Submissions from 2025
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on gastrostomy feeding tubes: summary and recommendations., ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Wasif M Abidi, Natalie Cosgrove, Jorge D Machicado, Madhav Desai, Nauzer Forbes, Neil B Marya, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Nirav C Thosani, Omeed Alipour, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Sherif E Elhanafi, Sunil G Sheth, Wenly Ruan, John C Fang, Stephen A McClave, Rodrick C Zvavanjanja, Amir Y Kamel, and Bashar J Qumseya
Effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on kidney and cardiovascular disease outcomes: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials., Sunil V Badve, Anika Bilal, Matthew M Y Lee, Naveed Sattar, Hertzel C Gerstein, Christian T Ruff, John J V McMurray, Peter Rossing, George Bakris, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Johannes F E Mann, Helen M Colhoun, Katherine Tuttle, Richard E Pratley, and Vlado Perkovic
Glycemic Management and Individualized Diabetes Care in Dialysis-Dependent Kidney Failure., Klara R Klein, Ildiko Lingvay, Katherine R Tuttle, and Jennifer E Flythe
Implementation of a Providence Early Assessment Team (PEAT), Barbara Nguyen, Crystalyn Beier, Brittny Ross, and Patrick Murphy
"I'll Be There For You"- FRIENDS and Spirituality May Impact Intent to Stay, Danell Stengem, Alison Smock, Ashley Doherty, Dana Kopp, and Karen Colorafi
Factors Related to Intent to Stay Among Acute Care Health Professionals, Danell Stengem, Alison Smock, Dana Kopp, and Karen Colorafi
Characteristics of patients with liver tumors deemed ineligible for enrollment on Children's Oncology Group trial AHEP1531: An opportunity to expand inclusion criteria and improve outcome., Angela Trobaugh-Lotrario, Allison F O'Neill, Katelyn A Belmonte, Marcio H Malogolowkin, Greg M Tiao, and James I Geller
Submissions from 2024
Comparison of anticoagulation vs mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis., Steven Abramowitz, Abdullah Shaikh, Hamid Mojibian, Nicolas J Mouawad, Matthew C Bunte, Edvard Skripochnik, Jonathan Lindquist, Fakhir Elmasri, Bhavraj Khalsa, Ambarish Bhat, James Nguyen, Neil Shah, Sonya S Noor, Douglas Murrey, Sagar Gandhi, Adam Raskin, Jonathan Schor, and David J Dexter
Prognostic Significance of Hemodynamics in Patients With Transposition of the Great Arteries and Systemic Right Ventricle., Nael Aldweib, Payam Deghani, Craig S Broberg, Alexandra van Dissel, Ahmad Altibi, Joshua Wong, David Baker, Salil Gindi, Paul Khairy, Alexander R Opotowsky, Sangeeta Shah, Anthony Magalski, Jonathan Cramer, Robert M Kauling, Mikael Dellborg, Eric V Krieger, Elizabeth Yeung, Jolien Roos-Hesselink, Jamil Aboulhosn, Jeremy Nicolarsen, Luke Masha, Pastora Gallego, David S Celermajer, Joseph Kay, Isabelle Vonder Muhll, Susan M Jameson, Clare O'Donnell, Flavia Fusco, Anitha S John, Conrad Macon, Petra Antonova, Timothy Cotts, Berardo Sarubbi, Fred Rodriguez, Christopher DeZorzi, Pavithra S Jayadeva, Marissa Kuo, Shelby Kutty, Tripti Gupta, Luke J Burchill, Carla P Rodriguez Monserrate, Adam M Lubert, Jasmine Grewal, Stephen Pylypchuk, Mark N Belkin, and William M Wilson
Effect of semaglutide on kidney function across different levels of baseline HbA1c, blood pressure, body weight and albuminuria in SUSTAIN 6 and PIONEER 6., Ellen M Apperloo, David Z I Cherney, Anja Birk Kuhlman, Johannes F E Mann, Søren Rasmussen, Peter Rossing, Katherine Tuttle, Blaz Vrhnjak, and Hiddo J L Heerspink
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and management of solid pancreatic masses: methodology and review of evidence., ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Jorge D Machicado, Sunil G Sheth, Jean M Chalhoub, Nauzer Forbes, Madhav Desai, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Georgios I Papachristou, Vaibhav Sahai, Ibrahim Nassour, Wasif Abidi, Omeed Alipour, Stuart K Amateau, Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, Natalie Cosgrove, Sherif E Elhanafi, Larissa L Fujii-Lau, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Neil B Marya, Swati Pawa, Wenly Ruan, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Nirav C Thosani, and Bashar J Qumseya
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on the role of endoscopy in the management of chronic pancreatitis: methodology and review of evidence., ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Sunil G Sheth, Jorge D Machicado, Ankit Chhoda, Jean M Chalhoub, Christopher Forsmark, Nicholas Zyromski, Behnam Sadeghirad, Rebecca L Morgan, Nirav C Thosani, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Wenly Ruan, Swati Pawa, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Neil B Marya, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Larissa L Fujii-Lau, Nauzer Forbes, Sherif E Elhanafi, Madhav Desai, Natalie Cosgrove, Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, Stuart K Amateau, Omeed Alipour, Wasif Abidi, Bashar J Qumseya, and ASGE Standards of Practice Committee Chair
Correction to: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of PXT3003 for the treatment of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A., Shahram Attarian, Peter Young, Thomas H Brannagan, David Adams, Philip Van Damme, Florian P Thomas, Carlos Casanovas, Jafar Kafaie, Céline Tard, Maggie C Walter, Yann Péréon, David Walk, Amro Stino, Marianne de Visser, Camiel Verhamme, Anthony Amato, Gregory Carter, Laurent Magy, Jeffrey M Statland, and Kevin Felice
Improving outcomes for uncomplicated gastroschisis: clinical practice guidelines from the American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence-based Practice Committee., Joanne Baerg, Jarod P McAteer, Doug Miniati, Stig Somme, Mark Slidell, and American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence-based Practice Committee
Relationship Between Hand Function and Handheld Ultrasound Imaging in Inclusion Body Myositis., Carolyn Black, Haibi Cai, Aliya Shabbir, and Leo H Wang
Aldosterone synthase inhibitor (BI 690517) therapy for people with diabetes and albuminuric chronic kidney disease: A multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase I trial., Stefan R Bornstein, Dick de Zeeuw, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Friedrich Schulze, Lisa Cronin, Arne Wenz, Katherine Tuttle, Samy Hadjadj, and Peter Rossing
Treatment practices and response in kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: A multicenter cohort study., Alexandra J Borst, Whitney Eng, Morgan Griffin, Kiersten W Ricci, Elissa Engel, Denise M Adams, Jillian Dayneka, Sally J Cohen-Cutler, Steven M Andreoli, Melinda D Wu, Allison P Wheeler, Kenneth M Heym, Shelley E Crary, Taizo A Nakano, Rachael R Schulte, Bhuvana A Setty, Thomas W McLean, Kristy S Pahl, Stefanos Intzes, Irina Pateva, Max Teitelbaum, Zili Zong, Yimei Li, and Michael R Jeng
The Impact of Moral Injury on Self-reported Work Performance in Hospital Nurses Following the Global Pandemic Surge., Annette Browning Callis, Trisha Saul, and Ross J Bindler
A Multicenter Analysis of Aortic Root Replacement: Non-Native Chest Increases Risk of Post-Operative Mortality., Adam Carroll, Michael J Kirsch, Fenton H McCarthy, Jason P Glotzbach, Christopher R Burke, Markian Bojko, Fernando Fleischman, T Brett Reece, and Anthony Caffarelli
Efficacy and safety of macitentan in Fontan-palliated patients: 52-week randomized, placebo-controlled RUBATO Phase 3 trial and open-label extension., Paul Clift, Felix Berger, Lars Sondergaard, Petra Antonova, Patrick Disney, Jeremy Nicolarsen, Jean-Benoît Thambo, Lidia Tomkiewicz Pajak, Jou-Kou Wang, Annette Schophuus Jensen, Michela Efficace, Michael Friberg, Diana Haberle, Verena Walter, and Yves d'Udekem
Metabolic Health Concerns in Wildland Firefighters: An Editorial Review., Robert H Coker, Brent C Ruby, Allison A. Lambert, and John C Quindry
Measurement Matters: Defining Rates of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications, Karen Colorafi
Caregiving During COVID and Beyond: The Experience of Workplace Stress and Chaplain Care Among Healthcare Workers., Karen Colorafi, Sarah Sumner, Teresa Rangel, Lexie Powell, Kavya Vaitla, Robert Leavitt, and Adam Gaines
New and emerging therapies for diabetic kidney disease., Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Louise J Maple-Brown, Rakesh Sahay, Katherine R Tuttle, and Ifeoma I Ulasi
Perceived Barriers to Patient Mobilization Among Therapy and Nursing Acute Care Staff: A Multi-Site Survey Study., Elena Crooks, Tiffanie Rampley, Douglas L Weeks, Crystal Billings, Danell Stengem, and Teresa Rangel
Guardians of the Catheters, Interprofessional Collaboration Reduced CAUTI Rates at PHFH, Dawn Doud, Angela Shemwell, Stephanie Brown, Tobi Bryan, Georgia Gauron, Tasha Anisimov, Peter Weitzman, Emma Peterson, and Tiffanie Rampley
Implementation of the AHRQ Nurse Bedside Shift Report on a Progressive Care Unit (PCU), Dawn Doud, Angie Shemwell, Sherri Butcher, Crystal Maxey, and Tanner Doyle
Diabetic Kidney Disease Prevention Care Model Development., Nuha A ElSayed, Raveendhara R Bannuru, George Bakris, Joan Bardsley, Ian H de Boer, Robert A Gabbay, Janet Gockerman, Rozalina G McCoy, Elaine McCracken, Joshua J Neumiller, Scott J Pilla, and Connie M Rhee
Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial., EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group and Katherine Tuttle (EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group)
Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial., EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group and Katherine Tuttle (EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group)
Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial., EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group and Katherine Tuttle
Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial., EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group and Katherine Tuttle
A Retrospective Multicenter Study of Operating Room Extubation and Extubation Timing following Cardiac Surgery., Eric W Etchill, Xiaoting Wu, Diane Alejo, Clifford E Fonner, Carol Ling, Neil Worrall, Eric Lehr, Francis Pagani, Terri Haber, Patty Theurer, Jeannie Collins-Brandon, Ravi Hira, James Brevig, Erika Mallory, Charles Maynard, Donald S Likosky, Glenn J R Whitman, and IMPROVE Network
Differences in nutritional profile by chronotype among 12-h day shift and night shift nurses., Rachel Faulkner, Teresa Rangel, Rebecca Penders, Trisha Saul, Ross Bindler, Lindsey Miller, and Marian Wilson
Frontline Leadership: Nurses in Special Pathogens Preparedness and Response., Jade B Flinn, Christa Arguinchona, Angela Vasa, Sharon Vanairsdale Carrasco, Iris Agreiter, Stefan Boxnick, Benjamin Stadtmann, and Patricia Ann Tennill
Implementation of Charting Guidelines: The Impact on a Telemetry Unit, McKenna Freed and Kai Stein
The authors reply., Winston W S Fung, Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, and Writing team and the World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
The authors reply., Winston W S Fung, Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, and World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Metrics and Hemoglobin A1c Relationship in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated by Hemodialysis., Rodolfo J Galindo, Bobak Moazzami, Katherine R Tuttle, Richard M Bergenstal, Limin Peng, and Guillermo E Umpierrez
Results from a benzodiazepine-minimizing protocol for inpatient management of alcohol withdrawal., Jennifer Gaston, Emily J Cox, Hsin-Fang Li, Caitlin Klamper, and John F Wurzel
Treating chronic wounds in an acute care setting: the forgotten diagnosis., Emily Sue Greenstein, William Falone, Teresa Patterson, Katherine Cesario, Linda Mitchell, Tanya Martel, Julie Rivera, Maarten Vooijs, and Sarah Norton
Occupational nerve injuries., Sandra L Hearn, Shawn P Jorgensen, Joelle M Gabet, and Gregory T Carter
Design and baseline characteristics of the Finerenone, in addition to standard of care, on the progression of kidney disease in patients with Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease (FIND-CKD) randomized trial., Hiddo J L Heerspink, Rajiv Agarwal, George L Bakris, David Z I Cherney, Carolyn S P Lam, Brendon L Neuen, Pantelis A Sarafidis, Katherine Tuttle, Christoph Wanner, Meike D Brinker, Sara Dizayee, Peter Kolkhof, Patrick Schloemer, Paula Vesterinen, and Vlado Perkovic
Selonsertib in Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease: A Phase 2b Randomized Active Run-In Clinical Trial., Hiddo J L Heerspink, Vlado Perkovic, Katherine R Tuttle, Pablo E Pergola, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Uptal D Patel, Julie H Ishida, Albert Kuo, Fang Chen, Robert Kustra, Vladimir Petrovic, Peter Rossing, Naoki Kashihara, and Glenn M Chertow
Upfront or delayed surgery in resectable hepatoblastoma: analysis from the children's hepatic tumors international collaboration database., Eiso Hiyama, Tomoro Hishiki, Kenichi Yoshimura, Mark Krailo, Rudolf Maibach, Beate Haeberle, Arun Rangaswami, Dolores Lopez-Terrada, Marcio H Malogolowkin, Marc Ansari, Rita Alaggio, Allison F O'Neill, Angela D Trobaugh-Lotrario, Kenichiro Watanabe, Irene Schmid, Sarangarajan Ranganathan, Yukichi Tanaka, Takeshi Inoue, Jin Piao, Jason Lin, Piotr Czauderna, Rebecka L Meyers, and Daniel C Aronson
Mechanical Thrombectomy for High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism: Insights From the US Cohort of the FLASH Registry., James M Horowitz, Wissam A Jaber, Brian Stegman, Michael Rosenberg, Christina Fanola, Ambarish P Bhat, Sreedevi Gondi, Jordan Castle, Mustafa Ahmed, Michael A Brown, Rohit Amin, Mohannad Bisharat, Paul Butros, Aaron DuCoffe, Michael Savin, Jeffrey S Pollak, Mitchell D Weinberg, Daniel Brancheau, and Catalin Toma
Large-bore Mechanical Thrombectomy Versus Catheter-directed Thrombolysis in the Management of Intermediate-risk Pulmonary Embolism: Primary Results of the PEERLESS Randomized Controlled Trial., Wissam A Jaber, Carin F Gonsalves, Stefan Stortecky, Samuel Horr, Orestis Pappas, Ripal T Gandhi, Keith Pereira, Jay Giri, Sameer J Khandhar, Khawaja Afzal Ammar, David M Lasorda, Brian Stegman, Lucas Busch, David J Dexter Ii, Ezana M Azene, Nikhil Daga, Fakhir Elmasri, Chandra R Kunavarapu, Mark E Rea, Joseph S Rossi, Joseph Campbell, Jonathan Lindquist, Adam Raskin, Jason C Smith, Thomas M Tamlyn, Gabriel A Hernandez, Parth Rali, Torrey R Schmidt, Jeffrey T Bruckel, Juan C Camacho, Jun Li, Samy Selim, Catalin Toma, Sukhdeep Singh Basra, Brian A Bergmark, Bhavraj Khalsa, David M Zlotnick, Jordan Castle, David J O'Connor, C Michael Gibson, and PEERLESS Committees and Investigators
Healthcare Professional Awareness of Climate Health and an Evidence-based Environmental Stewardship Framework, Patricia Joubert, Rosemary Timmerman, Angie Shemwell, Barbara Nguyen, and Teresa Rangel
The potential for improving cardio-renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease with the aldosterone synthase inhibitor vicadrostat (BI 690517): a rationale for the EASi-KIDNEY trial., Parminder K Judge, Katherine Tuttle, Natalie Staplin, Sibylle J Hauske, Doreen Zhu, Rebecca Sardell, Lisa Cronin, Jennifer B Green, Nikita Agrawal, Ryoki Arimoto, Kaitlin J Mayne, Emily Sammons, Martina Brueckmann, Shimoli V Shah, Peter Rossing, Masaomi Nangaku, Martin J Landray, Christoph Wanner, Colin Baigent, Richard Haynes, and William G Herrington
Health Professional Concern for Environment and Behaviors to Protect Climate Health, Mary Jo Kelly, Sarah Johnson, Teresa Rangel, and Gale Springer
Development and Validation of the American Heart Association's PREVENT Equations., Sadiya S Khan, Kunihiro Matsushita, Yingying Sang, Shoshana H Ballew, Morgan E Grams, Aditya Surapaneni, Michael J Blaha, April P Carson, Alexander R Chang, Elizabeth Ciemins, Alan S Go, Orlando M Gutierrez, Shih-Jen Hwang, Simerjot K Jassal, Csaba P Kovesdy, Donald M Lloyd-Jones, Michael G Shlipak, Latha P Palaniappan, Laurence Sperling, Salim S Virani, Katherine Tuttle, Ian J Neeland, Sheryl L Chow, Janani Rangaswami, Michael J Pencina, Chiadi E Ndumele, Josef Coresh, and Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium and the American Heart Association Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Science Advisory Group
Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Liver Transplant Recipients Undergoing Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography., Divyanshoo R Kohli and Stuart Amateau
Response., Divyanshoo R Kohli and Mohammad Shadab Siddiqui
“Importance and Feasibility of Integrating Research into Clinical Practice”, Alison Lambert
Reduced Likelihood of Hospitalization with the JN.1 or HV.1 SARS-CoV-2 Variants Compared to the EG.5 Variant., Matthew E Levy, Vanessa Chilunda, Richard Davis, Phillip R Heaton, Pamala A Pawloski, Jason D Goldman, Cynthia A Schandl, Lisa M McEwen, Elizabeth T Cirulli, Dana Wyman, Andrew Dei Rossi, Hang Dai, Magnus Isaksson, Nicole L Washington, Tracy Basler, Kevin Tsan, Jason Nguyen, Jimmy Ramirez, Efren Sandoval, William Lee, James Lu, and Shishi Luo
Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Novel Kidney Protective and Cardioprotective Therapies in Patients With Diabetes and Kidney Disease., Christine P Limonte, Julio A Lamprea-Montealegre, and Katherine Tuttle
Equity and Quality of Global Chronic Kidney Disease Care: What Are We Waiting for?, Valerie A Luyckx, Ayah Elmaghrabi, Manisha Sahay, Nicole Scholes-Robertson, Laura Sola, Tobias Speare, Elliot K Tannor, Katherine Tuttle, and Ikechi G Okpechi
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know Into What We do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the gap in kidney care: Translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know Into What We Do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know into What We Do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know into What We Do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Alessandro Balducci, and World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Mind the gap in kidney care: Translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Alessandro Balducci, and World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know into What We Do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston Ws Fung, Ágnes Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, and Alessandro Balducci
Mind the Gap in Kidney Care: Translating What We Know Into What We Do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Alessandro Balducci, and The World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee is listed in the Appendix
Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Alessandro Balducci, and World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Mind the gap in kidney care: Translating what we know into what we do., Valerie A Luyckx, Katherine R Tuttle, Dina Abdellatif, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Winston W S Fung, Agnès Haris, Li-Li Hsiao, Makram Khalife, Latha A Kumaraswami, Fiona Loud, Vasundhara Raghavan, Stefanos Roumeliotis, Marianella Sierra, Ifeoma Ulasi, Bill Wang, Siu-Fai Lui, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Alessandro Balducci, and World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Mind the gap in kidney care: translating what we know into what we do., V A Luyckx, Katherine Tuttle, D Abdellatif, R Correa-Rotter, W W S Fung, A Haris, L L Hsiao, M Khalife, L A Kumaraswami, F Loud, V Raghavan, S Roumeliotis, M Sierra, I Ulasi, B Wang, S F Lui, V Liakopoulos, and A Balducci
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and management of solid pancreatic masses: summary and recommendations., Jorge D Machicado, Sunil G Sheth, Jean M Chalhoub, Nauzer Forbes, Madhav Desai, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Georgios I Papachristou, Vaibhav Sahai, Ibrahim Nassour, Wasif Abidi, Omeed Alipour, Stuart K Amateau, Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, Natalie Cosgrove, Sherif E Elhanafi, Larissa L Fujii-Lau, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Neil B Marya, Swati Pawa, Wenly Ruan, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Nirav C Thosani, and Bashar J Qumseya
Cardiovascular outcomes with semaglutide by severity of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes: the FLOW trial., Kenneth W Mahaffey, Katherine Tuttle, Mustafa Arici, Florian M M Baeres, George Bakris, David M Charytan, David Z I Cherney, Gil Chernin, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Janusz Gumprecht, Thomas Idorn, Giuseppe Pugliese, Ida Kirstine Bull Rasmussen, Søren Rasmussen, Peter Rossing, Ekaterina Sokareva, Johannes F E Mann, Vlado Perkovic, and Richard Pratley
Effects of semaglutide with and without concomitant SGLT2 inhibitor use in participants with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease in the FLOW trial., Johannes F E Mann, Peter Rossing, George Bakris, Nicolas Belmar, Heidrun Bosch-Traberg, Robert Busch, David M Charytan, Samy Hadjadj, Pieter Gillard, José Luis Górriz, Thomas Idorn, Linong Ji, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Vlado Perkovic, Søren Rasmussen, Roland E Schmieder, Richard E Pratley, and Katherine Tuttle
The Performance of Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Rural Versus Urban Locations in the Northwest United States., Brian S Marcus, Plicy Perez-Kersey, Ann B Lee, Richard A Jensen, Beth S Dullanty, Patrick R Parrish, Matthew V Park, William Tressel, Richard Kronmal, and Amy H Schultz
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on the role of therapeutic EUS in the management of biliary tract disorders: methodology and review of evidence., Neil B Marya, Swati Pawa, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Todd H Baron, Anthony Yuen Bun Teoh, Christopher K Bent, Wasif Abidi, Omeed Alipour, Stuart K Amateau, Madhav Desai, Jean M Chalhoub, Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, Natalie Cosgrove, Sherif E Elhanafi, Nauzer Forbes, Larissa L Fujii-Lau, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Jorge D Machicado, Udayakumar Navaneethan, Wenly Ruan, Sunil G Sheth, Nirav C Thosani, and Bashar J Qumseya
Frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy: exploratory analyses of the effects of empagliflozin from the EMPA-KIDNEY trial., Kaitlin J Mayne, Rebecca J Sardell, Natalie Staplin, Parminder K Judge, Doreen Zhu, Emily Sammons, David Zi Cherney, Alfred K Cheung, Aldo P Maggioni, Masaomi Nangaku, Xavier Rossello, Katherine Tuttle, Katsuhito Ihara, Tomoko Iwata, Christoph Wanner, Jonathan Emberson, David Preiss, Martin J Landray, Colin Baigent FMedSci, Richard Haynes, and William G Herrington
Effects of Empagliflozin on Fluid Overload, Weight, and Blood Pressure in CKD., Kaitlin J Mayne, Natalie Staplin, David F Keane, Christoph Wanner, Susanne Brenner, Vladimir Cejka, Johannes Stegbauer, Parminder K Judge, David Preiss, Jonathan Emberson, Daniele Trinca, Rejive Dayanandan, Ryonfa Lee, John Nolan, Akiko Omata, Jennifer B Green, David Z I Cherney, Lai Seong Hooi, Roberto Pontremoli, Katherine Tuttle, Jennifer S Lees, Patrick B Mark, Simon J Davies, Sibylle J Hauske, Dominik Steubl, Martina Brückmann, Martin J Landray, Colin Baigent, Richard Haynes, William G Herrington, and EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group
Effects of Empagliflozin on Fluid Overload, Weight, and Blood Pressure in CKD., Kaitlin J Mayne, Natalie Staplin, David F Keane, Christoph Wanner, Susanne Brenner, Vladimir Cejka, Johannes Stegbauer, Parminder K Judge, David Preiss, Jonathan Emberson, Daniele Trinca, Rejive Dayanandan, Ryonfa Lee, John Nolan, Akiko Omata, Jennifer B Green, David Z I Cherney, Lai Seong Hooi, Roberto Pontremoli, Katherine Tuttle, Jennifer S Lees, Patrick B Mark, Simon J Davies, Sibylle J Hauske, Dominik Steubl, Martina Brückmann, Martin J Landray, Colin Baigent, Richard Haynes, William G Herrington, and EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group
Effectiveness of glucose-lowering medications on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes at moderate cardiovascular risk., Rozalina G McCoy, Jeph Herrin, Kavya Sindhu Swarna, Yihong Deng, David M Kent, Joseph S Ross, Guillermo E Umpierrez, Rodolfo J Galindo, William H Crown, Bijan J Borah, Victor M Montori, Juan P Brito, Joshua J Neumiller, Mindy M Mickelson, and Eric C Polley
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and cardiovascular events among patients with type 2 diabetes and low-to-normal body mass index: a nationwide cohort study., Yuichiro Mori, Toshiaki Komura, Motohiko Adomi, Ryuichiro Yagi, Shingo Fukuma, Naoki Kondo, Motoko Yanagita, O Kenrik Duru, Katherine Tuttle, and Kosuke Inoue
KDOQI US Commentary on the KDIGO 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of CKD., Sankar D Navaneethan, Nisha Bansal, Kerri L Cavanaugh, Alexander Chang, Susan Crowley, Cynthia Delgado, Michelle M Estrella, Cybele Ghossein, T Alp Ikizler, Holly Koncicki, Wendy St Peter, Katherine Tuttle, and Jeffrey William
Insulin Icodec., Matthew Nelson
Cardiovascular, Kidney and Safety Outcomes with GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Alone and in Combination with SGLT2 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Brendon L Neuen, Robert A Fletcher, Lauren Heath, Adam Perkovic, Muthiah Vaduganathan, Sunil Badve, Katherine Tuttle, Richard Pratley, Hertzel C Gerstein, Vlado Perkovic, and Hiddo J L Heerspink
Accelerated Risk-Based Implementation of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease., Brendon L Neuen, Katherine Tuttle, and Muthiah Vaduganathan
Medical Therapy and Monitoring in Adult Congenital Heart Disease Heart Failure., Jeremy Nicolarsen, James Mudd, and Andrew Coletti
A Case of Facial Nerve Injury Status Post Cerebral Dural Arterio-Venous Fistula Embolization., Anand S Patil and Kayli Gimarc
QI Blue Bands, Rebecca Penders
Effect of Ziltivekimab on Determinants of Hemoglobin in Patients with CKD Stage 3-5: An Analysis of a Randomized Trial (RESCUE)., Pablo E Pergola, Michael Davidson, Camilla Jensen, Amir A Mohseni Zonoozi, Dominic S Raj, Philip Andreas Schytz, Katherine Tuttle, and Vlado Perkovic
Effect of Ziltivekimab on Determinants of Hemoglobin in Patients with CKD Stage 3-5: An Analysis of a Randomized Trial (RESCUE)., Pablo E Pergola, Michael Davidson, Camilla Jensen, Amir A Mohseni Zonoozi, Dominic S Raj, Philip Andreas Schytz, Katherine Tuttle, and Vlado Perkovic
Semaglutide for Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes. Reply., Vlado Perkovic, Katherine Tuttle, and Richard Pratley
Effects of Semaglutide on Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes., Vlado Perkovic, Katherine R Tuttle, Peter Rossing, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Johannes F E Mann, George Bakris, Florian M M Baeres, Thomas Idorn, Heidrun Bosch-Traberg, Nanna Leonora Lausvig, Richard Pratley, and FLOW Trial Committees and Investigators
The Importance of Networks and Relationships: Leveraging the Biocontainment Unit Leadership Workgroup for Special Pathogen Outbreak Response., Caroline C Persson, Christa Arguinchona, Sophia Y Shea, and Lauren M Sauer
Building a biocontainment unit: Infrastructure and organizational experiences of the 13 regional biocontainment units in the United States., Caroline Persson, Corri B Levine, Kara Marshall, Sophia Shea, Christa Arguinchona, Sharon Vanairsdale Carrasco, Lauren M Sauer, and Jocelyn J Herstein
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on the role of endoscopy in the management of chronic pancreatitis: summary and recommendations., ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Sunil G Sheth, Jorge D Machicado, Jean M Chalhoub, Christopher Forsmark, Nicholas Zyromski, Nirav C Thosani, Nikhil R Thiruvengadam, Wenly Ruan, Swati Pawa, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Neil B Marya, Divyanshoo R Kohli, Larissa L Fujii-Lau, Nauzer Forbes, Sherif E Elhanafi, Madhav Desai, Natalie Cosgrove, Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, Stuart K Amateau, Omeed Alipour, Wasif Abidi, Bashar J Qumseya, and ASGE Standards of Practice Committee Chair
Effects of Semaglutide on Heart Failure Outcomes in Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease in the FLOW Trial., Richard E Pratley, Katherine Tuttle, Peter Rossing, Søren Rasmussen, Vlado Perkovic, Olav Wendelboe Nielsen, Johannes F E Mann, Richard J MacIsaac, Mikhail N Kosiborod, Zdravko Kamenov, Thomas Idorn, Marco Bo Hansen, Samy Hadjadj, George Bakris, Florian M M Baeres, and Kenneth W Mahaffey
Decrease in phase slip rates and phase cone structures during seizure evolution and epileptogenic activities derived from microgrid ECoG data., Ceon Ramon, Alexander Doud, and Mark D Holmes
Nursing Dietary Intake and Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement, Teresa Rangel and Rachel Carlson
Prevalence and Characteristics of on-Shift Napping Among Hospital-Based Nurses, Teresa Rangel and Rachel Carlson
Comparisons of healthcare personnel relating to awareness, concern, motivation, and behaviours of climate and health: A cross-sectional study., Teresa Rangel, Sarah E Johnson, Patricia Joubert, Rosemary Timmerman, Stephan Smith, Gale Springer, and Elizabeth Schenk
Factors associated with health personnel-chaplain interactions in the hospital setting: a cross-sectional survey study., Teresa Rangel, Gary Weisbrich, Sarah Sumner, Adam Gaines, and Robert Leavitt