Submissions from 2020
Facebook Live: Dr. Rod Hochman, Providence CEO and Prof. Jim Health Ph.D. discuss the science around Coronavirus., Rod Hochman and Jim Heath
PSBJ Straight Talk: Health care CEOs on Seattle's response to COVID-19, Rod Hochman, Gary Kaplan, Susan Mullaney, Paul Ramsey, and Emily Parkhurst
A Conversation with Rod Hochman, Chair-Elect Designate, American Hospital Association; President & CEO, Providence St. Joseph Health, Rod Hochman and Michael Milken
Facebook Live: COVID-19 Data Modeling and Analytics, Rod Hochman and Ari Robicsek
Breast cancer care during a pandemic: an opportune time for cryoablation?, Dennis R Holmes
First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States, Michelle L. Holshue, Chas DeBolt, Scott Lindquist, Kathy H. Lofy, John Wiesman, Hollianne Bruce, Christopher Spitters, Keith Ericson, Sara Wilkerson, Ahmet Tural, George Diaz, Amanda Cohn, LeAnne Fox, Anita Patel, Susan I. Gerber, Lindsay Kim, Suxiang Tong, Xiaoyan Lu, Steve Lindstrom, Mark A. Pallansch, William C. Weldon, Holly M. Biggs, Timothy M. Uyeki, and Satish K. Pillai
Patients With Natural Killer (NK) Cell Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Have Immature NK Cells and Hyperactivation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR and STAT1 Pathways., Matthew K Howe, Kennichi Dowdell, Hye Sun Kuehn, Qingxue Li, Geoffrey T Hart, Doreen Garabedian, Kelly Liepshutz, Amy P Hsu, Hua Su, Julie E Niemela, Jennifer L Stoddard, Gulbu Uzel, Evan Shereck, Laura Schulz, Tatyana Feldman, Sergio D Rosenzweig, Eric O Long, Lesia Dropulic, and Jeffrey I Cohen
Using a Virtual Platform for Interactive Communication Trainings in the COVID-19 Era: Lessons Learned, Caroline J. Hurd and Mari Matsumoto
Facebook Live: The effectiveness of wearing a face covering to stop the spread of COVID-19, Allie Hyams and Richard Davis
Facebook Live: Providence Update on COVID-19, Allie Hyams and George Diaz
De novo methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus vs. methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus infections of the spine, similar clinical outcome, despite more severe presentation in surgical patients., Basem Ishak, Amir Abdul-Jabbar, Gregory B Moss, Emre Yilmaz, Alexander von Glinski, Sven Frieler, Andreas W Unterberg, Ronan Blecher, Juan J Altafulla, Jeffrey R Roh, Robert A Hart, Rod J Oskouian, and Jens R Chapman
Facebook Live: Child Welfare and Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, Part 3, Larel Jacobs and Amy Thompson
Facebook Live: Covid-19 Vaccine 101, Michelle A. James and Rebecca Bartles
480 Preliminary evaluation of a novel coronavirus vaccine (CORVax) using electroporation of plasmid DNA encoding a stabilized prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone or with transfection of plasmid IL-12, Shawn M. Jensen, Christopher Twitty, Christopher Paustian, Madelein Laws, Glenna McDonnell, Keith W Wegman, Tarsem Moudgil, Michael E Afentoulis, Mia Han, Kellie Malloy Foerter, David Canton, Jack Lee, Bianca Nguyen, John Rodriguez, Kim Jaffe, Brian D. Piening, Carlo Bifulco, Daniel O'Connor, Walter Urba, Rom Leidner, Traci Hilton, Hong-Ming Hu, and Bernard A Fox
Facebook Live: A Conversation With Kristin Johnson, Acute and Critical Care Nurse Manager; Caregiver Mental Health and Wellness Resources, Kristin Johnson
Rehabilitation of Patients Presenting With Coronavirus Disease-19 and Hemiparesis A Case Series, Jennifer L. Jordan, Jeremy Rice, Shane Bassett, Jessica Lazore, and Douglas L Weeks
N95 Respirator Cleaning and Reuse Methods Proposed by the Inventor of the N95 Mask Material., Pascal S C Juang and Peter Tsai
Extremely premature infants, scarcity and the COVID-19 pandemic., Joseph Kaempf, Kevin M. Dirksen, and Nicholas Kockler
Baricitinib plus Remdesivir for Hospitalized Adults with Covid-19., Andre C Kalil, Thomas F Patterson, Aneesh K Mehta, Kay M Tomashek, Cameron R Wolfe, Varduhi Ghazaryan, Vincent C Marconi, Guillermo M Ruiz-Palacios, Lanny Hsieh, Susan Kline, Victor Tapson, Nicole M Iovine, Mamta K Jain, Daniel A Sweeney, Hana M El Sahly, Angela R Branche, Justino Regalado Pineda, David C Lye, Uriel Sandkovsky, Anne F Luetkemeyer, Stuart H Cohen, Robert W Finberg, Patrick E H Jackson, Babafemi Taiwo, Catherine I Paules, Henry Arguinchona, Paul Goepfert, Neera Ahuja, Maria Frank, Myoung-Don Oh, Eu S Kim, Seow Y Tan, Richard A Mularski, Henrik Nielsen, Philip O Ponce, Barbara S Taylor, LuAnn Larson, Nadine G Rouphael, Youssef Saklawi, Valeria D Cantos, Emily R Ko, John J Engemann, Alpesh N Amin, Miki Watanabe, Joanne Billings, Marie-Carmelle Elie, Richard T Davey, Timothy H Burgess, Jennifer Ferreira, Michelle Green, Mat Makowski, Anabela Cardoso, Stephanie de Bono, Tyler Bonnett, Michael Proschan, Gregory A Deye, Walla Dempsey, Seema U Nayak, Lori E Dodd, and John H Beigel
Baricitinib plus Remdesivir for Hospitalized Adults with Covid-19., Andre C Kalil, Thomas F Patterson, Aneesh K Mehta, Kay M Tomashek, Cameron R Wolfe, Varduhi Ghazaryan, Vincent C Marconi, Guillermo M Ruiz-Palacios, Lanny Hsieh, Susan Kline, Victor Tapson, Nicole M Iovine, Mamta K Jain, Daniel A Sweeney, Hana M El Sahly, Angela R Branche, Justino Regalado Pineda, David C Lye, Uriel Sandkovsky, Anne F Luetkemeyer, Stuart H Cohen, Robert W Finberg, Patrick E H Jackson, Babafemi Taiwo, Catherine I Paules, Henry Arguinchona, Paul Goepfert, Neera Ahuja, Maria Frank, Myoung-Don Oh, Eu S Kim, Seow Y Tan, Richard A Mularski, Henrik Nielsen, Philip O Ponce, Barbara S Taylor, LuAnn Larson, Nadine G Rouphael, Youssef Saklawi, Valeria D Cantos, Emily R Ko, John J Engemann, Alpesh N Amin, Miki Watanabe, Joanne Billings, Marie-Carmelle Elie, Richard T Davey, Timothy H Burgess, Jennifer Ferreira, Michelle Green, Mat Makowski, Anabela Cardoso, Stephanie de Bono, Tyler Bonnett, Michael Proschan, Gregory A Deye, Walla Dempsey, Seema U Nayak, Lori E Dodd, and John H Beigel
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Mortality Among COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Tarek Kashour, Aref A Bin Abdulhak, Haytham Tlayjeh, Leslie C Hassett, Anas Noman, Ala Mohsen, Mouaz H Al-Mallah, and Imad M Tleyjeh
COVID-19 in solid organ transplant: A multi-center cohort study., Olivia S Kates, Brandy M Haydel, Sander S Florman, Meenakshi M Rana, Zohra S Chaudhry, Mayur S Ramesh, Kassem Safa, Camille Nelson Kotton, Emily A Blumberg, Behdad D Besharatian, Sajal D Tanna, Michael G Ison, Maricar Malinis, Marwan M Azar, Robert M Rakita, Jose A Morillas, Aneela Majeed, Afrah S Sait, Mario Spaggiari, Vagish Hemmige, Sapna A Mehta, Henry Neumann, Abbasali Badami, Jason D Goldman, Anuradha Lala, Marion Hemmersbach-Miller, Margaret E McCort, Valida Bajrovic, Carlos Ortiz-Bautista, Rachel Friedman-Moraco, Sameep Sehgal, Erika D Lease, Cynthia E Fisher, Ajit P Limaye, and UW COVID-19 SOT Study Team
Facebook Live: PPE & Disease Update, Laurie Kelley and Rebecca Bartles
Facebook Live: Is it safe to travel during COVID-19?, Laurie Kelly and Charles C. Bailey
Facebook Live: How Providence is Helping in the Community During the COVID Pandemic, Laurie Kelly, Dora Barilla, and Timothy Zaricznyl
Facebook Live: How to decide whether to go to the ER vs Urgent Care, Laurie Kelly and Megan Farnsworth
Facebook Live: Case rates, treatment approaches, and outcomes in heart patients during COVID-19, Laurie Kelly and Tyler J Gluckman
Facebook Live: Compassionate Care for Elderly Patients in the Era of COVID-19, Laurie Kelly and Nancy B. Isenberg
Another essential role for procalcitonin., Brian A Kendall, Brent Footer, and Nicholas L Stucky
A national survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon burnout and career satisfaction among neurosurgery residents., Adham M Khalafallah, Shravika Lam, Abhishek Gami, David L Dornbos, Walavan Sivakumar, Jeremiah N Johnson, and Debraj Mukherjee
Burnout and career satisfaction among attending neurosurgeons during the COVID-19 pandemic., Adham M Khalafallah, Shravika Lam, Abhishek Gami, David L Dornbos, Walavan Sivakumar, Jeremiah N Johnson, and Debraj Mukherjee
Continuity of care and outpatient management for patients with and at high risk for cardiovascular disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scientific statement from the American Society for Preventive Cardiology., Amit Khera, Seth J Baum, Tyler J Gluckman, Martha Gulati, Seth S Martin, Erin D Michos, Ann Marie Navar, Pam R Taub, Peter P Toth, Salim S Virani, Nathan D Wong, and Michael D Shapiro
Providence COVID-19 Response: Support for Vulnerable Populations, Aimee Khuu, Joseph Ichter, Sherry Williams, Rachel Solotaroff, and Erin Maguire
Management of CLL Patients Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Survey of CLL Experts, Brian Koffman, Anthony Mato, John C. Byrd, Alexey Danilov, Brad Hedrick, Chaitra Ujjani, Lindsey Roeker, Deborah M. Stephens, Matthew S. Davids, John M Pagel, and Mazyar Shadman
Plasma levels of soluble ACE2are associated with sex, Metabolic Syndrome, and its biomarkers in a large cohort, pointing to a possible mechanism for increased severity in COVID-19., Sergey A Kornilov, Isabelle Lucas, Kathleen Jade, Chengzhen L Dai, Jennifer C Lovejoy, and Andrew T Magis
Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction Hospitalizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Margaret Krasne, Tyler J Gluckman, Joseph Edward Marine, Roger S. Blumenthal, and Garima Sharma
Clinical and virologic characteristics of the first 12 patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States., Stephanie A. Kujawski, Karen K. Wong, Jennifer P. Collins, Lauren Epstein, Marie E. Killerby, Claire M. Midgley, Glen R. Abedi, Olivia Almendares, Kayla N. Anderson, Vaughn Barry, Karlyn Beer, Isaac Benowitz, Holly M. Biggs, Alison M. Binder, Catherine H. Bozio, Jonathan Bryant-Genevier, Alicia Budd, Jordan Cates, Kevin Chatham-Stephens, Nora Chea, Victoria Chu, Max Cohen, Erin F. Conners, Aaron T. Curns, Vishal Dasari, Patrick Dawson, Matthew Donahue, Lindsey M. Duca, Mathew D. Esona, Leora R. Feldstein, Marc Fischer, Alicia Fry, Romeo R. Galang, Susan I. Gerber, Isaac Ghinai, Cheri Grigg, Aron J. Hall, Jennifer Harcourt, Amber K. Haynes, Michelle Holshue, Jennifer C. Hunter, Max W. Jacobs, Shifaq Kamili, Lindsay Kim, Hannah L. Kirking, Miwako Kobayashi, Ram Koppaka, Yan Li, Stephen Lindstrom, Ruth Link-Gelles, Joana Lively, Xiaoyan Lu, Brian Lynch, Lakshmi Malapati, Mariel Marlow, Nancy McClung, Olivia McGovern, Tristan D. McPherson, Sung-sil Moon, Ruth N. Moro, Janna' Murray, Shannon Novosad, Sara E. Oliver, Clinton R. Paden, Mark A. Pallansch, Manisha Patel, Satich K. Pillai, Talia Pindyck, Ian Pray, Krista Queen, Heather Reese, Brian Rha, Heather Rhodes, Melissa A. Rolfes, Janell A. Routh, Senthilkumar K. Sakthivel, Sarah Scott, Varun Shetty, Bryan Stierman, Azaibi Tamin, Ying Tao, Natalie J. Thornburg, Suxiang Tong, Anna Uehara, Timothy M. Uyeki, Grace Vahey, Jennifer R. Verani, Megan Wallace, Lijuan Wang, John T. Watson, Matthew Westercamp, Brett Whitaker, Rebecca C. Woodruff, Jonathan M. Wortham, Amy Xie, Anna Yousaf, Jing Zhang, N Seema Ahmed, Jennifer O'Shea, William Stoecker, Francisco N. Alvarez, Rachel Bystritsky, Sajan Patel, Sharon Balter, Howard Chiou, Rebecca Fisher, Chelsea Foo, Prabhu Gounder, Jeffrey D. Gunzenhauser, Meredith Haddix, Claire Jarashow, Talar Kamali, Moon Kim, Jan King, Roshan Reporter, Dawn Terashita, Elizabeth Traub, Karri Bartlett, Amanda Kita-Yarbro, Michael A. Ben-Aderet, Jeremy Falk, Oren Friedman, Jonathan Grein, Gary I. Gutkin, Kelly Lo, Gregory Marks, Mitali Mehta, Margie Morgan, Rekha Murthy, Isabel Pedraza, Christopher Shepherd, Ethan A. Smith, Tiffany Wu, Stephanie R. Black, Marielle J. Fricchione, Jennifer E. Layden, Tristan D. McPherson, Massimo Pacilli, Brandon Bonin, Sara Cody, George S. Han, Sarah L. Rudman, Shanon Smith, Elsa Villarino, Catherine M. Brown, Jennifer Lo, Larry Madoff, Hollianne Bruce, Diane Buell, Suzanne Evans, Melissa M. Garcia, Graham Gerrard, Michelle Livingston, Philip Robinson, Regina Sy-Santos, E Matt Charles, Isaac Ghinai, Demian Christiansen, Kiran Joshi, Rachel Rubin, Traci DeSalvo, Thomas Haupt, Rachel Klos, Anna Kocharian, Ian Pray, George Diaz, Keith Erickson, Audrey Meier, Ahmet Tural, Sarah Wilkerson, Suzanne Donovan, Glenn E. Mathisen, Martin Fenstersheib, Lynn Mello, Kathleen Harriman, Cora Hoover, Michelle Holshue, Scott Lindquist, Kenneth K. Komatsu, Susan Robinson, Nichole Quick, Matthew Zahn, Sarah Scott, and Rebecca Sunenshine
Reply to Barner and Bruno-Murtha., Ravina Kullar, Jerod Nagel, Susan C Bleasdale, Sarah H Sutton, Snezana Naumovski, Cheryl Smith, James E Leggett, Dana Wollins, Chris Busky, and Ellie J C Goldstein
Labor and delivery guidance for coronavirus disease 2019., David C. Lagrew and Laurence E Shields
Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic from the Heart Rhythm Society COVID-19 Task Force; Electrophysiology Section of the American College of Cardiology; and the Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association., Dhanunjaya R Lakkireddy, Mina K Chung, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Kristen K Patton, Tyler J Gluckman, Mohit Turagam, Jim Cheung, Parin Patel, Jaun Sotomonte, Rachel Lampert, Janet K Han, Bharath Rajagopalan, Lee Eckhardt, Jose Joglar, Kristin Sandau, Brian Olshansky, Elaine Wan, Peter A Noseworthy, Miguel Leal, Elizabeth Kaufman, Alejandra Gutierrez, Joseph M Marine, Paul J Wang, and Andrea M Russo
COVID-19 and cancer: A guide with suggested COVID-19 rule-out criteria to support clinical decision-making., Christopher Larson, Bryan Oronsky, Sharad Goyal, Carolyn Ray, Farah Hedjran, Terese C Hammond, Santosh Kesari, Scott Caroen, Michelle Lybeck, Vaughn E Dobalian, Arnold Oronsky, and Tony Reid
Academics in Absentia: An Opportunity to Rethink Conferences in the Age of Coronavirus Cancellations., Juan N Lessing, Lauren R Anderson, Nicholas M Mark, Lauren A Maggio, and Steven J Durning
Response: D-dimer triage for COVID-19., Chenghong Li, Zhenguo Zhai, and Bruce L Davidson
Mesenchymal stem cells as living anti-inflammatory therapy for COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome., Feng Lin, Thomas E Ichim, Sandeep Pingle, Lawrence D Jones, Santosh Kesari, and Shashaanka Ashili
Societal Impact of COVID-19, Chris Little and Rhonda Medows
Clinical Characteristics of 46 Pregnant Women with a SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Washington State., Erica M Lokken, Christie L Walker, Shani Delaney, Alisa Kachikis, Nicole M Kretzer, Anne Erickson, Rebecca Resnick, Jeroen Vanderhoeven, Joseph K Hwang, Nena Barnhart, Jasmine Rah, Stephen A Mccartney, Kimberly K Ma, Emily M Huebner, Chad Thomas, Jessica S Sheng, Bettina W Paek, Kristin Retzlaff, Carolyn R Kline, Jeff Munson, Michela Blain, Sylvia M Lacourse, Gail Deutsch, and Kristina Adams Waldorf
COVID-19 Clinical Guidance For the Cardiovascular Care Team, Thomas M. Maddox, Eric C. Stecker, Biykem Bozkurt, Nathalie DeMichelis, John U. Doherty, Andrew Freeman, Tyler J Gluckman, Dipti Itchhaporia, Andrew P. Miller, Andrea L. Price, Lonny Reisman, Prem Soman, Mohammad Madjid, Scott D. Solomon, and Orly Vardeny
Culture of Health: Deaths of Despair, Michelle Marie, Benjamin F. Miller, Miyume McKinley, Meredith O'Connor, Jenna Andrews, and Taylor Wesley
COVID-19: Providence Calls Healthcare Innovators to Make a Difference in the Pandemic, Aaron Martin and Sara Vaezy
Technology Partnerships in the Time of COVID-19, Aaron Martin and Sara Vaezy
Why Having a Technology Incubator Inside a Health System is Helping Patients and Providers Respond to COVID-19, Aaron Martin and Sara Vaezy
Crippling life support for SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses through synthetic lethality., Fred D Mast, Arti T Navare, Almer M van der Sloot, Jasmin Coulombe-Huntington, Michael P Rout, Nitin Baliga, Alexis Kaushansky, Brian T Chait, Alan Aderem, Charles M Rice, Andrej Sali, Mike Tyers, and John D Aitchison
Outcomes of COVID-19 in Patients with CLL: A Multicenter, International Experience., Anthony R Mato, Lindsey Elizabeth Roeker, Nicole Lamanna, John Allan, Lori Ann Leslie, John M Pagel, Krish Patel, Anders Osterborg, Daniel Wojenski, Manali Kamdar, Scott F Huntington, Matthew S Davids, Jennifer R Brown, Darko Antic, Ryan W Jacobs, Inhye E Ahn, Jeffrey J Pu, Krista Isaac, Paul M Barr, Chaitra Ujjani, Mark Blaine Geyer, Ellin Berman, Andrew D Zelenetz, Nikita Malakhov, Richard R Furman, Michael Koropsak, Neil Bailey, Lotta Hansson, Guilherme Fleury Perini, Shuo Ma, Christine E Ryan, Adrian Wiestner, Craig A Portell, Mazyar Shadman, Elise A Chong, Danielle M Brander, Suchitra Sundaram, Amanda N Seddon, Erlene Seymour, Meera Patel, Nicolas Martinez-Calle, Talha Munir, Renata Walewska, Angus Broom, Harriet Sarah Walter, Dima El-Sharkawi, Helen Parry, Matthew R Wilson, Piers E Patten, José-Ángel Hernández-Rivas, Fatima Miras, Noemi Fernández Escalada, Paola Ghione, Chadi Nabhan, Sonia Lebowitz, Erica B Bhavsar, Javier López-Jiménez, Daniel Naya, Jose Antonio Garcia-Marco, Sigrid S Skånland, Raul Cordoba, and Toby Andrew Eyre
Facebook Live: Impact of COVID-19: Digital opportunities for scaling behavioral health, Julie McComish and Arpan Waghray
Put a lid on it: Are faecal bio-aerosols a route of transmission for SARS-CoV-2?, Carmen V McDermott, Radica Z Alicic, Niels Harden, Emily J Cox, and James M Scanlan
COVID-19 and Gastrointestinal Tract Symptoms: Recognition, Containment, and Learning From the Past., Carmen V McDermott, Emily J Cox, James M Scanlan, and Radica Alicic
High Prevalence of Multidrug-Resistant Organism Colonization in 28 Nursing Homes: An "Iceberg Effect"., James A McKinnell, Loren G Miller, Raveena D Singh, Gabrielle Gussin, Ken Kleinman, Job Mendez, Bryn Laurner, Tabitha D Catuna, Lauren Heim, Raheeb Saavedra, James Felix, Crystal Torres, Justin Chang, Marlene Estevez, Joanna Mendez, Gregory Tchakalian, Leah Bloomfield, Sandra Ceja, Ryan Franco, Aaron Miner, Aura Hurtado, Ratharo Hean, Alex Varasteh, Philip A Robinson, Steven Park, Steven Tam, Thomas Tjoa, Jiayi He, Shalini Agrawal, Stacey Yamaguchi, Harold Custodio, Jenny Nguyen, Cassiana E Bittencourt, Kaye D Evans, Vincent Mor, Kevin McConeghy, Robert A Weinstein, Mary K Hayden, Nimalie D Stone, Karl Steinberg, Nancy Beecham, Jocelyn Montgomery, Walters DeAnn, Ellena M Peterson, and Susan S Huang
CHA Pandemic Webinar: Lessons From Ground Zero, Rhonda Medows
A commentary: Health disparities in America are real, Rhonda M. Medows
Facebook Live: Holiday Safety and COVID-19, Rhonda Medows and Angela Marith
COVID-19: The Triple Threat Against Our Well Being, Benjamin F. Miller, Danya Matthew, Carol Graham, and Ashwin Vasan
Corticosteroid Injections and COVID-19 Infection Risk., David C Miller, Jaymin Patel, Jatinder Gill, Ryan Mattie, Mathew Saffarian, Byron J Schneider, Adrian Popescu, Vivek Babaria, and Zachary L McCormick
COVID-19 in Seattle-Early lessons learned., Gregg A. Miller, Cameron R Buck, Christopher S Kang, Jennifer M Aviles, Bradley N Younggren, Scott Osborn, and Catharine R Keay
COVID‐19 in Seattle—Early lessons learned, Gregg A. Miller, Cameron R. Buck, Christopher S. Kang, Jennifer M. Aviles, Bradley N. Younggren, Scott Osborn, and Catherine Keay
Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution: Work on Your Listening System, Namita Seth Mohta and Sandra Andrews
Power Panel: Providence Panel - Ideagen Global Innovation 2030 Digital Summit!, BJ Moore, Amy Compton-Phillips, Ari Robicsek, and Michael Larson
Dollars alone can't measure the value of mental health investments, Tyler Norris
Flattening the 2nd Curve, Tyler Norris
Remdesivir for Severe COVID-19 versus a Cohort Receiving Standard of Care., Susan A Olender, Katherine K Perez, Alan S Go, Bindu Balani, Eboni G Price-Haywood, Nirav S Shah, Su Wang, Theresa L Walunas, Shobha Swaminathan, Jihad Slim, BumSik Chin, Stéphane De Wit, Shamim M Ali, Alex Soriano Viladomiu, Philip A Robinson, Robert L Gottlieb, Tak Yin Owen Tsang, I-Heng Lee, Richard H Haubrich, Anand P Chokkalingam, Lanjia Lin, Lijie Zhong, B Nebiyou Bekele, Robertino Mera-Giler, Joel Gallant, Lindsey E Smith, Anu O Osinusi, Diana M Brainard, Hao Hu, Chloé Phulpin, Holly Edgar, Helena Diaz-Cuervo, and Jose I Bernardino
The Impact of Replacing Peripheral Intravenous Catheters when Clinically Indicated on Infection Rate, Nurse Satisfaction, and Costs in CCU, Step-Down, and Oncology Units., Rosemary C Olivier, Mary Wickman, Claudia Skinner, and Lilian Ablir
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology, Clinical Spectrum and Implications for the Cardiovascular Clinician, Ohad Oren, Stephen L. Kopecky, Tyler J Gluckman, Bernard J. Gersh, and Roger S. Blumenthal
The Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Implications: Understanding Safety Discrepancies to Improve Interpretation and Design of Clinical Trials., Ohad Oren, Eric H Yang, Tyler J Gluckman, Erin D Michos, Roger S Blumenthal, and Bernard J Gersh
Inflammation resolution: a dual-pronged approach to averting cytokine storms in COVID-19?, Dipak Panigrahy, Molly M Gilligan, Sui Huang, Allison Gartung, Irene Cortés-Puch, Patricia J Sime, Richard P Phipps, Charles N Serhan, and Bruce D Hammock
Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Fecal Viral Shedding in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis., Sravanthi Parasa, Madhav Desai, Viveksandeep Thoguluva Chandrasekar, Harsh K Patel, Kevin F Kennedy, Thomas Roesch, Marco Spadaccini, Matteo Colombo, Roberto Gabbiadini, Everson L A Artifon, Alessandro Repici, and Prateek Sharma
Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Endoscopy: An International Survey of 252 Centers from 55 Countries., Sravanthi Parasa, Nageshwar Reddy, Douglas O Faigel, Alessandro Repici, Fabian Emura, and Prateek Sharma
Pre-existing immunity to influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk might drive selection for antibody-escape mutant viruses in a human challenge model., Jae-Keun Park, Yongli Xiao, Mitchell D Ramuta, Luz Angela Rosas, Sharon Fong, Alexis M Matthews, Ashley D Freeman, Monica A Gouzoulis, Natalia A Batchenkova, Xingdong Yang, Kelsey Scherler, Li Qi, Susan Reed, Rani Athota, Lindsay Czajkowski, Alison Han, David M Morens, Kathie-Anne Walters, Matthew J Memoli, John C Kash, and Jeffery K Taubenberger
Use of the IL-6R Antagonist Tocilizumab in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients., Krish Patel, Ted A Gooley, Neil Bailey, Megumi Bailey, Livia Hegerova, Ami Batchelder, Heather Holdread, Vanessa Dunleavy, Tyler Downey, Jens Frisvold, Samantha Megrath, Krystle Pagarigan, Jennie Szeto, Justin Rueda, Adel Islam, Cynthia L Maree, Sonam Nyatsatsang, Sarah E Bork, Anne B Lipke, D Shane O'Mahony, Teresa E Wagner, Juan Pulido, John Mignone, Samuel Youssef, Matthew Hartman, Jason D Goldman, and John M Pagel
The IMEx coronavirus interactome: an evolving map of Coronaviridae-host molecular interactions., L Perfetto, C Pastrello, N Del-Toro, M Duesbury, M Iannuccelli, M Kotlyar, L Licata, B Meldal, K Panneerselvam, S Panni, Negin Rahimzadeh, S Ricard-Blum, L Salwinski, A Shrivastava, G Cesareni, M Pellegrini, S Orchard, I Jurisica, H Hermjakob, and P Porras
Projected Deaths of Despair from COVID-19, Stephen Petterson, John M. Westfall, and Benjamin F. Miller
Society of Robotic Surgery review: recommendations regarding the risk of COVID-19 transmission during minimally invasive surgery., James R Porter, Elliot Blau, Farid Gharagozloo, Martin Martino, Robert Cerfolio, Umamaheswar Duvvuri, Aileen Caceres, Ketan Badani, Sam Bhayani, Justin Collins, Rafael Coelho, Bernard Rocco, Peter Wiklund, Senthil Nathan, Eduardo Parra-Davila, Carlos Ortiz-Ortiz, Kris Maes, Prokar Dasgupta, and Vipul Patel
Society of Robotic Surgery Review: Recommendations Regarding the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission During Minimally Invasive Surgery., James R Porter, Elliot Blau, Farid Gharagozloo, Martin Martino, Robert Cerfolio, Umamaheswar Duvvuri, Aileen Caceres, Ketan Badani, Sam Bhayani, Justin Collins, Rafael Coelho, Bernard Rocco, Peter Wiklund, Senthil Nathan, Eduardo Parra-Davila, Carlos Ortiz-Ortiz, Kris Maes, Prokar Dasgupta, and Vipul Patel
Q&A: Why Providence Health wants you to use its Covid-19 triage chatbot, Virginia Reid, Taylor Hurst, and Sara Vaezy (Interviewee)
Facebook Live: Perspective From the Emergency Room, Mary Renouf and Luis Abrishamian
Facebook Live: Summer Health: The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise, Mary Renouf and Niki Strealy
Facebook Live: The Technology of COVID, Mary Renouf, Sara Vaezy, and Maryam Gholami
Clinical Sensitivity of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for Diagnosing Coronavirus Disease 2019., Jessica P Ridgway, Jennifer Pisano, Emily Landon, Kathleen G Beavis, and Ari Robicsek
Risk of Covid-19 acquisition among Emergency Department patients: A retrospective case control study., Jessica P Ridgway and Ari Robicsek
A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Electronic Clinical Decision Support Tool for Inpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship., Jessica P Ridgway, Ari Robicsek, Nirav Shah, Becky A Smith, Kamaljit Singh, Jeffrey Semel, Mary Ellen Acree, Jennifer Grant, Urmila Ramichandran, and Lance Peterson
Prolonged Shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA among Patients with COVID-19., Jessica Ridgway, Nirav Shah, and Ari Robicsek
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Presentation and Outcomes for Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19: Findings from the American Heart Association's COVID-19 Cardiovascular Disease Registry., Fatima Rodriguez, Nicole Solomon, James A de Lemos, Sandeep R Das, David A Morrow, Steven M Bradley, Mitchell S V Elkind, Joseph H Williams Iv, DaJuanicia Holmes, Roland A Matsouaka, Divya Gupta, Tyler J Gluckman, Marwah Abdalla, Michelle A Albert, Clyde W Yancy, and Tracy Y Wang
A model of disparities: risk factors associated with COVID-19 infection., Yelena Rozenfeld, Jennifer Beam, Haley Maier, Whitney Haggerson, Karen Boudreau, Jamie Carlson, and Rhonda Medows
Defining the proteolytic landscape during enterovirus infection., Mohsan Saeed, Sebastian Kapell, Nicholas T Hertz, Xianfang Wu, Kierstin Bell, Alison W Ashbrook, Milica Tesic Mark, Henry A Zebroski, Maxwell L Neal, Malin Flodström-Tullberg, Margaret R MacDonald, John D Aitchison, Henrik Molina, and Charles M Rice
Facebook Live: Nutrition, healing, and healthy immune systems during the COVID-19 era, Terese Scollard and Laurie Kelly
Facebook Live: Mental Wellness: Coping with the COVID Holidays, James Simmons and Robin Henderson
Facebook Live: Mental Health Burnout: Psychological PPE for the Helpers, James Q. Simmons and Robin Henderson
Facebook Live: Mental Health Wellness: Holidays during the COVID era, James Q. Simmons and Robin Henderson
Using Simulation to Assess Cardiology Fellow Performance of Transthoracic Echocardiography: Lessons for Training in the COVID-19 Pandemic., Kavisha Singh, Alvin Chandra, Katy Lonergan, and Anish Bhatt
Disability, Vulverability, and COVID-19, Dominic Sisti
b. The Effects of the Safety Zone Process on Perception of Safety, Workflow, Wellbeing and Teamwork when Caring for COVID-19 Patients, Claudia Skinner
Effect of various decontamination procedures on disposable N95 mask integrity and SARS-CoV-2 infectivity, Jeffrey Smith, Haley Hanseler, John Welle, Rogan Rattray, Mary Campbell, Tacy Brotherton, Tarsem Moudgil, Thomas F. Pack, Keith W Wegman, Shawn M. Jensen, Justin Jin, Carlo Bifulco, Scott A. Prahl, Bernard A Fox, and Nicholas L Stucky