Submissions from 2022
Caring for COVID-19 infected patients admitted to redesignated coronavirus ICUs: Impact on nurse stress and burnout., Jamie K Roney, Sahar Mihandoust, Gisele N Bazan, Tiffany Patterson, Stephanie Dunkle, Barbara E Whitley, and JoAnn D Long
Contemporary Anesthetic Evaluation and Management for Electroconvulsive Therapy., Francis V Salinas
Evidence of neuroinflammation and immunotherapy responsiveness in individuals with down syndrome regression disorder., Jonathan D Santoro, Rebecca Partridge, Runi Tanna, Dania Pagarkar, Mellad Khoshnood, Mustafa Rehmani, Ryan M Kammeyer, Grace Y Gombolay, Kristen Fisher, Allison Conravey, Jane El-Dahr, Alison Christy, Lina Patel, Melanie A Manning, Heather Van Mater, Michael S Rafii, and Eileen A Quinn
Assessment and Diagnosis of Down Syndrome Regression Disorder: International Expert Consensus., Jonathan D Santoro, Lina Patel, Ryan Kammeyer, Robyn A Filipink, Grace Y Gombolay, Kathleen M Cardinale, Diego Real de Asua, Shahid Zaman, Stephanie L Santoro, Sammer M Marzouk, Mellad Khoshnood, Benjamin N Vogel, Runi Tanna, Dania Pagarkar, Sofia Dhanani, Maria Del Carmen Ortega, Rebecca Partridge, Maria A Stanley, Jessica S Sanders, Alison Christy, Elise M Sannar, Ruth Brown, Andrew A McCormick, Heather Van Mater, Cathy Franklin, Gordon Worley, Eileen A Quinn, George T Capone, Brian Chicoine, Brian G Skotko, and Michael S Rafii
Predicting persistent opioid use after surgery using electronic health record and patient-reported data., Karandeep Singh, Adharsh Murali, Haley Stevens, V G Vinod Vydiswaran, Amy Bohnert, Chad M Brummett, and Anne C Fernandez
Phenobarbital and/or benzodiazepines for recurrent alcohol withdrawal: A self-controlled, retrospective cohort study., Alex Staidle and Curtis Geier
Burnout Among Respiratory Therapists Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic., Shawna L Strickland, Karsten J Roberts, Brian J Smith, Cheryl A Hoerr, Katlyn L Burr, Carl R Hinkson, Kyle J Rehder, and Andrew G Miller
How to Accommodate the Emotional Dimensions of Advance Care Planning Using Motivational Interviewing and Conditional Medical Orders., Richard B Stuart, George Birchfield, and Stephen Thielke
Mental Health First Aid: Training during the pandemic, Sarah Sumner and Sharon Elliott
There's No Going Back: The Transformation of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Care Postpandemic., Robert L Trestman and Arpan Waghray
Impacts of Healthy U: A cluster-randomized control trial of a sexual health education app developed for justice-involved male youth, Staci J. Wendt, Jonathan Nakamoto, Pamela MacDougall, and Anthony Petrosino
How does gender-affirming hormone therapy affect QOL in transgender patients?, Sarah Wilhelm, Gary Kelsberg, and Sarah Safranek
Chronic Fatigue Predicts Hospital Nurse Turnover Intentions, Elizabeth Winokur, Dana N Rutledge, and Sara Douville
Utilization of PRIME screening questionnaire in clinical practice, Daniel Yang and Samuel Murray
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Comprehensive Self-Management Program Improves Presenteeism in Persons with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Secondary Data Analysis., Pei-Lin Yang, Sarah W Matthews, Robert L Burr, Kevin C Cain, Pamela G Barney, Jasmine K Zia, Margaret H Heitkemper, and Kendra J Kamp
Submissions from 2021
From Citation to Commendation: Resident Scholarly Activity., Rashi Aggarwal, Rijul Asri, Alexander M Mozeika, Chun Tong, and Tanya Keeble
Inpatient Registered Nursing Use of Evidence-Based Practice Tools to Manage Withdrawal Symptoms among Adults Hospitalized with Acute Alcohol or Opioid Withdrawal: A Needs Assessment, Julie Baker and Teresa Bigand
Age-Friendly Health System Symposium, Don Berwick, Amy Berman, Rod Hochman, Amy Compton-Phillips, Sylvain Trepanier, Jennifer Bayersdorfer, Jaime Eggert, Matthew J Gonzales, Marian O. Hodges, Jordan Roth, Daniel Safranek, and Carrie B Rubenstein
Exercise training and cognition in multiple sclerosis: The GET Smart trial protocol., Charles H Bombardier, Robert W Motl, Ralph H B Benedict, Nancy Temkin, P Qian, Katharine Alexander, Annabeth Evans, Andrea Thomas, Kristin Toms, Cathea M Carey, and George H Kraft
Rapid Transition to Buprenorphine in a Patient With Methadone-Related QTc Interval Prolongation., Hazel Brogdon, Kaden L Facer, Emily J Cox, Richard H Carlson, and John F Wurzel
POSTER: Kratom use, Interactions and treatment: A case report., Hazel Brogdon, Mackenzie McPhee, Mary Paine, and Amy Burns
Theoretical impact of the AT(N) framework on dementia using a community autopsy sample., Bridget Teevan Burke, Caitlin Latimer, C Dirk Keene, Joshua A Sonnen, Wayne McCormick, J D Bowen, Susan M McCurry, Eric B Larson, and Paul K Crane
Contingency Management for Stimulant Use Disorder in Patients Receiving MOUD, Amy Burns
Implementing Contingency Management in the Clinic Setting (Workshop), Amy Burns
Construct validity, ecological validity and acceptance of self-administered online neuropsychological assessment in adults., Naomi S Chaytor, Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Laura T Germine, Luciana Mascarenhas Fonseca, Sterling M McPherson, and Katherine Tuttle
MI-MED and COVID: Reflect, Re-Connect and Renew, S Cole and E Rubin
POSTER: Contingency Management: Dealing Abstinence from Methamphetamines., Casey Collins and Amy Burns
POSTER: To Use or Not to Use is the Question. Contingency Management is the Answer., Casey Collins, Amy Burns, Katie Croft, and Sara Parent
Patient Activation, Depressive Symptoms, and Self-Rated Health: Care Management Intervention Effects among High-Need, Medically Complex Adults., Cynthia F Corbett, Kenn B Daratha, Sterling McPherson, Crystal L Smith, Michael S Wiser, Brenda K Vogrig, Sean M Murphy, Roy Cantu, and Dennis G Dyck
Facebook Live: Culture of Health: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Vaccine – Virtual Town Hall, Josh Cutler, Veronica Pome'e, Deya Direct, Daniel Rodriguez, and Cat Zingano
Double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain (during COVID-19)., Beth Darnall, Laura Garcia, Brandon Birckhead, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian Mackey, Josh Sackman, Robert Louis, and Todd Maddox
Job-Related Problems Prior to Nurse Suicide, 2003-2017: A Mixed Methods Analysis Using Natural Language Processing and Thematic Analysis, Judy E. Davidson, Gordon Ye, Melissa C. Parra, Amanda Choflet, Kelly Lee, Arianna Barnes, Jill Harkavy-Friedman, and Sidney Zisook
Stakeholder Perspectives on Advancing Understanding of Prenatal Opioid Exposure and Brain Development From the iOPEN Consortium of the Healthy Brain and Child Development Study., Jennifer L DiPietro, Kristen L Mackiewicz Seghete, Elizabeth E Krans, Kasey Edwards Snider, Reina Bower, Kea Parker, Janie Gullickson, Alexandra S Potter, Hugh Garavan, Tessa C Vatalaro, Moriah E Thomason, Elinor L Sullivan, and Alice M Graham
POSTER: Improving Access to Care for Patients Experiencing Homelessness, Cody Fritts, Samuel Murray, Amy Burns, and Robert Lippman
Self-Administered Behavioral Skills-Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial., Laura Garcia, Beth Darnall, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian Mackey, Josh Sackman, Robert Louis, Todd Maddox, and Brandon Birckhead
Treatment of Advanced Parkinson's Disease., Rebecca Gilbert and Pravin Khemani
Facebook Live: COVID-19, Homeschooling and Teen Mental Health, Roseann Gretchell and Tyson Payne
Moral Distress Among Oncology Social Workers., Ting Guan, Krista Nelson, Shirley Otis-Green, Makeeta Rayton, Tara Schapmire, Lori Wiener, and Brad Zebrack
Receipt of Tobacco Treatment and One-Year Smoking Cessation Rates Following Lung Cancer Screening in the Veterans Health Administration., Jaimee L Heffner, Scott Coggeshall, Chelle L Wheat, Paul Krebs, Laura C Feemster, Deborah E Klein, Linda Nici, Hannah Johnson, and Steven B Zeliadt
Facebook Live: Social Isolation and how it affects mental health, Robin Henderson and Brette Borow
Depression and Anxiety Management in Parkinson Disease., Haily Ho, Isabel Jose, Molly Cheesman, Christina Garrison, Krista Bishop, Samantha Taber, Jennifer Witt, and Mo-Kyung Sin
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Clinical Schedules and Physical and Mental Well-Being of Gastroenterology Nonphysician Healthcare Workers: A Nationwide Survey., Tara Keihanian, Prateek Sharma, Dalbir S Sandhu, Daniel A Sussman, James H Tabibian, and Mohit Girotra
Psychedelics for Brain Injury: A Mini-Review., Shariq Mansoor Khan, Gregory T Carter, Sunil K Aggarwal, and Julie Holland
POSTER: Harm Reduction Implementation and Optimization for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder, Michael Kinney and Amy Burns
Caregiver-Oncologist Prognostic Concordance, Caregiver Mastery, and Caregiver Psychological Health and Quality of Life., Kah Poh Loh, Mostafa R Mohamed, Sindhuja Kadambi, Eva Culakova, Huiwen Xu, Allison Magnuson, Marie Flannery, Paul R Duberstein, Ronald M Epstein, Colin McHugh, Ryan D Nipp, Kelly M Trevino, Chandrika Sanapala, Bianca A Hall, Beverly Canin, Arlene A Gayle, Alison Conlin, James Bearden, and Supriya G Mohile
Less is more: Deprescribing anticholinergic medications in persons with severe mental illness., Ana M Lupu, Kathryn L MacCamy, Jessica M Gannon, Jaspreet S Brar, and K N Roy Chengappa
Treatment of Dementia With Bosutinib: An Open-Label Study of a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor., Kennedy D Mahdavi, Sheldon E Jordan, Hannah R Barrows, Maša Pravdic, Barshen Habelhah, Natalie E Evans, Robin B Blades, Jessica J Iovine, Sergio A Becerra, Rachel A Steiner, Marisa Chang, Santosh Kesari, Alexander Bystritsky, Ed O'Connor, Hyman Gross, F Scott Pereles, Mike Whitney, and Taylor Kuhn
Understanding caregiver acceptance of screening for family substance use in pediatric clinics serving economically disadvantaged children., Pamela A Matson, Neha Bakhai, Barry S Solomon, Sarah Flessa, Julia Ramos, Christopher J Hammond, and Hoover Adger
Possible inhibitory effects of terbinafine on aripiprazole metabolism: Two case reports., Ian R McGrane, Tori J Lindbloom, and Robert C Munjal
Successful bilateral electroconvulsive therapy in a patient with a seizure disorder taking levetiracetam, lorazepam, and zonisamide: A case report., Ian R McGrane, Rachel E Tenison, Dana M Bimler, Robert C Munjal, and Jason R Molinaro
Micro-Loss; Expanding Our Vocabulary to Describe Grief during the Time of Covid., Danielle McLaughlin
Prevalence of Burnout Among Respiratory Therapists Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic., Andrew G Miller, Karsten J Roberts, Brian J Smith, Katlyn L Burr, Carl R Hinkson, Cheryl A Hoerr, Kyle J Rehder, Shawna L Strickland, Lexie Caraway, Jeffrey Haynes, Donna Tanner, Patrick A Von Kannewurff, and Cassidy Aguirre-Kuehl
Association of Performance on Dichotic Auditory Tests With Risk for Incident Dementia and Alzheimer Dementia., Adeeb Mohammed, Laura E Gibbons, George Gates, Melissa L Anderson, Susan M McCurry, Wayne McCormick, J D Bowen, Thomas J Grabowski, Paul K Crane, and Eric B Larson
Eating Disorders: Identification and Management in General Medical and Psychiatric Settings., Rebecca A Owens, Evelyn Attia, Joyce J Fitzpatrick, Kathryn Phillips, and Stephanie Nolan
Facebook Live: Homeschooling and Internet safety for kids and teens, Tyson Payne and Roseann Gretchell
Ongoing Use of SSRIs Does Not Alter Outcome in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Analysis., Steven H Rauchman, Sherri Mendelson, Courtney Rauchman, Lora J Kasselman, Aaron Pinkhasov, and Allison B Reiss
Facebook Live: Body Positivity - Loving your body at every stage, Mary Renouf-Hanson and Robin Henderson
UW Project ECHO-Dementia: Implementation of a virtual clinic and telementoring program to improve dementia diagnosis and treatment in rural and under-resourced primary care settings., Kristoffer Rhoads, Nancy B. Isenberg, and Allyson Schrier
Evaluation of Shared Experiences Among Patients and Providers Following Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care., Natalie Royal Kenton, Nicole Bouranis, Emily J Cox, Laura Jacobson, and Bill J. Wright
cAIR: Implementation of peer response support for frontline health care workers facing the COVID-19 pandemic., Elizabeth Wierman Rubin and Anna Rassman
Utilization of machine learning for identifying symptom severity military-related PTSD subtypes and their biological correlates., Carole E Siegel, Eugene M Laska, Ziqiang Lin, Mu Xu, Duna Abu-Amara, Michelle K Jeffers, Meng Qian, Nicholas Milton, Janine D Flory, Rasha Hammamieh, Bernie J Daigle, Aarti Gautam, Kelsey R Dean, Victor I Reus, Owen M Wolkowitz, Synthia H Mellon, Kerry J Ressler, Rachel Yehuda, Kai Wang, Leroy Hood, Francis J Doyle, Marti Jett, and Charles R Marmar
Facebook Live: Letting go of 2020 and finding hope for 2021, James Simmons and Robin Henderson
Systematic Quality Improvement and Metabolic Monitoring for Individuals Taking Antipsychotic Drugs., Takahiro Soda, Jennifer Richards, Bradley N Gaynes, Michelle Cueva, Jeffrey Laux, Christine McClain, Rachel Frische, Lisa K Lindquist, Gary S Cuddeback, and L Fredrik Jarskog
Race differences in predictors of weight gain among a community sample of smokers enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of a multiple behavior change intervention., Marcia M Tan, Terry Bush, Jennifer C Lovejoy, Harold Javitz, Alula Jimenez Torres, Ken Wassum, and Bonnie Spring
Slow Progress in Mental and Behavioral Health, but Far More Is Needed, Jürgen Unützer, Arpan Waghray, and Tyler Norris
Hospital Nurse Competency to Care for Patients With Behavioral Health Concerns: A Follow-Up Study., Elizabeth Winokur, Taqialdeen Zamil, Jeannine Loucks, Katrina Munoz, and Dana N Rutledge
A DNA methylation clock associated with age-related illnesses and mortality is accelerated in men with combat PTSD., Ruoting Yang, Gwyneth W Y Wu, Josine E Verhoeven, Aarti Gautam, Victor I Reus, Jee In Kang, Janine D Flory, Duna Abu-Amara, PTSD Systems Biology Consortium, Leroy Hood, Francis J Doyle, Rachel Yehuda, Charles R Marmar, Marti Jett, Rasha Hammamieh, Synthia H Mellon, and Owen M Wolkowitz
Six months in: COVID-19 and its impact on oncology social work practice., Brad Zebrack, Michael Grignon, Ting Guan, Donna Long, Nina Miller, Krista Nelson, Shirley Otis-Green, Makeeta Rayton, Tara Schapmire, and Lori Wiener
Glucose-Dementia Association Is Consistent Over Blood Pressure/Antihypertensive Groups., Jing Zhou, Rod L Walker, Shelly L Gray, Zachary A Marcum, Douglas Barthold, James D Bowen, Wayne McCormick, Susan M McCurry, Eric B Larson, and Paul K Crane
Submissions from 2020
Life experiences associated with change in perpetration of domestic violence., Avanti Adhia, Vivian H Lyons, Hannah Cohen-Cline, and Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Facebook Live: COVID Stress & Seasonal Mood Fluctuations, Kathryn Anderson, Kevin Heid, and Allie Hyams
Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal pain in masonry apprentices., Dan Anton, Matthew Bray, Jennifer A Hess, Douglas L Weeks, Laurel D Kincl, and Amelia Vaughan
Facebook Live: Social Impacts of COVID-19 and the Providence Community Resource HUB, Brette Borow, Karen Boudreau, and EvinLori Lumsden
Facebook Live: Effects of wildfire smoke: Respiratory and mental health guidelines, Brette Borow, Jiten Patel, and Robin Henderson
Facebook Live: Covid Mental Health: Planning for the future during uncertain times, Brett Borow, Robin Henderson, and Heather Smith
POSTER: Reducing Treatment inequity of Substance use Disorders through Education., Amy Burns and See full list of authors in the comments
STARS interventions for violence reduction: Safety, technology, activity, relief, and surroundings., Christina Anne Case
Facebook Live: Work2BeWell Mental Health Curriculum: Critical conversations, structural racism and intergenerational trauma, Justin Crowe and Shanica Dale
Delineating Quality Indicators of Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization., Kathleen R Delaney, Jeannine Loucks, Richard Ray, Ellen Blair, Marlene Nadler-Moodie, Catherine Batscha, David Sharp, and Dani Milliken
Covarying structural alterations in laterality of the temporal lobe in schizophrenia: A case for source-based laterality., Thomas P DeRamus, Rogers F Silva, Armin Iraji, Eswar Damaraju, Aysenil Belger, Judith M Ford, Sarah C McEwen, Daniel H Mathalon, Bryon A Mueller, Godfrey D Pearlson, Steven G Potkin, Adrian Preda, Jessica A Turner, Jatin G Vaidya, Theo G M van Erp, and Vince D Calhoun
Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Psychosocial and Family Support., Jill P Farabelli, Sharon M Kimberly, Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, Heather Dale, Dana Dombrowski, J Russell Kieffer, Victoria Leff, Julia L Schott, Andrea Strouth, and Christopher A Jones
Healing the Nation Webinar: Advancing Mental Health and Addiction Policy, Krithika Harish, Casey Pick, Benjamin F. Miller, Linda Rosenberg, and Tyler Norris
POSTER: Patient-Focused Clinical Pathway for Inpatient Management of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), Chris Hellekson, Amy Burns, and See full list of authors in comments
Facebook Live: National Suicide Prevention Week with special guests from YouthLine, Robin Henderson
Talk2BeWell: COVID-19 with Dr. Henderson, Robin Henderson
Talk2BeWell: Dr. Robin Henderson and college students with the Work2BeWell group discuss their challenges with COVID19. Part 1., Robin Henderson
Talk2BeWell: Dr. Robin Henderson and college students with the Work2BeWell group discuss their challenges with COVID19. Part 2., Robin Henderson
Talk2BeWell: Teens Discussing Anxiety & COVID-19 with Dr. Henderson, Robin Henderson
Work2BeWell with Dr. Robin Henderson & Teens, Robin Henderson
Facebook Live: Live after COVID-19 Sheltering-in: Navigating our fears and social adjustments, Robin Henderson and Brette Borow
Facebook Live, Mental Health Live Event Series: How to curb negative coping habits and overcome loneliness, Robin Henderson and Brette Borow
Facebook Live: Mental Health Wellness During a Pandemic, Robin Henderson and Brette Borrow
Facebook Live: Is it safe to go back to school during COVID-19?, Robin Henderson, Amy Compton-Phillips, and Eric Partridge
Facebook Live: Mental Wellness for Athletes during the COVID era, Robin Henderson and Stephanie Cox
Facebook Live: The importance of Kindness and Compassion to Mental Well Being, Robin Henderson and Nathan Goins
Facebook Live: COVID Mental Health: Teen/Parent perspectives on "new normal" life challenges, Robin Henderson, Annette Mongelli, and Dominic Mongelli
Facebook Live: Survivor’s Guilt: Mental health and surviving traumatic events, Robin Henderson and Katharine Sluys
Facebook Live: COVID-19 Mental Health: Finding a work/life balance and setting boundaries, Robin Henderson, Maracie Wilson, and Cindy Vaughn