2023 Providence Nursing Research Conference
Start Date
24-2-2023 3:00 PM
alaska, pamc, washington, spokane, california, plcmmc
Recommended Citation
Timmerman, Rosemary; Rangel, Teresa; Bock, Dawn; and Saul, Trisha, "Evaluation of a Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop for Registered Nurses" (2023). Providence Nursing Research Conference 2023 – Present. 8.
Specialty/Research Institute
Included in
Evaluation of a Virtual Abstract Writing Workshop for Registered Nurses
2023 Providence Nursing Research Conference
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Bachelor of Nursing Science Essentials (2021). The Essentials: Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. The Essentials: Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (aacnnursing.org)
American Nurses Credentialing Center. (2021). 2023 Magnet Application Manual. American Nurses Credentialing Center.
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Freysteinson, W. M., & Stankus, J. A. (2019). The language of scholarship: How to write an abstract that tells a compelling story. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(3), 107–108. https://doi.org/10.3928/00220124-20190218-04
Wu, Y., Brettle, A., Zhou, C., Ou, J., Wang, Y., & Wang, S. (2018). Do educational interventions aimed at nurses to support the implementation of evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 70, 109–114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.08.026