"Let the games begin! How to use action to create fun meeting and learning environments"

Publication Title

Washington State Public Health Association 2022 annual meeting

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This was an innovation poster submission to engage the audience(s) in the work of meeting well. Let the games begin! How to use action to create fun learning and meeting environments Purpose: to engage PH audience in active learning techniques to create energy and engagement Overview: Presentations and Meetings. We all have them, we all need them, but we don't all enjoy them! Adults participate and learn in many ways- on line in big groups, break out groups and in person. PH professionals have experiences to share, learning styles to adjust and messages to deliver! Using the conference meeting format, we will be investigating interactive ways to energize an audience, bring spirit and meaning to collaborative meeting environments, and discuss creative ideas to take back to our teams to further collective impact. Session outline: Audience will participate in out of seat activities which will fuel an energetic return to the in-person environment. Each activity has the potential to be tailored for subject matter and audience. Virtual engagement tools will be discussed: The audience will be asked to share experiences in on line meeting formats, tools to use to improve engagement through technology and will brainstorm resources to help us meet our shared objectives."

Specialty/Research Institute



Resources Ferri, A., & Bradbury, W. (2021). CREATING SUCCESSFUL VIRTUAL ENGAGEMENT: It seems everyone is doing virtual events now, and while this has been a must since March 2020, it may not be “real” to you until you find yourself on the planning committee for such an event. Professional Safety, 66(7), 18–19. Franceschi, K., Lee, R. M., Zanakis, S. H., & Hinds, D. (2009). Engaging Group E-Learning in Virtual Worlds. Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(1), 73–100. https://doi.org/10.2753/MIS0742-1222260104 Knecht, P. R. (2021). Increasing Virtual Engagement. Healthcare Executive, 36(3), 44–45. Newton, R. (2021). Rediscover Joy at Work. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6. Toastmasters International. 2022. https://www.toastmasters.org

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