
Submissions from 2018


Testicular tumors in prepubescent patients., Ilan I Maizlin, Matthew Dellinger, Kenneth W Gow, Adam B Goldin, Melanie Goldfarb, Jed G Nuchtern, Monica Langer, Sanjeev A Vasudevan, John J Doski, Mehul V Raval, and Elizabeth A Beierle


Modular Organization and Assembly of SWI/SNF Family Chromatin Remodeling Complexes., Nazar Mashtalir, Andrew R D'Avino, Brittany C Michel, Jie Luo, Joshua Pan, Jordan E Otto, Hayley J Zullow, Zachary M McKenzie, Rachel L Kubiak, Roodolph St Pierre, Alfredo M Valencia, Steven J Poynter, Seth H Cassel, Jeffrey A Ranish, and Cigall Kadoch


ASMBS pediatric metabolic and bariatric surgery guidelines, 2018., Janey S A Pratt, Allen Browne, Nancy T Browne, Matias Bruzoni, Megan Cohen, Ashish Desai, Thomas Inge, Bradley C Linden, Samer G Mattar, Marc Michalsky, David Podkameni, Kirk W Reichard, Fatima Cody Stanford, Meg H Zeller, and Jeffrey Zitsman


Digital Health Practices, Social Media Use, and Mental Well-Being Among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S., Victoria Rideout, Susannah Fox, and Well Being Trust


Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia patients with multiple genetic variants in the PACES CPVT Registry., Thomas M Roston, Omid Haji-Ghassemi, Martin J LaPage, Anjan S Batra, Yaniv Bar-Cohen, Chris Anderson, Yung R Lau, Kathleen Maginot, Roman A Gebauer, Susan P Etheridge, James E Potts, Filip Van Petegem, and Shubhayan Sanatani


The clinical and genetic spectrum of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: findings from an international multicentre registry., Thomas M Roston, Zhiguang Yuchi, Prince J Kannankeril, Julie Hathaway, Jeffrey M Vinocur, Susan P Etheridge, James E Potts, Kathleen R Maginot, Jack C Salerno, Mitchell I Cohen, Robert M Hamilton, Andreas Pflaumer, Saira Mohammed, Lynn Kimlicka, Ronald J Kanter, Martin J LaPage, Kathryn K Collins, Roman A Gebauer, Joel D Temple, Anjan S Batra, Christopher Erickson, Maria Miszczak-Knecht, Peter Kubuš, Yaniv Bar-Cohen, Michal Kantoch, Vincent C Thomas, Gabriele Hessling, Chris Anderson, Ming-Lon Young, Sally H J Choi, Michel Cabrera Ortega, Yung R Lau, Christopher L Johnsrude, Anne Fournier, Filip Van Petegem, and Shubhayan Sanatani


Pediatric glossopharyngeal neuralgia: a comprehensive review., Rafik Shereen, Brady Gardner, Juan Altafulla, Emily Simonds, Joe Iwanaga, Zachary Litvack, Marios Loukas, and R Shane Tubbs


Immediate Versus Delayed Insertion of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device in Postpartum Adolescents: A Randomized Pilot Study., Reni Soon, Katie McGuire, Jennifer Salcedo, and Bliss Kaneshiro


Prediction of clinical deterioration after admission from the pediatric emergency department., Stacy M Tarango, Phung K Pham, Dayun Chung, and Ara Festekjian


Variations in cancer care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with ductal carcinoma in situ., Amy Voci, Bradley Bandera, Emily Ho, Jihey Lee, Melanie Goldfarb, and Maggie DiNome


Early Weight Gain in Infants With Cleft Lip and Palate Treated With and Without Nasoalveolar Molding: A Retrospective Study., Shannon M Woods, Judah S Garfinkle, David A Covell, Mansen Wang, Lauren S Busch, and Larry M Doyle

Submissions from 2017


Effects of socioeconomic status on children with well-differentiated thyroid cancer., Evan F Garner, Ilan I Maizlin, Matthew B Dellinger, Kenneth W Gow, Melanie Goldfarb, Adam B Goldin, John J Doski, Monica Langer, Jed G Nuchtern, Sanjeev A Vasudevan, Mehul V Raval, and Elizabeth A Beierle


Comparison of the Single-Syringe Push-Pull Technique With the Discard Technique for Obtaining Blood Samples From Pediatric Central Venous Access Devices., Sarah Hess and Mary Decker


Reducing Head CT Use for Children With Head Injuries in a Community Emergency Department., Rebecca M Jennings, Jennifer J Burtner, Joseph F Pellicer, Deepthi K Nair, Miranda C Bradford, Michele Shaffer, Neil G Uspal, and Joel S Tieder


Second Primary Malignant Neoplasms and Survival in Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors., Theresa H M Keegan, Archie Bleyer, Aaron S Rosenberg, Qian Li, and Melanie Goldfarb


The Infant with Aortic Arch Hypoplasia and Small Left Heart Structures: Echocardiographic Indices of Mitral and Aortic Hypoplasia Predicting Successful Biventricular Repair., Jennifer M Plymale, Peter C Frommelt, Melodee Nugent, Pippa Simpson, James S Tweddell, and Amanda J Shillingford


The association between nephroblastoma-specific outcomes and high versus low volume treatment centers., Morgan K Richards, Adam B Goldin, Alexandra Savinkina, John Doski, Melanie Goldfarb, Jed Nuchtern, Monica Langer, Elizabeth A Beierle, Sanjeev Vasudevan, Kenneth W Gow, and Mehul V Raval


Unresectable hepatoblastoma: current perspectives., Angela D Trobaugh-Lotrario, Rebecka L Meyers, Allison F O'Neill, and James H Feusner

Submissions from 2016


PIK3CA-associated developmental disorders exhibit distinct classes of mutations with variable expression and tissue distribution, Ghayda Mirzaa, Andrew E Timms, Valerio Conti, Evan August Boyle, Katta M Girisha, Beth Martin, Martin Kircher, Carissa Olds, Jane Juusola, Sarah Collins, Kaylee Park, Melissa Carter, Ian Glass, Inge Krägeloh-Mann, David Chitayat, Aditi Shah Parikh, Rachael Bradshaw, Erin Torti, Stephen Braddock, Leah Burke, Sondhya Ghedia, Mark Stephan, Fiona Stewart, Chitra Prasad, Melanie Napier, Sulagna Saitta, Rachel Straussberg, Michael Gabbett, Bridget C O'Connor, Catherine E Keegan, Lim Jiin Yin, Angeline Hwei Meeng Lai, Nicole Martin, Margaret McKinnon, Marie-Claude Addor, Luigi Boccuto, Charles E Schwartz, Agustina Lanoel, Robert L Conway, Koenraad Devriendt, Katrina Tatton-Brown, Mary Ella Pierpont, Michael Painter, Lisa Worgan, James Reggin, Raoul Hennekam, Karen Tsuchiya, Colin C Pritchard, Mariana Aracena, Karen W Gripp, Maria Cordisco, Hilde Van Esch, Livia Garavelli, Cynthia Curry, Anne Goriely, Hulya Kayserilli, Jay Shendure, John Graham, Renzo Guerrini, and William B Dobyns


Unplanned Extubation, Competency, and Simulation in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Randall Stennett


Navigating your career path in pediatric hematology/oncology: On and off the beaten track., Patrick A Zweidler-McKay, Mary-Jane Staba Hogan, Rima Jubran, Vandy Black, Jacqueline Casillas, James Harper, Suman Malempati, Judith Margolin, Judy Felgenhauer, Kathleen M Sakamoto, Janet Franklin, Mona Shah, Nita Seibel, George Buchanan, Sarah R Vaiselbuh, Caroline Hastings, Joanne Hilden, and Linda C Stork