
Submissions from 2017


Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Workgroup: Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Report and Recommendations, V Weir (ed), K Rhoads (chair), Nancy B. Isenberg, and See all Group Members in Comments


P1.03-051 Medically Underserved and Geographically Remote Individuals May Be Underrepresented in Current Lung Cancer Screening Programs Topic: Screening, Candice L. Wilshire, Bretta Mcall, Hannah Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Brian Louie, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden


Low-Cost Behavioral Nudges Increase Medicaid Take-Up Among Eligible Residents Of Oregon., Bill J. Wright, Ginny Garcia-Alexander, Maggie Weller, and Katherine Baicker


Diabetes and CKD in the United States Population, 2009-2014., Leila R Zelnick, Noel S Weiss, Bryan R Kestenbaum, Cassianne Robinson-Cohen, Patrick J Heagerty, Katherine Tuttle, Yoshio N Hall, Irl B Hirsch, and Ian H de Boer

Submissions from 2016


Care Redesign Survey: Why Population Health Management Is Undervalued, Amy Compton-Phillips


Effect of Medicaid Coverage on ED Use - Further Evidence from Oregon's Experiment., Amy N Finkelstein, Sarah L Taubman, Heidi L Allen, Bill J. Wright, and Katherine Baicker

Caring for Homeless Patients with Progressive Illness, Anne Kinderman and Meg Mullin


MINI01.10: Diverse Populations may be Underrepresented in Community Lung Cancer Screening Programs Topic: Pulmonology, Bretta M. McCall, Candice L. Wilshire, Hannah Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Brian Louie, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden


A30 ADVANCES IN LUNG CANCER SCREENING AND PULMONARY NODULE ASSESSMENT: Utilization Of The Electronic Medical Record To Determine Smoking History: A Challenge For Population-Based Lung Cancer Screening, HE Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Candice L. Wilshire, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Brian Louie, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden


Formerly Homeless People Had Lower Overall Health Care Expenditures After Moving Into Supportive Housing., Bill J. Wright, Keri B Vartanian, Hsin-Fang Li, Natalie Royal, and Jennifer K Matson

Books from 2015

Can Reality Match the Rhetoric? Rethinking Social Determinants for Health, Michael Rozier

Submissions from 2014


Medicaid increases emergency-department use: evidence from Oregon's Health Insurance Experiment., Sarah L Taubman, Heidi L Allen, Bill J. Wright, Katherine Baicker, and Amy N Finkelstein

Submissions from 2013


The Oregon experiment--effects of Medicaid on clinical outcomes., Katherine Baicker, Sarah L Taubman, Heidi L Allen, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan H Gruber, Joseph P Newhouse, Eric C Schneider, Bill J. Wright, Alan M Zaslavsky, Amy N Finkelstein, and Oregon Health Study Group

Submissions from 2012


THE OREGON HEALTH INSURANCE EXPERIMENT: EVIDENCE FROM THE FIRST YEAR., Amy Finkelstein, Sarah Taubman, Bill J. Wright, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph P Newhouse, Heidi Allen, Katherine Baicker, and Oregon Health Study Group

Books from 2005

Caring for People from Diverse Cultures at the End of Life, Gottfried Oosterwal