May-Thurner Syndrome Variant Identified in a Cadaver: First Reported Case.
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artherosclerotic; cockett syndrome; common iliac artery; iliac vein compression syndrome; iliocaval compression syndrome; may-thurner syndrome; plaques
May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) is defined as the compression of the left common iliac vein by the right common iliac artery. Herein, we describe an unusual case of a male cadaver with right-sided compression of the inferior vena cava and the left and right common iliac veins by the right common iliac artery. This is an unusual variant of this syndrome and the first known case report. We suggest this variant be termed MTS type II due to the additional compression of the inferior vena cava.
Area of Special Interest
Neurosciences (Brain & Spine)
Specialty/Research Institute
Specialty/Research Institute
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine