
Submissions from 2017


More Than Meets the Eye: The Contributions of John Dalrymple (1803-1852)., Joy Mh Wang, Bryan Edwards, Gabrielle G Tardieu, Marios Loukas, Rod J Oskouian, and R Shane Tubbs


The Ubiquitous Existence of MicroRNA in Body Fluids., Kai Wang


Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Durability: A Meta-Regression of Published Studies., M Wang, Anthony P Furnary, Hsin-Fang Li, and Gary Grunkemeier


Meta-analysis of five genome-wide association studies identifies multiple new loci associated with testicular germ cell tumor., Zhaoming Wang, Katherine A McGlynn, Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, D Timothy Bishop, Charles C Chung, Marlene D Dalgaard, Mark H Greene, Ramneek Gupta, Tom Grotmol, Trine B Haugen, Robert Karlsson, Kevin Litchfield, Nandita Mitra, Kasper Nielsen, Louise C Pyle, Stephen M Schwartz, Vésteinn Thorsson, Saran Vardhanabhuti, Fredrik Wiklund, Clare Turnbull, Stephen J Chanock, Peter A Kanetsky, and Katherine L Nathanson


Combining inferred regulatory and reconstructed metabolic networks enhances phenotype prediction in yeast., Zhuo Wang, Samuel A Danziger, Benjamin D Heavner, Shuyi Ma, Jennifer J Smith, Song Li, Thurston Herricks, Evangelos Simeonidis, Nitin Baliga, John D Aitchison, and Nathan D Price


Physician Aid in Dying: Caught Between the Extremes., Jeffery Ward


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) among American Indians in South Dakota and Associations with Mental Health Conditions, Alcohol Use, and Smoking., Donald Warne, Kristen Dulacki, Margaret Spurlock, Thomas Meath, Melinda M Davis, Bill J. Wright, and K John McConnell


Impact of neonatal early-onset sepsis calculator on antibiotic use within two tertiary healthcare centers., S Warren, M Garcia, and C Hankins


Capsaicin topical in emergency department treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome., Rachael Waterson Duncan and Michelle Maguire


C24 CRITICAL CARE: IMPROVING FAMILY ENGAGEMENT AND PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE IN THE ICU: Variability In Intensive Care Unit Utilization At The End Of Life In Patients With A Diagnosis Of Cancer: A Large Multi-State Hospital Network Experience, Roshanthi Weerasignhe, E Craig, Joshua Rayburn, Candice L. Wilshire, Christopher R Gilbert, and Jed A Gorden


The rs16906252:C>T SNP is not associated with increased overall survival or temozolomide response in a Han-Chinese glioma cohort., Kuo-Chen Wei, Chia-Yuan Chen, Li-Ying Feng, Wei-Tzu Huang, Chia-Hua Chen, Peng-Wei Hsu, Kai Wang, Leroy Hood, and Leslie Y Chen


The Effect of Opioid Prescribing Guidelines on Prescriptions by Emergency Physicians in Ohio., Scott G Weiner, Olesya Baker, Sabrina J Poon, Ann F Rodgers, Chad Garner, Lewis S Nelson, and Jeremiah D Schuur


What's the Business Case for Promoting Wellness?, Scott Weingarten, Amy Compton-Phillips, and Leroy E. Hood


Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Workgroup: Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Report and Recommendations, V Weir (ed), K Rhoads (chair), Nancy B. Isenberg, and See all Group Members in Comments


Variability in intensive care unit utilization at the end of life in patients with a diagnosis of cancer: a large multi-state hospital network experience The American Thoracic Society Washington DC, AC Welch, Candice L. Wilshire, and See all authors in comments


Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss (Alopecia)., Howard J. West


Do We Really Understand Spine Treatments and Science Around the World?, Karsten Wiechert, Jeffrey C Wang, and Jens R Chapman


Medical Journals and Social Media: More Alike Than Wanted?, Karsten Wiechert, Jeffrey C Wang, and Jens R Chapman


Community collaboration to decrease atypical emergency department utilization, Becky Wilkinson

Imaging in pleural infections: the radiation adds up European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017 Milan, Italy, Candice L. Wilshire

Pulmonary nodule malignancy risk calculators in a lung cancer screening program: performance review after positive screening results The American Thoracic Society Washington DC, Candice L. Wilshire

Imaging more frequently drives decision to increase treatment in pleural infection than clinical condition, Candice L. Wilshire, CC Fuller, CR Gilbert, BE Louie, RW Aye, AS Farivar, E Vallières, and JA Gorden


P1.03-051 Medically Underserved and Geographically Remote Individuals May Be Underrepresented in Current Lung Cancer Screening Programs Topic: Screening, Candice L. Wilshire, Bretta Mcall, Hannah Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Brian Louie, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden


Placental genetic variations in vitamin D metabolism and birthweight., Tsegaselassie Workalemahu, Sylvia E Badon, Michal Dishi-Galitzky, Chunfang Qiu, Michelle A Williams, Tanya Sorensen, and Daniel A Enquobahrie


Low-Cost Behavioral Nudges Increase Medicaid Take-Up Among Eligible Residents Of Oregon., Bill J. Wright, Ginny Garcia-Alexander, Maggie Weller, and Katherine Baicker


Identification of the Causes for Chronic Hypokalemia: Importance of Urinary Sodium and Chloride Excretion., Kun-Lin Wu, Chih-Jen Cheng, Chih-Chen Sung, Ming-Hua Tseng, Yu-Juei Hsu, Sung-Sen Yang, Tom Chau, and Shih-Hua Lin


Brain pathology of a patient 7years after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis., Annette Wundes, J D Bowen, George H Kraft, Kenneth R Maravilla, Bernadette McLaughlin, Gloria von Geldern, George Georges, Richard A Nash, and Jian-Qiang Lu


sRNAnalyzer-a flexible and customizable small RNA sequencing data analysis pipeline., Xiaogang Wu, Taek-Kyun Kim, David Baxter, Kelsey Scherler, Aaron Gordon, Olivia Fong, Alton Etheridge, David J Galas, and Kai Wang


Post-treatment resistance analysis of hepatitis C virus from phase II and III clinical trials of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir., David Wyles, Hadas Dvory-Sobol, Evguenia S Svarovskaia, Brian P Doehle, Ross Martin, Nezam H Afdhal, Kris V Kowdley, Eric Lawitz, Diana M Brainard, Michael D Miller, Hongmei Mo, and Edward J Gane


Incomplete Resolution of Deep Vein Thromboses during Rivaroxaban Therapy., Jonathan M Yaghoubian, Jacob Adashek, Bahareh Yaghoubian-Yazi, Menachem Nagar, Nojan Toomari, Richard J Pietras, and Uri M Ben-Zur


Insights into Local Tumor Microenvironment Immune Factors Associated with Regression of Cutaneous Melanoma Metastases by, Junbao Yang, Maris S Jones, Romela Irene Ramos, Alfred A Chan, Agnes F Lee, Leland J Foshag, Peter A Sieling, Mark Faries, and Delphine J Lee


A novel small molecule inhibitor of p32 mitochondrial protein overexpressed in glioma., Venkata Yenugonda, Natsuko Nomura, Valentina Kouznetsova, Igor Tsigelny, Valentina Fogal, Elmar Nurmemmedov, Santosh Kesari, and Ivan Babic


Beyond cancer genes: colorectal cancer as robust intrinsic states formed by molecular interactions., Ruoshi Yuan, Suzhan Zhang, Jiekai Yu, Yanqin Huang, Demin Lu, Runtan Cheng, Sui Huang, Ping Ao, Shu Zheng, Leroy Hood, and Xiaomei Zhu


Evaluation of Evidence of Adrenal Insufficiency in Trials of Normocortisolemic Patients Treated With Mifepristone., Kevin C J Yuen, Andreas Moraitis, and Dat Nguyen


A Phase I, Dose Escalation Study of Oral ASP8273 in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancers with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations., Helena A Yu, Alexander Spira, Leora Horn, Jared Weiss, Howard J. West, Giuseppe Giaccone, Tracey Evans, Ronan J Kelly, Bhardwaj Desai, Andrew Krivoshik, Diarmuid Moran, Srinivasu Poondru, Fei Jie, Kouji Aoyama, Anne Keating, and Geoffrey R Oxnard


Diabetes and CKD in the United States Population, 2009-2014., Leila R Zelnick, Noel S Weiss, Bryan R Kestenbaum, Cassianne Robinson-Cohen, Patrick J Heagerty, Katherine Tuttle, Yoshio N Hall, Irl B Hirsch, and Ian H de Boer


Early mutation bursts in colorectal tumors., Junsong Zhao, Matthew P Salomon, Darryl Shibata, Christina Curtis, Kimberly Siegmund, and Paul Marjoram


Susceptibility loci of CNOT6 in the general mRNA degradation pathway and lung cancer risk-A re-analysis of eight GWASs., Fei Zhou, Yanru Wang, Hongliang Liu, Neal Ready, Younghun Han, Rayjean J Hung, Yonathan Brhane, John McLaughlin, Paul Brennan, Heike Bickeböller, Albert Rosenberger, Richard S Houlston, Neil Caporaso, Maria Teresa Landi, Irene Brüske, Angela Risch, Yuanqing Ye, Xifeng Wu, David C Christiani, Gary Goodman, Chu Chen, Christopher I Amos, and Qingyi Wei


Extracting Intercellular Signaling Network of Cancer Tissues using Ligand-Receptor Expression Patterns from Whole-tumor and Single-cell Transcriptomes., Joseph X Zhou, Roberto Taramelli, Edoardo Pedrini, Theo Knijnenburg, and Sui Huang


Building ProteomeTools based on a complete synthetic human proteome., Daniel P Zolg, Mathias Wilhelm, Karsten Schnatbaum, Johannes Zerweck, Tobias Knaute, Bernard Delanghe, Derek J Bailey, Siegfried Gessulat, Hans-Christian Ehrlich, Maximilian Weininger, Peng Yu, Judith Schlegl, Karl Kramer, Tobias Schmidt, Ulrike Kusebauch, Eric W Deutsch, Ruedi Aebersold, Robert L Moritz, Holger Wenschuh, Thomas Moehring, Stephan Aiche, Andreas Huhmer, Ulf Reimer, and Bernhard Kuster


The Promise of Systems Biology Approaches for Revealing Host Pathogen Interactions in Malaria., Meghan Zuck, Laura S Austin, Samuel A Danziger, John D Aitchison, and Alexis Kaushansky

Submissions from 2016


Donald L. Morton, MD.... A Legendary Surgical Oncologist and Consummate Investigator., Charles M Balch and Dave S B Hoon

Positive Impact through Use of Telestroke in Two Large Pacific Northwest Networks on Clinical Performance Accepted for Poster Presentation at Telemediclne & Te!ehealth Service Provider Showcase, Phoenix, AR, E Baraban, A Lesko, L Corless, S Fisher, and See full citation in comments


Can an Innovative Network of Teams Work in U.S.?, Bastiaan R. Bloem and Amy Compton-Phillips

Bipolar disorder, Amy Burns

Psychopharmacology of PTSD, Amy Burns and Eric Krueger


Characterization of the microbiome of nipple aspirate fluid of breast cancer survivors., Alfred A Chan, Mina Bashir, Magali N Rivas, Karen Duvall, Peter A Sieling, Thomas R Pieber, Parag A Vaishampayan, Susan M Love, and Delphine J Lee


Care Redesign Survey: In the Push for Convenient Care, Protect the Patient-Doctor Relationship, Amy Compton-Phillips


Care Redesign Survey: Why Population Health Management Is Undervalued, Amy Compton-Phillips


Gender Bias in Health Care: Glass Ceiling, or Foundation of Sand?, Amy Compton-Phillips


Jump-Starting Discussions About End-of-Life Care, Amy Compton-Phillips


Care Redesign Survey: Strengthening the Post-Acute Care Connection, Amy Compton-Phillips and Namita Seth Mohta


Counting Better — The Limits and Future of Quality-Based Compensation, Christopher R. Dale, Michael Myint, and Amy Compton-Phillips


Earle A. Chiles Research Institute 2015 Year In Review, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute


Effect of Medicaid Coverage on ED Use - Further Evidence from Oregon's Experiment., Amy N Finkelstein, Sarah L Taubman, Heidi L Allen, Bill J. Wright, and Katherine Baicker


Donald L. Morton, MD 1934-2014., Dave S B Hoon


Preface: The Living Legacy of Donald L. Morton., Dave S B Hoon


An Open Data Format for Visualization and Analysis of Cross-Linked Mass Spectrometry Results., Michael R Hoopmann, Luis Mendoza, Eric W Deutsch, David Shteynberg, and Robert L Moritz


Creating a library holding group: an approach to large system integration., Isaac R Huffman, Heather J Martin, and Barbara (Basia) Delawska-Elliott


Extremely premature birth and the choice of neonatal intensive care versus palliative comfort care: an 18-year single-center experience., Joseph Kaempf, Mark Tomlinson, and J Tuohey


Logic models to predict continuous outputs based on binary inputs with an application to personalized cancer therapy., Theo A Knijnenburg, Gunnar W Klau, Francesco Iorio, Mathew J Garnett, Ultan McDermott, Ilya Shmulevich, and Lodewyk F A Wessels


Stent-assisted coil embolization of aneurysms with small parent vessels: safety and efficacy analysis., Anna Luisa Kühn, Samuel Y Hou, Ajit S Puri, Christine F Silva, Matthew J Gounis, and Ajay K Wakhloo


Endovascular reconstruction of unruptured intradural vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms with the Pipeline embolization device., Anna Luisa Kühn, Peter Kan, Francesco Massari, J Diego Lozano, Samuel Y Hou, Mary Howk, Matthew J Gounis, Ajay K Wakhloo, and Ajit S Puri


MINI01.10: Diverse Populations may be Underrepresented in Community Lung Cancer Screening Programs Topic: Pulmonology, Bretta M. McCall, Candice L. Wilshire, Hannah Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Brian Louie, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden


New paradigms for understanding and step changes in treating active and chronic, persistent apicomplexan infections., Martin McPhillie, Ying Zhou, Kamal El Bissati, Jitender Dubey, Hernan Lorenzi, Michael Capper, Amanda K Lukens, Mark Hickman, Stephen Muench, Shiv Kumar Verma, Christopher R Weber, Kelsey Wheeler, James Gordon, Justin Sanders, Hong Moulton, Kai Wang, Taek-Kyun Kim, Yuqing He, Tatiana Santos, Stuart Woods, Patty Lee, David Donkin, Eric Kim, Laura Fraczek, Joseph Lykins, Farida Esaa, Fatima Alibana-Clouser, Sarah Dovgin, Louis Weiss, Gael Brasseur, Dyann Wirth, Michael Kent, Leroy Hood, Brigitte Meunieur, Craig W Roberts, S Samar Hasnain, Svetlana V Antonyuk, Colin Fishwick, and Rima McLeod


PIK3CA-associated developmental disorders exhibit distinct classes of mutations with variable expression and tissue distribution, Ghayda Mirzaa, Andrew E Timms, Valerio Conti, Evan August Boyle, Katta M Girisha, Beth Martin, Martin Kircher, Carissa Olds, Jane Juusola, Sarah Collins, Kaylee Park, Melissa Carter, Ian Glass, Inge Krägeloh-Mann, David Chitayat, Aditi Shah Parikh, Rachael Bradshaw, Erin Torti, Stephen Braddock, Leah Burke, Sondhya Ghedia, Mark Stephan, Fiona Stewart, Chitra Prasad, Melanie Napier, Sulagna Saitta, Rachel Straussberg, Michael Gabbett, Bridget C O'Connor, Catherine E Keegan, Lim Jiin Yin, Angeline Hwei Meeng Lai, Nicole Martin, Margaret McKinnon, Marie-Claude Addor, Luigi Boccuto, Charles E Schwartz, Agustina Lanoel, Robert L Conway, Koenraad Devriendt, Katrina Tatton-Brown, Mary Ella Pierpont, Michael Painter, Lisa Worgan, James Reggin, Raoul Hennekam, Karen Tsuchiya, Colin C Pritchard, Mariana Aracena, Karen W Gripp, Maria Cordisco, Hilde Van Esch, Livia Garavelli, Cynthia Curry, Anne Goriely, Hulya Kayserilli, Jay Shendure, John Graham, Renzo Guerrini, and William B Dobyns


A30 ADVANCES IN LUNG CANCER SCREENING AND PULMONARY NODULE ASSESSMENT: Utilization Of The Electronic Medical Record To Determine Smoking History: A Challenge For Population-Based Lung Cancer Screening, HE Modin, Joelle T Fathi, Christopher R Gilbert, Candice L. Wilshire, Ralph W Aye, Alexander S Farivar, Brian Louie, Eric Vallieres, and Jed A Gorden

Utilization of the electronic medical record to determine smoking history: a challenge for population-based lung cancer screening The American Thoracic Society International Conference San Francisco, California, SS Oswald, Candice L. Wilshire, and See all authors in comments


Beyond Fairness: The Biology of Inclusion for Transgender and Intersex Athletes., Yannis Pitsiladis, Joanna Harper, Jonathan Ospina Betancurt, Maria-Jose Martinez-Patino, Attilio Parisi, Guan Wang, and Fabio Pigozzi


Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: A Pathway for Improving Brainstem Serotonin Homeostasis and Successful Autoresuscitation in SIDS-A Novel Hypothesis., Vijayakumar Praveen and Shama Praveen


Safety, efficacy, and short-term follow-up of the use of Pipeline Embolization Device in small (<2.5 mm) cerebral vessels for aneurysm treatment: single institution experience., Ajit S Puri, Francesco Massari, Takumi Asai, Miklos Marosfoi, Peter Kan, Samuel Y Hou, Mary Howk, Mary Perras, Christopher Brooks, Frederic Clarencon, Matthew J Gounis, and Ajay K Wakhloo


Onyx embolization in distal dissecting posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms., Ajit S Puri, Francesco Massari, Samuel Y Hou, Juan Diego Lozano, Mary Howk, Mary Perras, Christopher Brooks, Matthew J Gounis, Peter Kan, and Ajay K Wakhloo


Integrating Social Needs with Care Delivery, Anna M. Roth and Amy Compton-Phillips


Harvesting Health: A community-based participatory evaluation of the Veggie RX program, Natalie Royal, Kristin Brown, Fanny Rodriguez, Bianca Fernandez, Leticia Valle, and Elizur Bello


Rationale and design of the SLCO1B1 genotype guided statin therapy trial., Kavisha Singh, Bruce Peyser, Gloria Trujillo, Nicholas Milazzo, Dillon Savard, Susanne B Haga, Michael Musty, and Deepak Voora


Unplanned Extubation, Competency, and Simulation in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Randall Stennett

Grand Rounds: Current and future trends in vascular surgery, Brant Ullery

Vascular surgery in the modern era, Brant Ullery


The Health Resilience Program - a program assessment, Keri B Vartanian, Sarah Tran, Bill J. Wright, Grace Li, Megan Holtorf, and Michael Levinson

Early consideration of definitive pleural palliation can reduce the number and duration of serial thoracentesis European Respiratory Society International Congress 2016 London, United Kingdom, Candice L. Wilshire


Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Stratum Corneum Dysfunction in Adult Chronic Atopic Dermatitis., Jason M Winget, Deborah Finlay, Kevin J Mills, Tom Huggins, Charles Bascom, Robert J Isfort, and Robert L Moritz


Health in Housing - Exploring the Intersection between housing & health care, Bill J. Wright, Grace Li, Keri B Vartanian, and Maggie Weller


Formerly Homeless People Had Lower Overall Health Care Expenditures After Moving Into Supportive Housing., Bill J. Wright, Keri B Vartanian, Hsin-Fang Li, Natalie Royal, and Jennifer K Matson


Institutional capacity to provide psychosocial oncology support services: A report from the Association of Oncology Social Work., Brad Zebrack, Karen Kayser, Lynne Padgett, Laura Sundstrom, Chad Jobin, Krista Nelson, and Iris C Fineberg


Navigating your career path in pediatric hematology/oncology: On and off the beaten track., Patrick A Zweidler-McKay, Mary-Jane Staba Hogan, Rima Jubran, Vandy Black, Jacqueline Casillas, James Harper, Suman Malempati, Judith Margolin, Judy Felgenhauer, Kathleen M Sakamoto, Janet Franklin, Mona Shah, Nita Seibel, George Buchanan, Sarah R Vaiselbuh, Caroline Hastings, Joanne Hilden, and Linda C Stork

Submissions from 2015

The Cost-Effectiveness of Telestroke Varies by Implementation Cost and Stroke Severity: Real World Data from a Pacific Northwest Group Poster Presented at the International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, E Baraban, L Lucas, and A Lesko

Patients with Low NIHSS Stroke Scales Have Longer Door to Needle Times: An Analysis of a Telestroke Network Poster Presented at the International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, E Baraban, R Nelson, A Lesko, J Majersik, and See full citation in comments

Four evidence based psych topics, Amy Burns

Psychopharmacology for psychologists, Amy Burns

Top 10 ways to improve your psych practice, Amy Burns

Developing a Marketing Orientation in Hospital Library Services: A Case Report., Barbara (Basia) Delawska-Elliott, Carrie Grinstead, and Heather J Martin

Nephron Sparing Surgery vs Ablation for Hilar Renal Cell Carcinoma. Case Presentation and Literature Review, Mark J. Kelly

The Evaluation and Management of Urinary Retention in the Acute Care Setting, Mark J. Kelly

Tumor Board Presentation; Topics: 1. Current Management of Renal Angiomyolipoma 2. Update of NCCN Management of Pathological T2 Bladder Cancer, Mark J. Kelly


Flow diverter stents for unruptured saccular anterior circulation perforating artery aneurysms: safety, efficacy, and short-term follow-up., Anna Luisa Kühn, Samuel Y Hou, Mary Perras, Christopher Brooks, Matthew J Gounis, Ajay K Wakhloo, and Ajit S Puri


Combining resources, combining forces: regionalizing hospital library services in a large statewide health system., Heather J Martin and Basia Delawska-Elliott

Budget Impact Analysis of Telestroke in the Pacific Northwest Poster Presented at the International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, R Nelson, A Lesko, Okon J, Bhatt N, and See full citation in comments

The Cost-Effectiveness of Telestroke in the Pacific Northwest Region of the USA Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, OnlineFirst, R Nelson, N Okon, A Lesko, J Majersik, and See full citation in comments

Telestroke Network Cost Effectiveness in the Pacific Northwest: Geography and Facility Size Support a Cost-Sharing Model Between Hub and Spoke Poster Presented at the International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, N Okon, R Nelson, J Majersik, A Lesko, and See full citation in comments


Sky Ceiling Study, Debajyoti Pati, Patricia Freier, and Shabboo Valipoor