
Submissions from 2025


Tabletop Simulation as an Innovative Tool for Clinical Workflow Testing., Heather Bissmeyer, Cara Gallegos, Shelly Randazzo, Chrissy Scheffler, Lyn Sullivan Lee, and Lindsey Powell

Submissions from 2024

Chronic Disease Prevention in the Worksite, E Ablah, Mary Imboden, and A Zendell


Leveraging the electronic health record to identify delivery of goal-concordant care., Catherine L Auriemma, Anne Song, Lake Walsh, Jason Han, Sophia Yapalater, Alexander Bain, Lindsay Haines, Stefania Scott, Casey Whitman, Stephanie P Taylor, Gary E Weissman, Matthew J Gonzales, Roshanthi Weerasinghe, Staci J Wendt, and Katherine R Courtright


The Business of Busyness: Sorting Through the Health Care Miasma to Get to the Future, Joyce Batcheller, Barry Dornfield, Sylvain Trepanier, and Patricia Yoder-Wise


Value-Based Contracting in Clinical Care., Claire Boone, Anna Zink, Bill J. Wright, and Ari Robicsek


Creating More Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Swedish General Surgery Residency, Bruce Carman


Mitigating the systemic loss of nitrous oxide: a narrative review and data-driven practice analysis., Brian B. Chesebro and Seema Gandhi


Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic: Updating Our Approach to Masking in Health Care Facilities., Eric J Chow, John B Lynch, Danielle M Zerr, Francis X Riedo, Mary Fairchok, Steven A Pergam, Christopher S Baliga, John Pauk, James Lewis, and Jeffrey S Duchin


A Physician-Created Platform to Speed Clinical Decision-Making and Referral Workflow, Eve Cunningham, Jessica Schlicher, Adrian Yanes, Erin Longley, and Rebecca Poage


Same day discharge colon surgery: is it financially worth it?, Karleigh R Curfman, Gabrielle E Blair, Callan L Kosnik, Sunshine A Pille, Michael E Parsons, Chirag A Shah, Christopher C Neighorn, and Laila Rashidi


Strategies Physicians Use to Develop Leadership Skills, Judy Ann Ducsik


Frontline Leadership: Nurses in Special Pathogens Preparedness and Response., Jade B Flinn, Christa Arguinchona, Angela Vasa, Sharon Vanairsdale Carrasco, Iris Agreiter, Stefan Boxnick, Benjamin Stadtmann, and Patricia Ann Tennill


A Celebration of Innovation and Discovery in Healthcare, Cara Gallegos


How Should Health Care Organizations Limit Roles of Human Trafficking in Their Labor and Supply Chains?, Mollie Gordon, Rebecca Chen, John Coverdale, Mike Schiller, Hanni Stoklosa, and Phuong Nguyen


Optimize and Thrive: An Electronic Health Record Optimization Program Case Study., Sarah Hathaway and Melinda Earle


A Multisite Initiative to Increase Utilization of Clinical Pathways in the Selection of Systemic Cancer Treatment, Kate Hough


Belonging: An Essential Human and Organizational Need., Mary T Imboden


A narrative review of how infection preventionist (IP) staffing and outcome metrics are assessed by health care organizations and factors to consider., Shanina C Knighton, Joshua Engle, Julia Berkson, and Rebecca Bartles


Leading Clinical Scholarship: Evolving an Enterprise-Level Nursing Research Program, Troy Larkin and Trisha Saul


Leading Clinical Scholarship: Evolving an Enterprise-Level Nursing Research Program, Troy Larkin and Trisha Saul


Intersectionality and Faculty Compensation in Academic Radiology in U.S., Ajay Malhotra, Dheeman Futela, Mihir Khunte, Xiao Wu, Seyedmehdi Payabvash, Dheeraj Gandhi, and John E Jordan


Beyond the Screen: Navigating Remote Work within Medicine., Anna E Merrill, Sarah A Hackenmueller, Colin Derdeyn, Jonathan Genzen, Damien Gruson, Melissa Ludgate, Surabhi Mulchandani, M Laura Parnas, and Erik Ranheim


Respiratory Therapy Leaders' Perceptions of Value of Respiratory Care Services., Andrew G Miller, Katlyn L Burr, John S Emberger, Carl R Hinkson, Cheryl A Hoerr, Jerin Juby, Karsten J Roberts, Brian J Smith, Shawna L Strickland, and Kyle J Rehder


Medicare Pass-Through Reimbursement for RN Residency: One Health Care System's Journey, LeAnn Ogilvie, Charles K Perkins, and Sylvain Trepanier


Chaplaincy and outpatient cancer care in a faith-based health system: lessons learned when imbedding two full time chaplain positions in a cancer institute with a faith-based heritage., Thomas Payne


The Importance of Networks and Relationships: Leveraging the Biocontainment Unit Leadership Workgroup for Special Pathogen Outbreak Response., Caroline C Persson, Christa Arguinchona, Sophia Y Shea, and Lauren M Sauer


Building a biocontainment unit: Infrastructure and organizational experiences of the 13 regional biocontainment units in the United States., Caroline Persson, Corri B Levine, Kara Marshall, Sophia Shea, Christa Arguinchona, Sharon Vanairsdale Carrasco, Lauren M Sauer, and Jocelyn J Herstein


Using Large Language Models to Abstract Complex Social Determinants of Health From Original and Deidentified Medical Notes: Development and Validation Study., Alexandra Ralevski, Nadaa Taiyab, Michael Nossal, Lindsay T Mico, Samantha Piekos, and Jennifer Hadlock


Comparisons of healthcare personnel relating to awareness, concern, motivation, and behaviours of climate and health: A cross-sectional study., Teresa Rangel, Sarah E Johnson, Patricia Joubert, Rosemary Timmerman, Stephan Smith, Gale Springer, and Elizabeth Schenk


Between a Badge Buddy and a Policy, Sean Robinson


Perceptions of multi-cancer early detection tests among communities facing barriers to health care., Kristi L Roybal, Robyn A Husa, Maria Connolly, Catherine T Dinh, Kara M. Bensley, and Staci J. Wendt


Emerging Special Pathogen C4I: Readiness is Achieved Through Commitment, Collaboration, Coordination, Cooperation, and Innovation, Darrell Ruby, Christa Arguinchona, Lindsey Bandow, David Brett-Major, Barb Dunham, Heather M. Flavell, Jake Lacore, James Lawler, Patti Lord, Brian Rogge, Mark Vazquez, and Jana Broadhurst

Innovative Pathways: Revolutionizing Competency Tracking through our Cutting-Edge App, Michelle Scortzaru (contributor), Tracy Scoville (contributor), Gavin Strong (contributor), Becky Weiderstrom (speaker), Shelly Hicks Cain (speaker), and Mitch Hartly (speaker)


Adaptive Leadership in Virtual Nursing Environments: Enhancing Teamwork, Engagement, and Retention, Michelle Scortzaru, Marta DeVolt, LeAnn Ogilvie, Julianne Luttrell, Melani Mangum-Williams, and Julia Parazin


Creation of a Common Framework to Evaluate Initial Registered Nurse Role Competency., Michelle Scortzaru, Troy Larkin, Julianne Luttrell, and Julia Parazin


Early Experiences With Bundled Payments for Care Improvement for Major Bowel Surgery., Udai S Sibia, John R Klune, Said Saiolghalam, and Anton J Bilchik


Nursing Leadership: The Rewards and Challenges of Leadership in Ambulatory Clinical Operations, Nicole Stuart-Pesevic and Suzanne Talarico


Erratum to “Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC” [Nurse Leader 22/5 (2024) 491-495], Sylvain Trepanier


Leader To Watch: Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC, Sylvain Trepanier


Safe Staffing Through New Models of Care, Sylvain Trepanier, Kathleen Sanford, Gay Landstrom, Rosalie Mainous, and Susan Bakewell-Sachs


Safe Staffing Through New Models of Care, Sylvain Trepanier, Kathleen Sanford, Gay Landstrom, Rosalie Mainous, and Susan Bakewell-Sachs

Oncology Social Work Competencies, Opportunities, Roles, and Expertise (CORE): Results from a Role Delineation Study, Bradley Zebrack, Meredith Doherty, Michael Grignon, Ting Guan, Nina Miller, Krista Nelson, Shirley Otis-Green, Makeeta Rayton, Tara Schapmire, and Lori Wiener

Submissions from 2023


Resolution of stuttering during ketamine treatment: a case report., Dan Bolton, Tegest Hailu, and Christina A Porucznik


Webinar: Demystifying Logic Models, Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CORE), Providence Health & Services, Portland, OR, USA


Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic: Updating Our Approach to Masking in Health Care Facilities., Eric J Chow, John B Lynch, Danielle M Zerr, Francis X Riedo, Mary Fairchok, Steven A Pergam, Christopher S Baliga, John Pauk, James Lewis, and Jeffrey S Duchin


Longitudinal Policy and Systems Change as a Component of Community Power., Claire Devine, Ritu Ghosal, Maggie Weller, Taylor Doren, Chia Hua Yu, Roxanne Marsillo, and Natalie Royal Kenton


Logic Model and Data System Recommendations, Claire Devine, Natalie Royal Kenton, Kristen Lacijan, and Maggie Weller


Co-Designing an Initiative to Increase Shared Access to Older Adults' Patient Portals: Stakeholder Engagement., Vadim Dukhanin, Jennifer L Wolff, Liz Salmi, Kendall Harcourt, Deborah Wachenheim, Ira Byock, Matthew J Gonzales, Doug Niehus, Marianne Parshley, Caroline Reay, Sara Epstein, Supriya Mohile, Timothy W Farrell, Mark A Supiano, Anushka Jajodia, Catherine M DesRoches, and Shared Access Project Team


Additional Priorities for Peer Services Brief, Lizzie Fussell


Peer Professional Development and Career Path Brief, Lizzie Fussell


Peer Supervision and Support Brief, Lizzie Fussell


Peer Training and Certification Brief, Lizzie Fussell


Southern Oregon Peer Workforce Project Presentation, Lizzie Fussell and Roxanne Marsillo


Southern Oregon Peer Workforce Project Report, Lizzie Fussell, Roxanne Marsillo, Natalie Royal Kenton, and Maggie Weller


Gaps in Behavioral Health Care in Rural Primary Care Clinics and the Promise of VBHI: Perspectives from Clinic Staff, Monique Gill


Investing in community power building to increase civic engagement through voting: lessons from the Building Healthy Communities initiative, Monique Gill, Benjamin Gronowski, Elliott Moon, Claire Devine, Megan Holtorf, and Bill J. Wright


Generating Insights from Catholic Social Teaching: Ethical Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Ministries, Nicholas Kockler


Cultivating a Mindset of Abundance., Troy Larkin

Developing nurse leaders using implicit bias recognition education, Troy Larkin


Exploration of System Chief Nurse Executive's Leadership Practices to Support, Mentor, Develop, and Retain Nurse Leaders., Giancarlo Lyle-Edrosolo, Marlon Garzo Saria, and K David Bailey


Poster: Frontline Nurse Leader Satisfaction and Retention: Voices of System Chief Nursing Executives, Giancarlo Lyle-Edrosolo, Marlon G Saria, and Kenneth David Bailey


Characteristics, Identification, Training, and Perception of Leaders in Respiratory Care., Andrew G Miller, Jerin Juby, Katlyn L Burr, Karsten J Roberts, Carl R Hinkson, Cheryl Hoerr, Brian J Smith, and Kyle J Rehder


Nursing Leadership Panel: Evaluating an Alternative Day Work Week for Nurse Leaders : A Pilot Study, Stephanie Nolan (Presenting Author), Trisha Saul (Presenting Author), and Candice Washilewski

A Pilot Study Evaluating an Alternative 4 Day Work Week for Nurse Leaders, Stephanie Nolan, Trisha Saul, and Candice Washilewski


Unmet palliative care service needs: a patient-centred metric., Nusha Safabakhsh, Megan P Lippe, Shahrooz Govahi, Matthew J Gonzales, and Ira Byock


Buy or Build: Challenges Developing Consumer Digital Health Interventions., Barry Saver, Jenna L Marquard, Jeremy Gummeson, Joanne Stekler, and James Scanlan


Post-Acute Care Struggles with Staffing Shortages, Thomas Schaaf


How to Avoid Being Disrupted, Rasu Shrestha and Sara Vaezy


Nursing Leadership Panel: The Relationship between Moral Injury, Moral Resilience, and the Healthy Work Environment among ICU Nurses: Implications for Nurse Leaders, Sarah Sumner


Leadership Legacy, Sylvain Trepanier


Supporting and Promoting a Diverse Team, Sylvain Trepanier


Experience of New Graduate Nurses in Nurse Residency Programs During the COVID-19 World Pandemic., Sylvain Trepanier, Cory Church, Martha Grubaugh, and LeAnn Ogilvie


The Impact of Accreditation on Nursing Transition Into Practice Residency Programs, Sylvain Trepanier, LeAnn Ogilvie, and Patricia S. Yoder-Wise


Implementing a Virtual Team Model in the Acute Care Setting, Sylvain Trepanier, Sherene Schlegel, Cynthia Salisbury, and Andria Moore


Implementing a Virtual Team Model in the Acute Care Setting., Sylvain Trepanier, Sherene Schlegel, Cynthia Salisbury, and Andria Moore


Patient-Reported Outcomes for Fully Vaccinated COVID-19 Patients Over 6 Weeks: The Experiences of Clinical Breakthrough Cases., Keri B Vartanian, Daniel Fish, Benjamin Gronowski, Natalie Royal Kenton, and Ari Robicsek


Cultivating a Cycle of Positive Human Experience., Katherine Virkstis and Sylvain Trepanier


Nursing Leadership Panel: Achieving Nurse Leader Respite Through Implementation of a Nurse Leader Cross-Coverage Program, Kathryn Webster

Submissions from 2022


Translating Individual Mentorship to Generalizable Action: Lessons Learned From J Randall Curtis., David H Au, Jacqueline A Chang, Timothy A Davidson, Lucas M Donovan, Christopher H Goss, Laura C Feemster, and Renee D Stapleton


Novel Tool Used for Measuring Team Resilience Among Caregivers in a Hospital Setting: Resilient Team Traits Identified, Tiara Benson, Ma Fe Chase, and Amanda Miles


HealthConnect Long-term Impact of the HealthConnect Hub by County, Hannah Cohen-Cline, Taylor Doren, Kyle G Jones, Katherine Marsi, JB Rinaldi, and Sarah E Roth


HealthConnect Hub Report Long Term Impact of Pathways, Hannah Cohen-Cline, Taylor Doren, Kyle G Jones, JB Rinaldi, and Sarah E Roth


Contributions of the Regional Emerging Special Pathogen Treatment Centers to the US COVID-19 Pandemic Response., Jonathan D Grein, Jennifer A Garland, Christa Arguinchona, Maria G Frank, Brian T Garibaldi, Amanda Grindle, Angela Hewlett, Susan Kline, Corri B Levine, Aneesh Mehta, Vikramjit Mukherjee, Lauren M Sauer, Eileen F Searle, Sharon Vanairsdale, and Angela Vasa


On evaluation metrics for medical applications of artificial intelligence., Steven A Hicks, Inga Strümke, Vajira Thambawita, Malek Hammou, Michael A Riegler, Pål Halvorsen, and Sravanthi Parasa


Evidence Review Peer Support and Peer Delivered Service, Roxanne Marsillo and Lizzie Fussell


CIO Podcast – Episode 25: Aaron Martin on Digital Health Innovation, Aaron Martin and John Lynn


Fireside Chat on the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Special Edition of the, Monica McLemore, Zhuo Adam Chen, Elle Lett, Raynald Samoa, April Moreno, Bei Wu, Leena Yin, Donglan Stacy Zhang, Wanda Montalvo, and Celine Nguyen


Leading with self-empathy: Self-empathy can help leaders find meaning and purpose during difficult times, Stephanie Nolan


SWACH Network Map Summary Report: HealthConnect Hub & Broader Ecosystem: Network Maps, Natalie Royal Kenton, Benjamin Gronowski, Sarah Roth, Hannah Cohen-Cline, and Abby Bush


SWACH 2022 Workforce Report: Understanding the Experiences of the HealthConnect Hub Workforce, Natalie Royal Kenton, Benjamin Gronowski, Raven Susu-Mago, and Abby Bush


Chronic Fatigue Predicts Hospital Nurse Turnover Intentions., Dana N Rutledge, Sarah Douville, and Elizabeth Winokur


Inhaled anaesthesia and analgesia contribute to climate change., Jodi D Sherman and Brian B. Chesebro


Barriers Identified by Nursing Leaders in Supporting Nursing Research, Marietta Sperry


Five Ways of Being to Impart on Managers., Sylvain Trepanier


A Health Care System's Approach to Support Nursing Leaders in Mitigating Burnout Amid a COVID-19 World Pandemic., Sylvain Trepanier, Robin Henderson, and Arpan Waghray


Comparative vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 over time in US hospital administrative data: a case-control study, Bill J. Wright, Samuel Tideman, George Diaz, Tom French, Guilford Parsons, and Ari Robicsek


Establishing core competencies, opportunities, roles and expertise for oncology social work, Brad Zebrack, Tara Schapmire, Shirley Otis-Green, Krista Nelson, Nina Miller, Donna Donna, and Michael Grignon

Submissions from 2021


The Role of the Nurse Leader in Reversing the New Graduate Nurse Intent to Leave, Larissa Africa and Sylvain Trepanier

Power & Power-Building in the BHC Initiative: Evaluating Complex, Place-based Initiatives Using Mixed & Integrated Methods, Lisa Angus, Claire Devine, Monique Gill, and Maggie Weller


Age-Friendly Health System Symposium, Don Berwick, Amy Berman, Rod Hochman, Amy Compton-Phillips, Sylvain Trepanier, Jennifer Bayersdorfer, Jaime Eggert, Matthew J Gonzales, Marian O. Hodges, Jordan Roth, Daniel Safranek, and Carrie B Rubenstein