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Behavioral Medicine
Medical/Surgical units often lack behavioral health specialty resources to identify and support individuals with mental health and substance misuse conditions. Not addressing these issues increases costs, imposes undue burdens on staff, intensifies patient agitation, and impairs the care experience for individuals and their families. Our behavioral health teams proactively identify, assess and intervene on patients in our medical/surgical units while supporting and teaching medical/surgical staff how to more effectively interact with these populations.
Objectives for Johns Hopkins:
- Describe some of the considerations that go into formation of a pro-active psychiatric consultation service
- Review metrics and purported quality measures used to assess psychiatric consultation programs
- Discuss the cultural and qualitative impacts of a successful pro-active psychiatric consultation program
Objectives for Providence St. Joseph Health:
- Discuss an actionable roadmap to implementing a proactive Behavioral Health Intervention Team in an inpatient setting
- Identify how proactively identifying and intervening in behavioral health issues (mental health and substance misuse) on medical units improves care for patients while improving employee satisfaction
- Define measurable outcomes to monitor program evaluation, development, and improvement in support of a sustainable Behavioral Health Intervention Team
Clinical Institute
Mental Health
Behavioral Health
Conference / Event Name
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Orlando, FL, United States
Recommended Citation
Triplett, Patrick and Nist, Amy, "Don’t Wait: Find and Address Behavioral Health Issues" (2018). Books, Presentations, Posters, Etc.. 12.
Robin Henderson presented on behalf of Amy Nist.