Untreated incomplete isolated cleft palate: cadaveric findings.

Publication Title

Anatomical science international / Japanese Association of Anatomists

Document Type


Publication Date



Anatomy; Cadaver; Deformity; Isolated cleft palate; Surgery


Isolated cleft palate without cleft lip is a rare deformity. Cleft lip and cleft palate can sometimes develop in combination with a syndrome due to genetic causes. Affected patients have morbidity through life from birth and experience comprehensive treatment for such clefts including surgery. It is extremely rare that the untreated clefts are found during routine cadaveric dissection, since many patients have treatment for clefts in developed countries. Herein, we present a case of an untreated incomplete isolated cleft palate on the right side of the maxilla. An oronasal fistula was found in the same location as the missing right maxillary lateral incisor, and the soft palate was considerably intruding into the hard palate but without penetration into the nasal cavity. The right incisivus labii superioris muscle forming the oral vestibule was incompletely torn with two fistulae. An incomplete bony defect was found on the right maxilla without oronasal or oroantral fistula. This paper may contribute to evaluating the disturbed site of the incomplete isolated cleft palate with no treatment.

Area of Special Interest

Neurosciences (Brain & Spine)

Specialty/Research Institute


Specialty/Research Institute

Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
