Submissions from 2022
Clinical Factors and Outcomes When Real-World Heart Teams Overruled STS Risk Scores in TAVR Cases., Jackson M King, Morgan T Black, Ruyun Jin, Gary L Grunkemeier, Branden Reynolds, Brydan Curtis, Robert W. Hodson, Erika A Strehl, Sameer Gafoor, Matthew Forrester, Emily J Cox, and Michael Ring
Utilization of palliative care resource remains low, consuming potentially avoidable hospital admissions in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer: a community-based retrospective review., Austin M Meggyesy, Kerrie E Buehler, Candice L. Wilshire, Shih-Ting Chiu, Shu-Ching Chang, Joshua R Rayburn, Christopher R Gilbert, and Jed A Gorden
Evaluation of inter-observer variability regarding aortic and mitral valve findings on transesophageal echocardiograms ordered for suspected endocarditis., Kristina B Moon, Matthew C Tattersall, Maame Adoe, Fauzia Osman, and Peter S Rahko
ASO Visual Abstract: Impact of Locoregional Treatment on Survival in Young Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer Undergoing Upfront Surgery., Javier I Orozco, Jennifer Keller, Shu-Ching Chang, Crystal E Fancher, and Janie Grumley
Impact of Locoregional Treatment on Survival in Young Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer undergoing Upfront Surgery., Javier I Orozco, Jennifer Keller, Shu-Ching Chang, Crystal E Fancher, and Janie Grumley
Safety and efficiency of percutaneous coronary intervention using a standardised optical coherence tomography workflow., Eric A Osborn, Michael Johnson, Aziz Maksoud, Daniel Spoon, Frank J Zidar, Ethan C Korngold, Jana Buccola, Hector Garcia Cabrera, Richard J Rapoza, Nick E J West, and Judah Rauch
Fulminant Myocarditis Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection:, Saurabh Rajpal, Rami Kahwash, Matthew S Tong, Kelly Paschke, Anjali A Satoskar, Beth Foreman, Larry A Allen, Nicole M Bhave, Tyler J Gluckman, and Valentin Fuster
Fulminant Myocarditis Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection: JACC Patient Care Pathways., Saurabh Rajpal, Rami Kahwash, Matthew S Tong, Kelly Paschke, Anjali A Satoskar, Beth Foreman, Larry A Allen, Nicole M Bhave, Tyler J Gluckman, and Valentin Fuster
Discordance Between Standard Equations for Determination of LDL Cholesterol in Patients With Atherosclerosis., Aparna Sajja, Hsin-Fang Li, Kateri Spinelli, Roger S Blumenthal, Salim S Virani, Seth S Martin, and Tyler J Gluckman
Clinical Trial Participation and COVID-19: a Descriptive Analysis from the American Heart Association's Get With The Guidelines Registry., Kevin S Shah, Adriana E Reyes-Miranda, Steven M Bradley, Khadijah Breathett, Sandeep R Das, Tyler J Gluckman, Divya Gupta, Daniel T Leung, R Kannan Mutharasan, Pamela N Peterson, Emily S Spivak, and Rashmee U Shah
Clinical Trial Participation and COVID-19: a Descriptive Analysis from the American Heart Association's Get With The Guidelines Registry., Kevin S Shah, Adriana E Reyes-Miranda, Steven M Bradley, Khadijah Breathett, Sandeep R Das, Tyler J Gluckman, Divya Gupta, Daniel T Leung, R Kannan Mutharasan, Pamela N Peterson, Emily S Spivak, and Rashmee U Shah
Preoperative Risk Prediction for Pancreatectomy: A Comparative Analysis of Three Scoring Systems., Holly Spitzer, Ryan Yang, Phillip Kemp Bohan, Shu-Ching Chang, Gary Grunkemeier, Timothy Vreeland, and Daniel W Nelson
2022 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Cardiovascular Sequelae of COVID-19 in Adults: Myocarditis and Other Myocardial Involvement, Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection, and Return to Play: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee., Writing Committee, Tyler J Gluckman, Nicole M Bhave, Larry A Allen, Eugene H Chung, Erica S Spatz, Enrico Ammirati, Aaron L Baggish, Biykem Bozkurt, William K Cornwell, Kimberly G Harmon, Jonathan H Kim, Anuradha Lala, Benjamin D Levine, Matthew W Martinez, Oyere Onuma, Dermot Phelan, Valentina O Puntmann, Saurabh Rajpal, Pam R Taub, and Amanda K Verma
Submissions from 2021
Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices in the Intensive Care Unit: Post-Implant Care and Management, Jacob Abraham (Ed) and Joseph E. Parrillo (Ed)
Chapter: Blood compatibility/hemolysis, Jacob Abraham
Heart Failure-Related Cardiogenic Shock: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Management Considerations: Review of Heart Failure-Related Cardiogenic Shock., Jacob Abraham, Vanessa Blumer, Dan Burkhoff, Mohit Pahuja, Shashank S Sinha, Carolyn Rosner, Esther Vorovich, Gillian Grafton, Aaron Bagnola, Jaime A Hernandez-Montfort, and Navin K Kapur
Assessing hemodynamic response to submaximal exercise in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients using an implantable hemodynamic monitor., Sophia Airhart, Nima Badie, Mark Doyle, Priscilla Correa-Jacque, Curt Daniels, and Raymond Benza
Reply: Transcarotid trumps transapical/direct aortic access for transcatheter aortic valve replacement-It's a no brainer!, Keith B Allen, Adnan K Chhatriwalla, John Saxon, James Hermiller, David Heimansohn, Sina Moainie, Raymond G McKay, Mohiuddin Cheema, Brandon Jones, Robert W Hodson, Ethan Korngold, and Eric Kirker
THE BLEEDING RISK TREATMENT PARADOX AT THE PHYSICIAN 1 AND HOSPITAL LEVEL: IMPLICATIONS FOR REDUCING BLEEDING IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING PCI., Amit P Amin, Nathan Frogge, Hemant Kulkarni, Gene Ridolfi, Gregory Ewald, Rachel Miller, Bruce Hall, Susan Rogers, Tyler J Gluckman, Jeptha Curtis, Frederick A Masoudi, and Sunil V Rao
Transradial Access for High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Implications of the Risk-Treatment Paradox., Amit P Amin, Sunil V Rao, Arnold H Seto, Manoj Thangam, Richard G Bach, Samir Pancholy, Ian C Gilchrist, Prashant Kaul, Binita Shah, Mauricio G Cohen, Ty J Gluckman, Anna Bortnick, James T DeVries, Hemant Kulkarni, and Frederick A Masoudi
Repeated cross-sectional analysis of hydroxychloroquine deimplementation in the AHA COVID-19 CVD Registry., Steven M Bradley, Sophia Emmons-Bell, R Kannan Mutharasan, Fatima Rodriguez, Divya Gupta, Gregory Roth, Ty J Gluckman, Rashmee U Shah, Tracy Y Wang, Rohan Khera, Pamela N Peterson, and Sandeep Das
Major disparities in COVID-19 test positivity for patients with non-English preferred language even after accounting for race and social factors in the United States in 2020., Hannah Cohen-Cline, Hsin-Fang Li, Monique Gill, Fatima Rodriguez, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Harry Wolberg, Jacob Lippa, and Keri B Vartanian
The Cardiovascular Quality Improvement and Care Innovation Consortium: Inception of a Multicenter Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Care., CV-QUIC Collaborators, Steven M Bradley, Srinath Adusumalli, Amit P Amin, William B Borden, Sandeep R Das, William E Downey, Joseph E Ebinger, Joy Gelbman, Tyler J Gluckman, Abhinav Goyal, Divya Gupta, Umesh N Khot, Andrew E Levy, R Kannan Mutharasan, Pam Rush, Craig E Strauss, Satya Shreenivas, and P Michael Ho
Surge effects and survival to hospital discharge in critical care patients with COVID-19 during the early pandemic: a cohort study., Chris Dale, Rachael Starcher, Shu-Ching Chang, Ari Robicsek, Guilford Parsons, Jason D Goldman, Andre Vovan, David Hotchkin, and Tyler J Gluckman
Echocardiographic Ischemic Memory Molecular Imaging for Point-of-Care Detection of Myocardial Ischemia., Brian P Davidson, James Hodovan, Michael Layoun, Harsh Golwala, Firas Zahr, and Jonathan R Lindner
Remdesivir and Mortality in Patients with COVID-19., George A Diaz, Alyssa B Christensen, Tobias Pusch, Delaney Goulet, Shu-Ching Chang, Gary L Grunkemeier, Paul A McKelvey, Ari Robicsek, Tom French, Guilford T Parsons, Glenn Doherty, Charles Laurenson, Ryan Roper, Jennifer Hadlock, Cameron J Cover, Brent Footer, Philip Robinson, Mary Micikas, Jennifer E Marfori, Charlotte Cronenweth, Yogavedya Mukkamala, Jamie Mackiewicz, Ekra Rai, Martha Dickinson Matson, Jodie Davila, Justin Rueda, Reda Tipton, Heather Algren, Brittney C Ward, Stephen Malkoski, Tyler Gluckman, Gregory B Tallman, Henry Arguinchona, Terese C Hammond, Steven Standaert, Joshua Christensen, Jose F Echaiz, Robert Choi, Daniel McClung, Albert Pacifico, Martin Fee, Farjad Sarafian, William R Berrington, and Jason D Goldman
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: diagnosis and therapeutic options., Ty J Gluckman
Clinical Outcomes Associated With Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support Utilization in Heart Failure Related Cardiogenic Shock., Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Shashank S Sinha, Katherine L Thayer, Evan H Whitehead, Mohit Pahuja, Arthur Reshad Garan, Claudius Mahr, Jillian L Haywood, Neil M Harwani, August Schaeffer, Detlef Wencker, Manreet Kanwar, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
Right Ventricular Dysfunction Is Common and Identifies Patients at Risk of Dying in Cardiogenic Shock., Pankaj Jain, Katherine L Thayer, Jacob Abraham, Kay D Everett, Mohit Pahuja, Evan H Whitehead, Benjamin P Schwartz, Anuradha Lala, Shashank S Sinha, Manreet K Kanwar, A Reshad Garan, Jaime A Hernandez-Monfort, Claudius Mahr, Esther Vorovich, Detlef Wencker, James M McCabe, Tara Jones, Maithri Goud, Paulina Baca, Neil Harwani, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
Continuous Monitoring of Risk-Adjusted Outcomes: Excess Deaths vs. Lives Saved., Ruyun Jin, Gary L Grunkemeier, and Anthony P Furnary
Comparable Outcomes for Transcarotid and Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement at a High Volume US Center., Brandon Jones, V Kumar, Shih-Ting Chiu, Ethan C Korngold, Robert W. Hodson, Kateri Spinelli, and Eric B Kirker
Impact of age on outcomes in patients with cardiogenic shock, M Kanwar, KL Thayer, A Garan, J Hernandez-Montfort, EH Whitehead, C Mahr, S Sinha, E Vorovich, NM Harwani, E Zweck, Jacob Abraham, and D Burkhoff
The Benefits of Transcarotid Access for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: When will we stop being so surprised?, Eric B Kirker and Brandon Jones
Hospital Procedure Volume Not Associated with 30-day Stroke Rate for Transcarotid or Transaxillary/Subclavian TAVR., Eric Kirker and Brandon Jones
Chapter: Cardiovascular complications, Michael Layoun and M Ferencik
Dry Field Closure of Large-Bore Access With Iliac Artery Angioplasty Through the Ipsilateral Sheath: The Single-Access Dry-Closure Technique., Hady Lichaa, Jason R Wollmuth, and Rajiv Tayal
Plasma Lipidomic Patterns in Patients with Symptomatic Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction., Jonathan R Lindner, Brian P Davidson, Zifeng Song, Claudia S Maier, Jessica Minnier, Jan Frederick Stevens, Maros Ferencik, Sahar Taqui, J Todd Belcik, Federico Moccetti, Michael Layoun, Paul Spellman, Mitchell S Turker, Hagai Tavori, Sergio Fazio, Jacob Raber, and Gerd Bobe
Excess Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Amber K Sabbatini, Ari Robicsek, Shih-Ting Chiu, and Ty J Gluckman
A simplified approach to identification of risk status in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, Aparna Sajja, Hsin-Fang Li, Kateri Spinelli, Amir Ali, Salim S. Virani, Seth S. Martin, and Tyler J Gluckman
Cryoballoon Ablation as Initial Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation., Oussama M Wazni, Gopi Dandamudi, Nitesh Sood, Robert Hoyt, Jaret Tyler, Sarfraz Durrani, Mark Niebauer, Kevin Makati, Blair Halperin, Andre Gauri, Gustavo Morales, Mingyuan Shao, Jeffrey Cerkvenik, Rachelle E Kaplon, Steven E Nissen, and STOP AF First Trial Investigators
A Comparison of statistical methods for hospital performance assessment, Xiaoting Wu, Min Zhang, Ruyun Jin, Gary Grunkemeier, Charles Maynard, Ravi S. Hira, Todd Mackenzie, Morley Herbert, Chang He, Sari D. Holmes, Michael P. Thompson, and Donald S. Likosky
Cardiovascular Procedural Deferral and Outcomes over COVID-19 Pandemic Phases: A Multi-Center Study., Celina M Yong, Kateri J Spinelli, Shih Ting Chiu, Brandon Jones, Brian Penny, Santosh Gummidipundi, Shire Beach, Alex Perino, Mintu Turakhia, Paul Heidenreich, and Ty J Gluckman
Phenotyping Cardiogenic Shock., Elric Zweck, Katherine L Thayer, Ole K L Helgestad, Manreet Kanwar, Mohyee Ayouty, A Reshad Garan, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Claudius Mahr, Detlef Wencker, Shashank S Sinha, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, William O'Neill, Song Li, Gavin W Hickey, Jakob Josiassen, Christian Hassager, Lisette O Jensen, Lene Holmvang, Henrik Schmidt, Hanne B Ravn, Jacob E Møller, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
Submissions from 2020
Management of the Patient with Heart Failure and an Implantable Pulmonary Artery Hemodynamic Sensor, Jacob Abraham, Patrick J. McCann, Maya E. Guglin, Arvind Bhimaraj, Terrie-Ann S. Benjamin, Monique R. Robinson, Orvar T. Jonsson, Scott C. Feitell, Kunjan A. Bhatt, Mosi K. Bennett, JT Heywood, and Hemodynamic Frontiers in Heart Failure (HF2) Investigators
Transcarotid versus transthoracic access for transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A Propensity Matched Analysis, Keith B. Allen, Adnan K. Chhatriwalla, John Saxon, James Hermiller, David Heimansohn, Sina Moainie, Raymond G. McKay, Mohiuddin Cheema, Brandon Jones, Robert W. Hodson, Ethan C Korngold, and Eric B Kirker
Improving Care Pathways for Acute Coronary Syndrome: Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention., Amit P Amin, John A Spertus, Hemant Kulkarni, Christian McNeely, Sunil V Rao, Duane Pinto, John A House, John C Messenger, Richard G Bach, Abhinav Goyal, Adhir Shroff, Samir Pancholy, Steven M Bradley, Tyler J Gluckman, Thomas M Maddox, Jason H Wasfy, and Frederick A Masoudi
United States Pulmonary Hypertension Scientific Registry: Baseline Characteristics., Jessica B Badlam, David B Badesch, Eric D Austin, Raymond L Benza, Wendy K Chung, Harrison W Farber, Kathy Feldkircher, Adaani E Frost, Abby D Poms, Katie A Lutz, Michael W Pauciulo, Chang Yu, William C Nichols, C Gregory Elliott, additional authors, and Sophia Airhart
Feature | Thrombosis and COVID-19: FAQs For Current Practice, Geoffrey D. Barnes, Adam Cuker, Tyler J Gluckman, Gregory Piazza, and Deborah M. Siegal
What are thrombosis risk and management considerations in COVID-19?, Geoffrey D. Barnes, Adam Cuker, Tyler J Gluckman, Gregory Piazza, and Deborah M. Siegal
When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade: The Case of Hosting the Most Successful Regional Cardiovascular Symposium during the COVID19 Pandemic –– A Tale from the Oregon Chapter of the American College of Cardiology, Castigliano M. Bhamidipati, Alan Morasch, Ben Morasch, Jayne Mitchell, Tamara Atkinson, Charles R. Cannan, Brian Gross, Pasala Ravichandran, Aly Rahimtoola, Tyler J Gluckman, and Scott Chadderdon
Improving Workflow and Addressing Challenges in the Device Clinic, Scott Brancato
Chapter: Adults with Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Failure, Luke Burchill, Melissa Lee, Vidang P. Nguyen, and Karen Stout
Long-Term Durability of Transcatheter Valves: The Importance of Accurate Data., Eric G Butchart, John Chambers, Jeffrey S Borer, Gary Grunkemeier, and Ajit Yoganathan
Patterns of Hospital Bypass and Interhospital Transfer Among Patients With Heart Failure., Lee W Eschenroeder, Vidang P. Nguyen, Moni B Neradilek, Song Li, and Todd F Dardas
Same evidence, varying viewpoints: Three questions illustrating important differences between United States and European cholesterol guideline recommendations, David I. Feldman, Erin D. Michos, Neil J. Stone, Tyler J Gluckman, Miguel Cainzos-Achirica, Salim S. Virani, and Roger S. Blumenthal
Complete Hemodynamic Profiling With Pulmonary Artery Catheters in Cardiogenic Shock Is Associated With Lower In-Hospital Mortality., A Reshad Garan, Manreet Kanwar, Katherine L Thayer, Evan Whitehead, Elric Zweck, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Claudius Mahr, Jillian L Haywood, Neil M Harwani, Detlef Wencker, Shashank S Sinha, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, William O'Neill, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
Complete Hemodynamic Profiling With Pulmonary Artery Catheters in Cardiogenic Shock Is Associated With Lower In-Hospital Mortality., A Reshad Garan, Manreet Kanwar, Katherine L Thayer, Evan Whitehead, Elric Zweck, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Claudius Mahr, Jillian L Haywood, Neil M Harwani, Detlef Wencker, Shashank S Sinha, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, William O'Neill, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
Cardiac Surgery Consolidation — Improving Value in Care Delivery, Ty J. Gluckman, Jennifer K. Zelensky, and Daniel S. Oseran
General Guidance on Deferring Non-Urgent CV Testing and Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tyler J Gluckman
Trends in Diagnosis Related Groups for Inpatient Admissions and Associated Changes in Payment From 2012 to 2016., Tyler J Gluckman, Kateri Spinelli, Mansen Wang, Amir Yazdani, Gary Grunkemeier, Steven M Bradley, Jason H Wasfy, Abhinav Goyal, Andrew Oseran, and Karen E Joynt Maddox
How can remote patient monitoring help with cardiovascular prevention during COVID-19?, Tyler J Gluckman and Pam Taub
What is home-based cardiac rehabilitation and how could it be used during COVID-19?, Tyler J Gluckman and Pam Taub
What telehealth strategies are available to address stress, anxiety, physical inactivity, suboptimal nutrition and ongoing tobacco use in patients with cardiovascular disease?, Tyler J Gluckman and Pam Taub
Differential Use and Impact of Bleeding Avoidance Strategies on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention-Related Bleeding Stratified by Predicted Risk., Tyler J Gluckman, L Wang, Kateri Spinelli, John Petersen, Paul P Huang, Amit Amin, John C Messenger, and Sunil V Rao
Case Rates, Treatment Approaches, and Outcomes in Acute Myocardial Infarction During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, Tyler J Gluckman, Michael Wilson, Shih-Ting Chiu, Brian Penny, Vinaya Chepuri, John Waggoner, and Kateri Spinelli
Finding a Path to Inspiration, Xiaoyan Huang
Early cost-utility analysis of tissue-engineered heart valves compared to bioprostheses in the aortic position in elderly patients., Simone A Huygens, Isaac Corro Ramos, Carlijn V C Bouten, Jolanda Kluin, Shih Ting Chiu, Gary Grunkemeier, Johanna J M Takkenberg, and Maureen P M H Rutten-van Mölken
Rapid ventricular pacing during transcatheter valve procedures using an internal device and programmer: A demonstration of feasibility., BM Jones, Yash Jobanputra, Amar Krishnaswamy, Stephanie Mick, Mandeep Bhargava, Bruce L Wilkoff, and Samir R Kapadia
Continuity of care and outpatient management for patients with and at high risk for cardiovascular disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scientific statement from the American Society for Preventive Cardiology., Amit Khera, Seth J Baum, Tyler J Gluckman, Martha Gulati, Seth S Martin, Erin D Michos, Ann Marie Navar, Pam R Taub, Peter P Toth, Salim S Virani, Nathan D Wong, and Michael D Shapiro
Transcarotid vs Subclavian/Axillary Access for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement with SAPIEN 3., Eric B Kirker, Ethan C Korngold, Robert W. Hodson, BM Jones, Raymond McKay, Mohiuddin Cheema, David Heimansohn, Sina Moainie, James Hermiller, Adnan Chatriwalla, John Saxon, and Keith B Allen
Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction Hospitalizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Margaret Krasne, Tyler J Gluckman, Joseph Edward Marine, Roger S. Blumenthal, and Garima Sharma
2020 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation or Venous Thromboembolism Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee, Dharam J. Kumbhani, Christopher P. Cannon, Craig J. Beavers, Deepak L. Bhatt, Adam Cuker, Tyler J Gluckman, Joseph E. Marine, Roxana Mehran, Steven R. Messe, Nimesh S. Patel, Benjamin E. Peterson, Kenneth Rosenfield, Sarah A. Spinler, and Vinod H. Thourani
Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic from the Heart Rhythm Society COVID-19 Task Force; Electrophysiology Section of the American College of Cardiology; and the Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association., Dhanunjaya R Lakkireddy, Mina K Chung, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Kristen K Patton, Tyler J Gluckman, Mohit Turagam, Jim Cheung, Parin Patel, Jaun Sotomonte, Rachel Lampert, Janet K Han, Bharath Rajagopalan, Lee Eckhardt, Jose Joglar, Kristin Sandau, Brian Olshansky, Elaine Wan, Peter A Noseworthy, Miguel Leal, Elizabeth Kaufman, Alejandra Gutierrez, Joseph M Marine, Paul J Wang, and Andrea M Russo
COVID-19 Clinical Guidance For the Cardiovascular Care Team, Thomas M. Maddox, Eric C. Stecker, Biykem Bozkurt, Nathalie DeMichelis, John U. Doherty, Andrew Freeman, Tyler J Gluckman, Dipti Itchhaporia, Andrew P. Miller, Andrea L. Price, Lonny Reisman, Prem Soman, Mohammad Madjid, Scott D. Solomon, and Orly Vardeny
Chapter: Primary Care of the Adult Heart Transplant Recipient, Vidang P. Nguyen, Andy Y. Lee, and Richard K. Cheng
Chapter: Ventricular Assist Device as Bridge-to-Transplant, Vidang P. Nguyen and Song Li
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology, Clinical Spectrum and Implications for the Cardiovascular Clinician, Ohad Oren, Stephen L. Kopecky, Tyler J Gluckman, Bernard J. Gersh, and Roger S. Blumenthal
The Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Implications: Understanding Safety Discrepancies to Improve Interpretation and Design of Clinical Trials., Ohad Oren, Eric H Yang, Tyler J Gluckman, Erin D Michos, Roger S Blumenthal, and Bernard J Gersh
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Presentation and Outcomes for Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19: Findings from the American Heart Association's COVID-19 Cardiovascular Disease Registry., Fatima Rodriguez, Nicole Solomon, James A de Lemos, Sandeep R Das, David A Morrow, Steven M Bradley, Mitchell S V Elkind, Joseph H Williams Iv, DaJuanicia Holmes, Roland A Matsouaka, Divya Gupta, Tyler J Gluckman, Marwah Abdalla, Michelle A Albert, Clyde W Yancy, and Tracy Y Wang
Lower Rates of Heart Failure and All-Cause Hospitalizations During Pulmonary Artery Pressure-Guided Therapy for Ambulatory Heart Failure: One-Year Outcomes From the CardioMEMS Post-Approval Study., David M Shavelle, Akshay S Desai, William T Abraham, Robert C Bourge, Nirav Raval, Lisa D Rathman, J Thomas Heywood, Rita A Jermyn, Jamie Pelzel, Orvar T Jonsson, Maria Rosa Costanzo, John D Henderson, Marie-Elena Brett, Philip B Adamson, Lynne W Stevenson, CardioMEMS Post-Approval Study Investigators, and Jacob Abraham (CardioMEMS Post-Approval Study Investigator)
The Role of Hemodynamic Support in High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Charles Simonton, Craig Thompson, Jason R Wollmuth, D Lynn Morris, and Thom G. Dahle
Breaking the Mold: Designing Health Plans That Do Not Impede Delivery of High-Value Care., Eric C Stecker, Lonny Reisman, Larry A Allen, and Tyler J Gluckman
Invasive Hemodynamic Assessment and Classification of In-Hospital Mortality Risk Among Patients With Cardiogenic Shock., Katherine L Thayer, Elric Zweck, Mohyee Ayouty, A Reshad Garan, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, Claudius Mahr, Kevin J Morine, Sarah Newman, Lena Jorde, Jillian L Haywood, Neil M Harwani, Michele L Esposito, Carlos D Davila, Detlef Wencker, Shashank S Sinha, Esther Vorovich, Jacob Abraham, William O'Neill, James Udelson, Daniel Burkhoff, and Navin K Kapur
2020 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Management of Bleeding in Patients on Oral Anticoagulants: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee., Gordon F Tomaselli, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Adam Cuker, Paul P Dobesh, John U Doherty, John W Eikelboom, Roberta Florido, Tyler J Gluckman, William J Hucker, Roxana Mehran, Steven R Messé, Alexander C Perino, Fatima Rodriguez, Ravindra Sarode, Deborah M Siegal, and Barbara S Wiggins
Trends in vascular complications and associated treatment strategies following transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement., Brant W Ullery, Ruyun Jin, Eric B Kirker, Greg Hayes, Leland Siwek, James Brevig, Robert W. Hodson, and Kateri Spinelli
Global impact of the first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic wave on vascular services., Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN) COVER study collaborative and Brant Ullery (Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN) COVER study collaborative)
A multicenter trial of a shared DECision Support Intervention for Patients offered implantable Cardioverter-DEfibrillators: DECIDE-ICD rationale, design, Medicare changes, and pilot data., Bryan C Wallace, Larry A Allen, Christopher E Knoepke, Russell E Glasgow, Carmen L Lewis, Diane L Fairclough, Laura J Helmkamp, Monica D Fitzgerald, Wendy S Tzou, Daniel B Kramer, Paul D Varosy, Sanjaya K Gupta, John M Mandrola, Scott Brancato, Pamela N Peterson, and Daniel D Matlock
Select Drug-Drug Interactions With Direct Oral Anticoagulants: JACC Review Topic of the Week., Barbara S Wiggins, Dave L Dixon, Ron R Neyens, Robert L Page, and Tyler J Gluckman
Facilitating the identification of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction and heart failure and the assessment of their readmission risk through the Patient Navigator Program., Carolyn M Wu, Nancy M Albert, Tyler J Gluckman, Di Lu, Susan Rogers, Julie Mobayed, Shilpa Patel, and William S Weintraub
Boosting NAD level suppresses inflammatory activation of PBMCs in heart failure., Bo Zhou, Dennis Ding-Hwa Wang, Yanhua Qiu, Sophia Airhart, Yaxin Liu, April Stempien-Otero, Kevin D O'Brien, and Rong Tian
Submissions from 2019
Association of Ambulatory Hemodynamic Monitoring With Clinical Outcomes in a Concurrent Matched Control Analysis., Jacob Abraham, Rupinder Bharmi, Orvar Jonsson, Guilherme H Oliveira, Andre Artis, Ali Valika, Robert Capodilupo, Philip B Adamson, Gregory Roberts, Nirav Dalal, Akshay S Desai, and Raymond L Benza
Internal Jugular Vein as Alternative Access for Implantation of a Wireless Pulmonary Artery Pressure Sensor., Jacob Abraham, Patrick McCann, L Wang, Amanda Schnell Heringer, Jeff Paulsen, Jay Chappell, Joshua Remick, Daniel Westerdahl, Rebecca Lewis, Katherine Callis, Kateri Spinelli, and Liviu Klein
Hemodynamic, Therapeutic, and Clinical Outcomes of Ambulatory Pressure-Guided Heart Failure Management, Jacob Abraham, L Wang, Rebecca Lewis, Katherine Callis, Joshua Remick, and Kateri Spinelli
Development and Initial Validation of the PROMIS®-Plus-HF Profile Measure., Faraz S Ahmad, Michael A Kallen, Karen E Schifferdecker, Kathleen L Carluzzo, Susan E Yount, Jill M Gelow, Peter A McCullough, Stephen E Kimmel, Elliot S Fisher, and David Cella
Clinician's Guide to the Updated ABCs of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: A Review Part 1., Kelly Arps, Vincent A Pallazola, Rhanderson Cardoso, Joseph Meyer, Richard Jones, Jacqueline Latina, Tyler J Gluckman, Neil J Stone, Roger S Blumenthal, and John W McEvoy
Clinician's Guide to the Updated ABCs of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: A Review Part 2., Kelly Arps, Vincent A Pallazola, Rhanderson Cardoso, Joseph Meyer, Richard Jones, Jacqueline Latina, Tyler J Gluckman, Neil J Stone, Roger S Blumenthal, and John W McEvoy
Device-detected congestion is associated with worse patient-reported outcomes in heart failure., Jonathan P Auld, James O Mudd, Jill M Gelow, Karen S Lyons, Shirin O Hiatt, and Christopher S Lee
Do annuloplasty rings designed to treat ischemic/functional mitral regurgitation alter left-ventricular dimensions in the acutely ischemic ovine heart?, Wolfgang Bothe, John-Peder Escobar Kvitting, Manuel K Rausch, Tomasz A Timek, Julia C Swanson, David H Liang, Mario Walther, Ellen Kuhl, Neil B Ingels, and D Craig Miller
Cross-classification of physical and affective symptom clusters and 180-day event-free survival in moderate to advanced heart failure., Quin E Denfeld, Julie T Bidwell, Jill M Gelow, James O Mudd, Christopher V Chien, Shirin O Hiatt, and Christopher S Lee
Implications of Left Ventricular Geometry in Low-Flow Aortic Stenosis: A PARTNER 2 Trial Subanalysis., Zachary M Gertz, Philippe Pibarot, Pamela S Douglas, Sammy Elmariah, Maria C Alu, Thomas McAndrew, Yiran Zhang, Robert W. Hodson, Rebecca T Hahn, Neil J Weissman, Brian R Lindman, Marie-Annick Clavel, Stamatios Lerakis, Amr E Abbas, Vinod H Thourani, Susheel Kodali, Samir Kapadia, Rakesh M Suri, Raj Makkar, Michael Mack, Martin B Leon, and Howard C Herrmann