Publication Title
Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin
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Multiple sclerosis; cost; disease-modifying drugs; relapse; resource use; retrospective database
Background: Administrative-claims data enable comparative effectiveness assessment using large numbers of patients treated in real-world settings.
Objective: To evaluate real-world relapses, healthcare costs and resource use in patients with MS newly initiating subcutaneous interferon beta-1a (sc IFNβ-1a) v. oral disease-modifying drugs (DMDs: dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, teriflunomide).
Methods: Patients from an administrative claims database (1 Jan 2012-31 Dec 2015) were selected if they: were 18-63 years old; had an MS diagnosis; had newly initiated sc IFNβ-1a, dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, or teriflunomide (first claim = index); had no evidence of DMD 12-months pre-index; and had 12-month eligibility pre- and post-index. Relapse was defined as an MS-related inpatient stay, emergency room visit, or outpatient visit with a corticosteroid prescription ± 7 days. Outcomes were evaluated using logistic regression and generalized linear models.
Results: A total of 4475 patients met inclusion criteria: 21.9% sc IFNβ-1a, 51.0% dimethyl fumarate, 19.7% fingolimod, 7.4% teriflunomide. Teriflunomide patients had 1.357 (95% CI 1.000, 1.831;
Conclusion: Patients initiating sc IFNβ-1a had better relapse outcomes v. teriflunomide, and lower all-cause costs v. fingolimod.
Area of Special Interest
Neurosciences (Brain & Spine)
Specialty/Research Institute