Publication Title

WIN Conference 2024

Document Type


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washington; swedish


Primary Care Organizational Readiness and Implementation Climate for Task Sharing of Tele-Mental Health Interventions

Chu, F.; Renn, B.; Blakeney, E.; Munson, S.; Zaskavsky, O. Providence Swedish/University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Purpose: To examine perceptions of organizational readiness and implementation climate for task sharing of telemental health (TMH) interventions from primary care healthcare professionals by levels of behavioral health integration (BHI) and roles. Background/Significance: BHI clinics have positive impact on patient outcomes. Task sharing, a strategy used to address shortages of behavioral/mental health (BMH) specialists, with TMH interventions adds complexity. Method: The mixed methods study surveyed 151 healthcare professionals with Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change (ORIC) and Implementation Climate Scale (ICS). One-way ANOVA examined the variables of role and level of BHI to ORIC and ICS scores. Follow-up interview transcripts were coded with Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) constructs. Results: Over half of the respondents (61%) indicated they worked in clinics with partial or full BHI. One-way ANOVA revealed small statistically significant difference in ORIC scores by levels of BHI (F(4, 186) = [2.40], p = 0.05). The one-way ANOVA also showed statistically significant difference in the ICS scores by levels of BHI (F(4, 186) = [3.79], p = 0.005). The ORIC and ICS scores were not statistically different based on the roles. In the qualitative data, nine of the ten interviewees were from BHI clinics and were positive about implementation. The transcripts were most often coded with CFIR constructs of Available Resources, Network & Communications, and Compatibility. Conclusion: The survey showed that healthcare professionals perceived their organization as ready to implement task sharing of TMH interventions especially if they were from BHI clinics. Interview transcripts showed task sharing of TMH interventions as compatible with the organization because BHI clinics had the available resources and the network & communications already in place. As mental health concerns increase and more care will be provided in primary care, the clinics need to be organizationally ready and equipped to handle such demands.

Presenting Author

Frances Chu

Providence Swedish/University of Washington School of Nursing

Area of Special Interest

Mental Health

Specialty/Research Institute


Specialty/Research Institute

Behavioral Health

Specialty/Research Institute

