Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Eating among Adult Food Bank Users.

Publication Title

Western journal of nursing research

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Healthy eating relates to improved health, yet adult food bank users report difficulty accessing healthy foods. Registered nurses can promote healthy eating for food bank recipients by understanding perceived obstacles and facilitators. Urban food bank users completed a survey, and qualitative content analysis was used to analyze four open-ended questions regarding perceptions of healthy eating. In total, 196 adults were included in analysis. Two main categories were identified as perceived facilitators and barriers to healthy eating. Themes from the facilitator category included internal resources and external resources. Themes from the barrier category were personal challenges and environmental issues. Healthy eating is a complex behavior that requires personal motivation, skills, and social/environmental supports to be successfully executed among food bank recipients. Nurses should advocate to leverage food bank resources for healthier eating by offering nurtition counseling at events, optimizing access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and decreasing unhealthy food options.

Area of Special Interest

Digestive Health

Specialty/Research Institute


Specialty/Research Institute


Specialty/Research Institute

Population Health
