Author Correction: Parent-of-origin-specific signatures of de novo mutations.
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In the version of this article published, the P values for the enrichment of single mutation categories were inadvertently not corrected for multiple testing. After multiple-testing correction, only two of the six mutation categories mentioned are still statistically significant. To reflect this, the text "More specifically, paternally derived DNMs are enriched in transitions in A[.]G contexts, especially ACG>ATG and ATG>ACG (Bonferroni-corrected P = 1.3 × 10
Institute for Systems Biology
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Goldmann, Jakob M; Wong, Wendy S W; Pinelli, Michele; Farrah, Terry; Bodian, Dale; Stittrich, Anna B; Glusman, Gustavo; Vissers, Lisenka E L M; Hoischen, Alexander; Roach, Jared C; Vockley, Joseph G; Veltman, Joris A; Solomon, Benjamin D; Gilissen, Christian; and Niederhuber, John E, "Author Correction: Parent-of-origin-specific signatures of de novo mutations." (2018). Articles, Abstracts, and Reports. 795.