardial Involvement, Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection, and Return to Play: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee., Writing Committee, Tyler J Gluckman, Nicole M Bhave, Larry A Allen, Eugene H Chung, Erica S Spatz, Enrico Ammirati, Aaron L Baggish, Biykem Bozkurt, William K Cornwell, Kimberly G Harmon, Jonathan H Kim, Anuradha Lala, Benjamin D Levine, Matthew W Martinez, Oyere Onuma, Dermot Phelan, Valentina O Puntmann, Saurabh Rajpal, Pam R Taub, and Amanda K Verma


The role of BAG3 in dilated cardiomyopathy and its association with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2., Nitya Yerabandi, Valentina L Kouznetsova, Santosh Kesari, and Igor F Tsigelny

In-Hospital or Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Is Associated with Worse Outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock, M Yin, Jacob Abraham, and See all authors in comments

In-Hospital or Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock, M Yin, Jacob Abraham, and See all authors in comments

Intermittent Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava Reduces Estimated Stressed Blood Volume in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure, R Yousefzai, Jacob Abraham, M Kiernan, R Tedford, K Benzuly, R Karas, D Burkhoff, and NK Kapur

Intermittent Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava Improves Urine Sodium Excretion in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure, R Yousefzai, Jacob Abraham, and See all authors in comments


An Evaluation of Oral Anticoagulation Initiation after Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial fibrillation/Atrial Flutter at Hospital Discharge, Jessica Zhao, Meri Slavica, Vanessa Jenkins, and Natalie Swearingen


Embolization of a Gonadal Artery Pseudoaneurysm after Whipple Procedure Identified Using Intravascular Ultrasound., Christopher M Zylak and Sarah N Peterson

Submissions from 2021


Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices in the Intensive Care Unit: Post-Implant Care and Management, Jacob Abraham (Ed) and Joseph E. Parrillo (Ed)


Chapter: Blood compatibility/hemolysis, Jacob Abraham


Heart Failure-Related Cardiogenic Shock: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Management Considerations: Review of Heart Failure-Related Cardiogenic Shock., Jacob Abraham, Vanessa Blumer, Dan Burkhoff, Mohit Pahuja, Shashank S Sinha, Carolyn Rosner, Esther Vorovich, Gillian Grafton, Aaron Bagnola, Jaime A Hernandez-Montfort, and Navin K Kapur

Cardiogenic Shock Working Group Global Summit: Case Presentation, Jacob Abraham and Vidang P. Nguyen


Axillary transvalvular microaxial pump as bridge to transcatheter aortic valve replacement in cardiogenic shock, Jacob Abraham, Lian Wang, V Kumar, Eric B Kirker, and Kateri Spinelli


Prognostic usefulness of planar, Denis Agostini, Karthikeyan Ananthasubramaniam, Harish Chandna, Lars Friberg, Andrew Hudnut, Michael Koren, Michael Miyamoto, Roxy Senior, Mahesh Shah, Mark I Travin, Jürgen Vom Dahl, Kun Chen, Wayne C Levy, and ADMIRE-HF investigators

Portopulmonary rhapsody: everything you need to know about portopulmonary hypertension, Sophia Airhart

Recognizing and treating HFpEF: the biggest pulmonary arterial hypertension imitator!, Sophia Airhart


Assessing hemodynamic response to submaximal exercise in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients using an implantable hemodynamic monitor., Sophia Airhart, Nima Badie, Mark Doyle, Priscilla Correa-Jacque, Curt Daniels, and Raymond Benza


Reply: Transcarotid trumps transapical/direct aortic access for transcatheter aortic valve replacement-It's a no brainer!, Keith B Allen, Adnan K Chhatriwalla, John Saxon, James Hermiller, David Heimansohn, Sina Moainie, Raymond G McKay, Mohiuddin Cheema, Brandon Jones, Robert W Hodson, Ethan Korngold, and Eric Kirker


THE BLEEDING RISK TREATMENT PARADOX AT THE PHYSICIAN 1 AND HOSPITAL LEVEL: IMPLICATIONS FOR REDUCING BLEEDING IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING PCI., Amit P Amin, Nathan Frogge, Hemant Kulkarni, Gene Ridolfi, Gregory Ewald, Rachel Miller, Bruce Hall, Susan Rogers, Tyler J Gluckman, Jeptha Curtis, Frederick A Masoudi, and Sunil V Rao


Transradial Access for High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Implications of the Risk-Treatment Paradox., Amit P Amin, Sunil V Rao, Arnold H Seto, Manoj Thangam, Richard G Bach, Samir Pancholy, Ian C Gilchrist, Prashant Kaul, Binita Shah, Mauricio G Cohen, Ty J Gluckman, Anna Bortnick, James T DeVries, Hemant Kulkarni, and Frederick A Masoudi


Acute outcomes of three-dimensional mapping for fluoroscopy reduction in paediatric catheter ablation for supraventricular tachycardia., Chris Anderson, Maryam Rahman, David J Bradley, Kristen Breedlove, Macdonald Dick, Martin J LaPage, Alaina R Martinez, Neil L McNinch, Jeremy P Moore, John Papagiannis, Mansour Razminia, Kevin M Shannon, Lisa M Shauver, Volkan Tuzcu, and John M Clark


Tips and tricks for invasive assessment of aortic stenosis, Tamara Atkinson, Jayant Bagai, and Crispin Davies


Coronary Sinus Lead Placement in Patients With Coronary Sinus Ostial Atresia: An Innovative Approach., Ata Bajwa, Jashdeep Dhoot, and Sanjaya Gupta


Perioperative approach to precapillary pulmonary hypertension in non-cardiac non-obstetric surgery., Debabrata Bandyopadhyay, Christopher Lai, Juan N Pulido, Ricardo Restrepo-Jaramillo, Adriano R Tonelli, and Marc Humbert


Effect of an Alternate Definition for a Clinically Significant Cardiopulmonary Event on Discharge., Andrew C Beckstrom, Grace Lin, Leah Ngoche, Sally Perla, Reese H Clark, and Michael Kamitsuka


Repeated cross-sectional analysis of hydroxychloroquine deimplementation in the AHA COVID-19 CVD Registry., Steven M Bradley, Sophia Emmons-Bell, R Kannan Mutharasan, Fatima Rodriguez, Divya Gupta, Gregory Roth, Ty J Gluckman, Rashmee U Shah, Tracy Y Wang, Rohan Khera, Pamela N Peterson, and Sandeep Das

Experience in a blood conservation initiative in cardiac surgery, James Brevig, Ruyun Jin, and Matthew Ducsik


COVID-19 in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease., Craig S Broberg, Adrienne H Kovacs, Soraya Sadeghi, Marlon S Rosenbaum, Matthew J Lewis, Matthew R Carazo, Fred H Rodriguez, Dan G Halpern, Jodi Feinberg, Francisca Arancibia Galilea, Fernando Baraona, Ari M Cedars, Jong M Ko, Prashob Porayette, Jennifer Maldonado, Berardo Sarubbi, Flavia Fusco, Alexandra A Frogoudaki, Amiram Nir, Anisa Chaudhry, Anitha S John, Arsha Karbassi, Arvind K Hoskoppal, Benjamin P Frischhertz, Benjamin Hendrickson, Berto J Bouma, Carla P Rodriguez-Monserrate, Christopher R Broda, Daniel Tobler, David Gregg, Efren Martinez-Quintana, Elizabeth Yeung, Eric V Krieger, Francisco J Ruperti-Repilado, George Giannakoulas, George K Lui, Georges Ephrem, Harsimran S Singh, Hassan Mk Almeneisi, Heather L Bartlett, Ian Lindsay, Jasmine Grewal, Jeremy Nicolarsen, John J Araujo, Jonathan W Cramer, Judith Bouchardy, Khalid Al Najashi, Kristi Ryan, Laith Alshawabkeh, Lauren Andrade, Magalie Ladouceur, Markus Schwerzmann, Matthias Greutmann, Pablo Meras, Paolo Ferrero, Payam Dehghani, Poyee P Tung, Rocio Garcia-Orta, Rose O Tompkins, Salwa M Gendi, Scott Cohen, Scott Klewer, Sebastien Hascoet, Shabnam Mohammadzadeh, Shailendra Upadhyay, Stacy D Fisher, Stephen Cook, Timothy B Cotts, and Jamil A Aboulhosn


Cardiovascular adverse events in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia receiving acalabrutinib monotherapy: pooled analysis of 762 patients., Jennifer R Brown, John C Byrd, Paolo Ghia, Jeff P Sharman, Peter Hillmen, Deborah M Stephens, Clare Sun, Wojciech Jurczak, John M Pagel, Alessandra Ferrajoli, Priti Patel, Lin Tao, Nataliya Kuptsova-Clarkson, Javid Moslehi, and Richard R Furman

Virtual Reality Tour of the Operating Theater as Anxiolysis for Pediatric Cardiology Procedures, Nathan Brown


Cost-effectiveness of Hypertension Treatment by Pharmacists in Black Barbershops., Kelsey B Bryant, Andrew E Moran, Dhruv S Kazi, Yiyi Zhang, Joanne Penko, Natalia Ruiz-Negrón, Pamela Coxson, Ciantel A Blyler, Kathleen Lynch, Laura P Cohen, Gabriel S Tajeu, Valy Fontil, Norma B Moy, Joseph E Ebinger, Florian Rader, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, and Brandon K Bellows


Reply to Letter to the Editor on Carotid Artery Velocity., Kari A Campbell, Ann Marie Kupinski, Frank R Miele, Philip F Silva, and R Eugene Zierler

Pulmonary Hypertension And Exercise Intolerance: A Novel Use Of Cardiomems To Measure Hemodynamic Changes In Exercise, Andrew Cheng, Rola Khedraki, Carmen Wheeler, Samantha Bagsic, Orvar Jonsson, Maya Guglin, Mosi Bennett, Jacob Abraham, Ashrith Guha, and Thomas Heywood


A Case of COVID-19 Related Coagulopathy Complications and Heparin Resistance., Erum Chowdhry, Jennifer Moshman, and Stacey Carroll


Circulating exosomal microRNA expression patterns distinguish cardiac sarcoidosis from myocardial ischemia., Elliott D Crouser, Mark W Julian, Sabahattin Bicer, Vikas Ghai, Taek-Kyun Kim, Lisa A Maier, May Gillespie, Nabeel Y Hamzeh, and Kai Wang


The Cardiovascular Quality Improvement and Care Innovation Consortium: Inception of a Multicenter Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Care., CV-QUIC Collaborators, Steven M Bradley, Srinath Adusumalli, Amit P Amin, William B Borden, Sandeep R Das, William E Downey, Joseph E Ebinger, Joy Gelbman, Tyler J Gluckman, Abhinav Goyal, Divya Gupta, Umesh N Khot, Andrew E Levy, R Kannan Mutharasan, Pam Rush, Craig E Strauss, Satya Shreenivas, and P Michael Ho


Echocardiographic Ischemic Memory Molecular Imaging for Point-of-Care Detection of Myocardial Ischemia., Brian P Davidson, James Hodovan, Michael Layoun, Harsh Golwala, Firas Zahr, and Jonathan R Lindner


Examining Acute Coronary Syndrome Across Ethnicity, Sex, and Age, Kristopher De Leon and Elizabeth Winokur


Exploring gender differences in trajectories of clinical markers and symptoms after left ventricular assist device implantation., Quin E Denfeld, Kenneth M Faulkner, Mary Roberts Davis, Beth A Habecker, Christopher V Chien, Jill M Gelow, James O Mudd, Shirin O Hiatt, Kathleen L Grady, and Christopher S Lee


Accuracy of risk models used for public reporting of heart transplant center performance., Stephen J Dolgner, Vidang P. Nguyen, Jennifer Cowger, and Todd F Dardas


Long-term adult congenital heart disease survival after heart transplantation: A restricted mean survival time analysis., Stephen J Dolgner, Vidang P Nguyen, Eric V Krieger, April Stempien-Otero, and Todd F Dardas


Bilateral carotid dissection due to Eagle syndrome in a young female., Walter R Duarte-Celada, Dongkwan Jin, Gabriel Neves, and Thomas Windisch


A heart-team hybrid approach for atrial fibrillation: a single-centre long-term clinical outcome cohort study., Gansevoort H Dunnington, Carrie L Pierce, Susan Eisenberg, Liem L Bing, Peter Chang-Sing, Daniel W Kaiser, Shelby Burk, Linda C Moulton, and Armin Kiankhooy


Outcomes of transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement among solid organ transplant recipients., Ayman Elbadawi, Justin Ugwu, Islam Y Elgendy, Michael Megaly, Gbolahan O Ogunbayo, Mohamed A Omer, Mohammed Elzeneini, Khaled Chatila, Karim Al-Azizi, Sachin S Goel, and Sameer Gafoor


Pearls from a Clinician-Researcher in an Integrated Health care Delivery System., Kate Michi Ettinger, Vivian M Ettinger, Marc G Jaffe, David A Schroeder, and Joan C Lo


Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia presenting as splenic hemorrhage following cardiac surgery: a case report., Joseph Ferry, Samuel J Youssef, Pierce Wu, and Livia Hegerova


High level physical activity in cardiac rehabilitation: Implications for exercise training and leisure-time pursuits., Barry A Franklin and John Quindry


Does This Peridevice Leak Classification System Hold Water?, Sameer Gafoor


Perioperative management invited expert opinions in 2020 and 2021: Synopsis of 9 "must read" articles., Mariya Geube, Glenn J R Whitman, Rakesh C Arora, Juan Nicolas Pulido, and Victor M Ferraris


Oral health and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A review., Eugenia Gianos, Elizabeth A Jackson, Astha Tejpal, Karen Aspry, James O'Keefe, Monica Aggarwal, Ankur Jain, Dipti Itchhaporia, Kim Williams, Travis Batts, Kathleen E Allen, Clark Yarber, Robert J Ostfeld, Michael Miller, Koushik Reddy, Andrew M Freeman, and Kenneth E Fleisher


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: diagnosis and therapeutic options., Ty J Gluckman

Cardiovascular care in unusual places—delivering value beyond bricks and mortar, Tyler J Gluckman

Cardiovascular involvement in COVID-19: The good, the bad, and the unknown, Tyler J Gluckman

Clinical care in a post-pandemic world: what we learned and where we go from here, Tyler J Gluckman

COVID-19’s impact on common cardiovascular quality metrics, Tyler J Gluckman

Evolving treatment approaches for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Tyler J Gluckman

How will selected 2021 ACC clinical trial findings change our practice?, Tyler J Gluckman

Optimal LDL-cholesterol: Individualizing treatment using statins and nonstatin therapy, Tyler J Gluckman

Peer-to-peer quality programs that actually work, Tyler J Gluckman

Quality of care, appropriate use criteria, the ACC-NCDR Registry and professional code of ethics, Tyler J Gluckman

Same day discharge- what opportunities exist and why should I be doing it?, Tyler J Gluckman

Same day discharge- what opportunities exist and why should I be doing it?, Tyler J Gluckman

What did we learn from COVID-19?, Tyler J Gluckman


Evolving Treatment Approaches for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Essential Updates for Specialty Pharmacy, Tyler J Gluckman, Martin S. Maron, Ryan J. Atkinson, Donna M. Chiefari, Judith R. Sands, and Henry A. Solomon


Penetrating Cardiac Injury from Crossbow Successfully Treated with Cardiac Autotransplantation., Mikhail L Gordeev, Dmitrii V Bendov, Dmitrii A Botkin, Andrei A Bespalov, Aleksandr V Naimushin, Irina V Sukhova, Dean R Spencer, and Sevak H Darbinian


Impact of hospital volume on resource use after elective cardiac surgery: A contemporary analysis., Joseph Hadaya, Yas Sanaiha, Roland Hernandez, Zachary Tran, Richard J Shemin, and Peyman Benharash


Evaluation of a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Care Steps Program, Sheri Havel, Karen Colorafi, and Mirjeta Beqiri


Objective Improvement in Cognitive Function following Aortic Coarctation Repair in an Adult., Danielle Hayes, Bryce French, and Swee Lian Tan


Commentary: Modern management of type B aortic dissection: Perspectives from the house of DeBakey., P Gregory Hayes and Jose L Trani


Bilateral internal iliac branch device with ipsilateral deployment., Jake F Hemingway, Anna Ohlsson, Jason Hurd, and Benjamin W Starnes


Clinical Outcomes Associated With Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support Utilization in Heart Failure Related Cardiogenic Shock., Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Shashank S Sinha, Katherine L Thayer, Evan H Whitehead, Mohit Pahuja, Arthur Reshad Garan, Claudius Mahr, Jillian L Haywood, Neil M Harwani, August Schaeffer, Detlef Wencker, Manreet Kanwar, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur


Mortality following deep sternal wound infection-not just a short-term complication?, Roland Hernandez and Eric J Lehr


The Impact of the Implementation of Code-Blue Nurse Champions for Cardiac Arrest, Beverly Holland and Sherri Mendelson


2021 Interim Guidance to Health Care Providers for Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support in Adults, Children, and Neonates With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19., Antony Hsu, Comilla Sasson, Peter J Kudenchuk, Dianne L Atkins, Khalid Aziz, Lance B Becker, Robert A Berg, Farhan Bhanji, Steven M Bradley, Steven C Brooks, Melissa Chan, Paul S Chan, Adam Cheng, Brian M Clemency, Allan de Caen, Jonathan P Duff, Dana P Edelson, Gustavo E Flores, Susan Fuchs, Saket Girotra, Carl R Hinkson, Benny L Joyner, Beena D Kamath-Rayne, Monica Kleinman, Javier J Lasa, Eric J Lavonas, Henry C Lee, Rebecca E Lehotzky, Arielle Levy, Mary E Mancini, Mary E McBride, Garth Meckler, Raina M Merchant, Vivek K Moitra, Ryan W Morgan, Vinay Nadkarni, Ashish R Panchal, Mary Ann Peberdy, Tia Raymond, Kathryn Roberts, Michael R Sayre, Stephen M Schexnayder, Robert M Sutton, Mark Terry, Brian Walsh, David S Wang, Carolyn M Zelop, and Alexis Topjian


Right Ventricular Dysfunction Is Common and Identifies Patients at Risk of Dying in Cardiogenic Shock., Pankaj Jain, Katherine L Thayer, Jacob Abraham, Kay D Everett, Mohit Pahuja, Evan H Whitehead, Benjamin P Schwartz, Anuradha Lala, Shashank S Sinha, Manreet K Kanwar, A Reshad Garan, Jaime A Hernandez-Monfort, Claudius Mahr, Esther Vorovich, Detlef Wencker, James M McCabe, Tara Jones, Maithri Goud, Paulina Baca, Neil Harwani, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur


The Effects of Cardiorespiratory and Motor Skill Fitness on Intrinsic Functional Connectivity of Neural Networks in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease., Behnaz Jarrahi, Sarah C McEwen, Daniel P Holschneider, Dawn M Schiehser, Andrew J Petkus, Megan E Gomez, Jack D Van Horn, Vincent Filoteo, Michael W Jakowec, and Giselle M Petzinger


Comparable Outcomes for Transcarotid and Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement at a High Volume US Center., Brandon Jones, V Kumar, Shih-Ting Chiu, Ethan C Korngold, Robert W. Hodson, Kateri Spinelli, and Eric B Kirker


Rehabilitation of Patients Presenting With Coronavirus Disease-19 and Hemiparesis: A Case Series, Jennifer L. Jordan, Jeremy Rice, Shane Bassett, Jessica Lazore, and Douglas L Weeks


Persistent Right Venous Valve: Insights From Multimodality Imaging., Madhavi Kadiyala, Kevin Hui, Sandeep Banga, Rohit Seth Loomba, Natesa G Pandian, and Shelby Kutty


Tissue Doppler Imaging (E/e') and Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis., Yoko Kagemoto, Renan A Ferrufino, Jeffrey T Lyvers, Jamel Ortoleva, Andrew R Weintraub, Natesa G Pandian, James D Thomas, and Frederick C Cobey


Impact of Age on Outcomes in Patients With Cardiogenic Shock., Manreet Kanwar, Katherine L Thayer, Arthur Reshad Garan, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Evan Whitehead, Claudius Mahr, Shashank S Sinha, Esther Vorovich, Neil M Harwani, Elric Zweck, Jacob Abraham, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur