
Submissions from 2025


Electronic Health Record Serious Illness Conversation Dashboards: An Implementation Case Series., Yasmina Hachem, Joshua Lakin, Winifred Teuteberg, Amelia Cullinan, Matthew J Gonzales, Charlotta Lindvall, Pallavi Kumar, Laura Dingfield, Laurel Kilpatrick, Jeff Greenwald, Angela Miller, Tamra Keeney, Erik K Fromme, and Joanna Paladino

Submissions from 2024


Oncology social workers' involvement in palliative care: Secondary data analysis from nationwide oncology social workers survey., Ting Guan, Karlynn BrintzenhofeSzoc, Alyssa Middleton, Shirley Otis-Green, Tara Schapmire, Makeeta Rayton, Krista Nelson, Michael L Grignon, and Brad Zebrack


Electronic Health Record Serious Illness Conversation Dashboards: An Implementation Case Series., Yasmina Hachem, Joshua Lakin, Winifred Teuteberg, Amelia Cullinan, Matthew J Gonzales, Charlotta Lindvall, Pallavi Kumar, Laura Dingfield, Laurel Kilpatrick, Jeff Greenwald, Angela Miller, Tamra Keeney, Erik K Fromme, and Joanna Paladino


Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Caring for People with Leptomeningeal Disease., Alice Hawkins, Mariana Khawand-Azoulai, Rachel Tanenbaum, Carina Oltmann, Carolina Benjamin, Tejan Diwanji, Maria Del Pilar Guillermo Prieto Eibl, Cara Siegel, and Akanksha Sharma


Catholic Teaching: A Middle Ground and Guide for End-of-Life Care and Decision-Making and an Antidote for Dying Badly in America., Jennifer L Kozakowski

Standardizing Chemotherapy Education Patient Practices to Increase Nurses’ Self-Efficacy, Julia Persons


Using a Virtual, Case-Based Approach to Developing Clinical Competency in Hospice, Melissa Robinson, Sasha Holden, and Tara Poulsen

Educational Needs and Attitudes of Clinical Nurses Providing End-of-Life Care to Patients with Terminal Illness, Kathryn Nicole Velichko and Annette Callis


Memory Cart: Memory-Making Interventions for Nurses to Enhance the Meaningfulness of End-of-Life Care in the ICU, Grace Zimmerman

Submissions from 2023


Difficult Conversations: Outcomes of Emergency Department Nurse-Directed Goals-of-Care Discussions., Suzanne Bigelow, Ron Medzon, Mari Siegel, and Ruyun Jin


Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Education in Heart Failure: Insights From the NCDR PINNACLE Registry., Casey E Cavanagh, Lindsey Rosman, Philip Chui, Karl Minges, Nihar R Desai, Sarah Goodlin, Savitri Fedson, John A Spertus, Tyler J Gluckman, Yang Song, Luke Zheng, Alexander Turchin, Gheorghe Doros, Jane J Lee, and Matthew M Burg


Integrated Hospital- and Home-Based Palliative Care for Cancer Patients in Vietnam: People-Centered Outcomes., Viet Nguyen, Quach Thanh Khanh, Mevhibe Hocaoglu, Hoang Thi Mong Huyen, Dang Huy Quoc Thinh, and Eric L Krakauer


Unmet palliative care service needs: a patient-centred metric., Nusha Safabakhsh, Megan P Lippe, Shahrooz Govahi, Matthew J Gonzales, and Ira Byock

Submissions from 2022


Ethics Roundtable: "Organ Donation After Cardiac Death" in a Patient with Developmental Delay., Steven J Baumrucker, Matt Stolick, Scott P Boyles, Vladlena Jefferson, Eddy R Smith, and Gregory T Carter


Ethics Roundtable: Advance Directives, Autonomy, and Gastrostomy Placement., Steven J Baumrucker, Gregg VandeKieft, Eddy R Smith, Matt Stolick, Vladlena Jefferson, Scott P Boyles, Kristin L Thatcher, and Rebecca J Leach


Easing the Journey-an Updated Review of Palliative Care for the Patient with High-Grade Glioma., Rita C Crooms, Margaret O Johnson, Heather Leeper, Ambereen Mehta, Michelle McWhirter, and Akanksha Sharma


Primary Care Clinician Perspectives on Patient Navigation to Improve Postpartum Care for Patients with Low Income., Abigail Filicko, Kaitlin Huennekens, Ka'Derricka Davis, Brigid M Dolan, Brittney R Williams, Joe Feinglass, William A Grobman, Michelle A Kominiarek, and Lynn M Yee

A Doctor's Strange Love or How I Learned to Manage Compassion Fatigue and Love the Hard Conversation, Bob Macauley


Utilization of palliative care resource remains low, consuming potentially avoidable hospital admissions in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer: a community-based retrospective review., Austin M Meggyesy, Kerrie E Buehler, Candice L. Wilshire, Shih-Ting Chiu, Shu-Ching Chang, Joshua R Rayburn, Christopher R Gilbert, and Jed A Gorden


Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research, 7th Ed, Melissa Robinson, Deborah Padgett Coehlo, and Paul S. Smith


Clinical Oncology Nurse Best Practices: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Conversations., Kellie Spine, Anne Skwira-Brown, Deanna Schlifke, and Ellen Carr


How to Accommodate the Emotional Dimensions of Advance Care Planning Using Motivational Interviewing and Conditional Medical Orders., Richard B Stuart, George Birchfield, and Stephen Thielke


Understanding the Role of Advanced Practice Providers & How They Influence Health Policy & Practice, Cindi Warburton and Justin Gill

Submissions from 2021


Ethics Roundtable: Autonomy and Delusion., Steven J Baumrucker, Hannah Gersch, Heather Holland, Angela Eastridge, Matt Stolick, Gregg VandeKieft, and Eddy R Smith


Ethics Roundtable: The Case of the Surrogate Versus the Living Will., Steven J Baumrucker, Keelin F Roche, Matt Stolick, Scott Boyles, Gregory T Carter, Eddy R Smith, and Angela Eastridge


Moral Distress Among Oncology Social Workers., Ting Guan, Krista Nelson, Shirley Otis-Green, Makeeta Rayton, Tara Schapmire, Lori Wiener, and Brad Zebrack


My COVID Experience: "I Wish It Was Different"., Marianne Johnstone-Petty


Specialty Palliative Care in COVID-19: Early Experiences from the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative., Arif H Kamal, Rachel M Thienprayoon, Melissa Aldridge, Janet Bull, Kristyn Fazzalaro, Diane E Meier, Lance Mueller, Phillip E Rodgers, Kelly A McKenna, and Steven Z Pantilat


Micro-Loss; Expanding Our Vocabulary to Describe Grief during the Time of Covid., Danielle McLaughlin


A Letter: Rose-Tinted Glasses Can't Hide the Current State of Palliative Care., Austin M Meggyesy, Kerrie E Buehler, Candice L. Wilshire, Christopher R Gilbert, and Jed A Gorden


Partnership Between Islam and Palliative Care At Swedish Health Services (First Hill and Cherry Hill), Hodo Mohamud


Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Seizures at the End of Life., Akanksha Sharma, Jessica M Besbris, Neha M Kramer, Farrah N Daly, Divya Singhal, Christopher A Jones, and Ambereen K Mehta


Supportive care for patients with brain metastases from lung cancer., Akanksha Sharma and Maciej M Mrugala


A scoping review of nurse-led advance care planning., Phyllis Whitehead, Erica Frechman, Marianne Johnstone-Petty, Jeannette Kates, Djin L Tay, Kristen DeSanto, and Regina M Fink

Submissions from 2020


Webinar: Palliative Care and COVID-19: Implications for Clinical Practice, Part Three, Olumuyiwa Adeboye, Nate Hibner, MC Sullivan, and Gregg VandeKieft


Ethics Roundtable: Distribution of Critical Care Resources in the Setting of a COVID-19 Surge., Steven J Baumrucker, Gregory T Carter, Russel W Adkins, Cheryl Perkins, Matt Stolick, and Gregg VandeKieft


A Mother in Jeopardy: The Ethics of Pregnancy and Chemotherapy., Steven J Baumrucker, Wendy H Vogel, Robert M Stolick, Russell W Adkins, Heather Holland, Gregg VandeKieft, and Angela Eastridge


Defining the Roles and Research Priorities for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies in Patients with Serious Illness: Expert Clinicians' and Investigators' Perspectives., Yvan Beaussant, Justin Sanders, Zachary Sager, James A Tulsky, Ilana M Braun, Craig D Blinderman, Anthony P Bossis, and Ira Byock


Heroism and Hypocrisy: Seeing Our Reflection with 2020 Vision., Ira Byock


Beyond Advance Directives: Innovating to Align Care with Personal Goals, Ira Byock, Suelin Chen, Charles P. Sabatino, and Lindzi Timberlake


Facebook Live: National Health Care Decision Day and COVID-19 with Ira Byock, M.D., Ira Byock and Laurie Kelly


Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Psychosocial and Family Support., Jill P Farabelli, Sharon M Kimberly, Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, Heather Dale, Dana Dombrowski, J Russell Kieffer, Victoria Leff, Julia L Schott, Andrea Strouth, and Christopher A Jones


Webinar: Palliative Care Social Work and Chaplaincy During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dennis Gonzales, Jennifer Levi, Carrie Meyer McGrath, and Sedona Montelongo


Options of Last Resort: Palliative Sedation, Physician Aid in Dying, and Voluntary Cessation of Eating and Drinking., David A Gruenewald and Gregg VandeKieft


Using a Virtual Platform for Interactive Communication Trainings in the COVID-19 Era: Lessons Learned, Caroline J. Hurd and Mari Matsumoto


Facebook Live: Compassionate Care for Elderly Patients in the Era of COVID-19, Laurie Kelly and Nancy B. Isenberg


Sequential Pilot Trials of Aliviado Dementia Care to Inform an Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trial., Shih-Yin Lin, Catherine E Schneider, Alycia A Bristol, Maureen Clancy, Sara A Sprague, Melissa Aldridge, Tara Cortes, Keith S Goldfeld, Jean S Kutner, Susan L Mitchell, Joseph W Shega, Bei Wu, Carolyn W Zhu, and Abraham A Brody


Incorporating a clinical pharmacist in an outpatient palliative care team, Crystal Rim, Sharon Leigh, Linda DeSitter, Mary Grant, and Dana Nguyen


For Better or for Worse., Anand Sandesara


The Impact of Aliviado Dementia Care-Hospice Edition Training Program on Hospice Staff's Dementia Symptom Knowledge., Catherine E Schneider, Alycia Bristol, Ariel Ford, Shih-Yin Lin, Joyce Palmieri, Martina R Meier, Abraham A Brody, and HAS-QOL Trial Investigators


Poetry for Veterans: Using Poetry to Help Care for Patients in Palliative Care-A Case Series., Nora Segar, Jessica Sullivan, Katherine Litwin, and Joshua Hauser


A Pilot Study to Assess the Integration of a Unique PROQOL Tool and Early Palliative Care Intervention in the Care of High Grade Glioma Patients and their Caregivers (2633), Akanksha Sharma and See full list of authors in comments


End-of-Life Care: Helping Patients Make Tough Decisions, Aaron Sheedy and Matthew J. Gonzales


End-of-Life Care: Medical Aid in Dying., Gregg VandeKieft

Submissions from 2019


A Mother in Jeopardy: The Ethics of Pregnancy and Chemotherapy., Steven J Baumrucker, Wendy H Vogel, Robert M Stolick, Russell W Adkins, Heather Holland, Gregg VandeKieft, and Angela Eastridge


Care Redesign Survey: The Power of Palliative Care, Amy Compton-Phillips and Namita Seth Mohta


Care Redesign Survey: The Power of Palliative Care, Amy Compton-Phillips and Namita Seth Mohta


Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Psychosocial and Family Support., Jill P Farabelli, Sharon M Kimberly, Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, Heather Dale, Dana Dombrowski, J Russell Kieffer, Victoria Leff, Julia L Schott, Andrea Strouth, and Christopher A Jones


Improving Attitudes and Perceptions About End-of-Life Nursing on a Hospital-Based Palliative Care Unit., Kristine J Harrington, Mary Lou Affronti, Susan M Schneider, Abdul Rab Razzak, and Thomas J Smith

Palliative Care Screening Tool in a Radiation Oncology Clinic, David Jenkins


Terminal Bleeding in Angiosarcoma., Jaya Mini Gill, Brian Madden, Janice Frost, Rebecca Crane-Okada, Robert L Hulsman, Kristen Elliott, and Marlon G Saria

End-of-Life Decisions and Eastern Religious Perspectives: Exploring Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, Daniel Tsai

Submissions from 2018


Decision-Making on a Deadline: Tracheostomy, Nutrition, and Autonomy., Steven J Baumrucker, Matt Stolick, Laura Hutchinson, Gregg VandeKieft, Angela Cullop, Ella Farida Meade, and Russell W Adkins


Autonomy and Withdrawal of Treatment in a Patient With Depression., Steven J Baumrucker, Patricia York, Matthew Stolick, Gregg VandeKieft, Laura Hutchinson, Russell W Adkins, Saima Rashid, and Daniel Winiger


Identifying Opportunities to Improve Pain Among Patients With Serious Illness., Kara E Bischoff, David L O'Riordan, Kristyn Fazzalaro, Anne Kinderman, and Steven Z Pantilat


Taking Psychedelics Seriously., Ira Byock


Hospital-Based Physicians' Intubation Decisions and Associated Mental Models when Managing a Critically and Terminally Ill Older Patient., Shannon Haliko, Julie Downs, Deepika Mohan, Robert Arnold, and Amber E Barnato


Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Hematology and Oncology Patients with Pain., Denise Hess


Hip Fracture in the Setting of Limited Life Expectancy: The Importance of Considering Goals of Care and Prognosis., C Bree Johnston, Amanda Holleran, Thuan Ong, Ursula McVeigh, and Elizabeth Ames


Ketamine Use for Complex Pain in the Palliative Care Population., Marianne Johnstone-Petty


Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research, 6th Ed, Joanna Rowe Kaakinen, Deborah Padgett Coehlo, Rose Steele, and Melissa Robinson


Follow the trail: Using insights from the growth of palliative care to propose a roadmap for cancer rehabilitation., Kathleen D Lyons, Lynne S Padgett, Timothy F Marshall, Joseph A Greer, Julie K Silver, Vishwa S Raj, David S Zucker, Jack B Fu, Mackenzi Pergolotti, Alix G Sleight, and Catherine M Alfano


Current Best Practices for Sexual and Gender Minorities in Hospice and Palliative Care Settings., Shail Maingi, Arthur E Bagabag, and Sean O'Mahony


Medical Aid in Dying., David Nowels, Gregg VandeKieft, and Jennifer Moore Ballentine


Hospice Use And End-Of-Life Spending Trajectories In Medicare Beneficiaries On Hemodialysis., Ann M O'Hare, Susan M Hailpern, Melissa Wachterman, William Kreuter, Ronit Katz, Yoshio N Hall, Maria Montez-Rath, Manjula Kurella Tamura, and Kenn B Daratha


Bringing the NICU RN to the Family, Gale Price, David Hicks, and Terry Zeilinger


Protocol and Fidelity Monitoring Plan for Four Supports. A Multicenter Trial of an Intervention to Support Surrogate Decision Makers in Intensive Care Units., Jennifer B Seaman, Robert M Arnold, Praewpannarai Buddadhumaruk, Anne-Marie Shields, Rachel M Gustafson, Kristyn Felman, Wendy Newdick, Rachel SanPedro, Suzanne Mackenzie, Jennifer Q Morse, Chung-Chou H Chang, Mary Beth Happ, Mi-Kyung Song, Jeremy M Kahn, Charles F Reynolds, Derek C Angus, Seth Landefeld, and Douglas B White


Development of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Knowledge and Skills for Emergency Medicine Residents: Using the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Milestone Framework., Jan Shoenberger, Sangeeta Lamba, Rebecca Goett, Paul DeSandre, Kate Aberger, Suzanne Bigelow, Todd Brandtman, Garrett K Chan, Robert Zalenski, David Wang, Mark Rosenberg, and Karen Jubanyik


Ethical and Practical Ways in Which MOELI (Medical Orders for End-of-Life Intervention) Advance the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Program., Richard B Stuart and Stephen Thielke

Primary Palliative Care in the ICU: Barriers, advances, and unmet needs, Douglas White

Books from 2017

When They Can't 'Just Eat': Palliative Approaches and End-of-Life Considerations in Adults with Eating Disorders, Jennifer Gaudiani

1,001 Ethical Issues with Voluntarily Stopping of Eating and Drinking, Ralf J. Jox


D22 THE COURSE OF CRITICAL ILLNESS: ADMISSION TO FOLLOW-UP: Underutilization Of End Of Life Care Plans And Palliative Care Resources In Lung Cancer Patients Admitted To Intensive Care Units, JR Rayburn, Candice L. Wilshire, Christopher R Gilbert, Roshanthi Weerasignhe, E Craig, and Jed A Gorden


Addressing Patient Emotional and Existential Needs During Serious Illness: Results of the Outlook Randomized Controlled Trial., Karen E Steinhauser, Stewart Alexander, Maren K Olsen, Karen M Stechuchak, Jennifer Zervakis, Natalie Ammarell, Ira Byock, and James A Tulsky


C24 CRITICAL CARE: IMPROVING FAMILY ENGAGEMENT AND PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE IN THE ICU: Variability In Intensive Care Unit Utilization At The End Of Life In Patients With A Diagnosis Of Cancer: A Large Multi-State Hospital Network Experience, Roshanthi Weerasignhe, E Craig, Joshua Rayburn, Candice L. Wilshire, Christopher R Gilbert, and Jed A Gorden

Submissions from 2016


Jump-Starting Discussions About End-of-Life Care, Amy Compton-Phillips


Extremely premature birth and the choice of neonatal intensive care versus palliative comfort care: an 18-year single-center experience., Joseph Kaempf, Mark Tomlinson, and J Tuohey

Far from Home and Facing Serious Illness: Palliative Care for Undocumented Immigrants, Anne Kinderman

Caring for Homeless Patients with Progressive Illness, Anne Kinderman and Meg Mullin

Books from 2015

Advance Care Planning Across Culture, Tina Castañares and Barbara Segal

Evolution of Palliative Care: What All Providers Need to Know, Michael Rabow

Palliative Care of the Soul, Michael Rabow

Can Reality Match the Rhetoric? Rethinking Social Determinants for Health, Michael Rozier

Books from 2010

First do No Harm Optimizing Quality for Frail Elderly and Their Families in the Final Months of Life, Marian Hodges

Books from 2009

Cultural Dimensions of Death and Dying, Barbara Koenig

Books from 2005

Caring for People from Diverse Cultures at the End of Life, Gottfried Oosterwal