Slow Progress in Mental and Behavioral Health, but Far More Is Needed

Publication Title

NEJM Catalyst

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 6-2021


2019-nCoV; washington; seattle; swedish



NEJM Catalyst Insights Council members say the range of mental and behavioral health services offered by their organizations has grown, but many barriers remain, even as the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a major toll.

Advisor Analysis

Mental and behavioral health patients today are often confronted by an uneven care experience. Challenges such as limited provider resources due to inadequate insurance reimbursement and lack of care integration contribute to difficult access and subpar care. And while there have been modest improvements in service offerings in recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic has created additional challenges for mental and behavioral health (Figure 1).

Area of Special Interest

Mental Health

Specialty/Research Institute

Behavioral Health

Specialty/Research Institute

Infectious Diseases

Specialty/Research Institute

Health Care Administration
