Arabic Video: ما هو الإنتان؟ (What is Sepsis?)
Video: ما هو الإنتان؟ (What is Sepsis - Arabic)
Chinese-Simplified Video: 什么是败血症?(What is Sepsis?)
Video: 什么是败血症? (What is Sepsis - Simplified Chinese)
English Video: Recovering from Sepsis
Video: Recovering from Sepsis (English) Sepsis survivors share their personal experiences while Dr. Tony Riddick, pulmonologist for Providence, delves into the critical aspects surrounding this frequently fatal infection.
Spanish Video: ¿Qué es Septicemia? (What is Sepsis?)
Video: ¿Qué es Septicemia? (What is Sepsis - Spanish)
Spanish Video: Recuperándose de la sepsis - Recovering from Sepsis (Subtitles)
Video: Recuperándose de la sepsis - Recovering from Sepsis (Spanish Subtitles) Sepsis survivors share their personal experiences while Dr. Tony Riddick, pulmonologist for Providence, delves into the critical aspects surrounding this frequently fatal infection.
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