Submissions from 2020
Nonrecurrent Early Post-Transplantation Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis., Momina M Ahmed, Massini A Merzkani, Matthew R D'Costa, Muhannad A Leghrouz, Mary E Fidler, Haraldur Bjarnason, Patrick G Dean, Fernando C Fervenza, Sanjit Reddy, and Hatem Amer
The COVID-19 Pandemic: A "Tech"-tonic Shift Toward Virtual Diabetes Care., David T Ahn
Multicenter Clinicopathologic Correlation of Kidney Biopsies Performed in COVID-19 Patients Presenting With Acute Kidney Injury or Proteinuria., Shreeram Akilesh, Cynthia C Nast, Michifumi Yamashita, Kammi Henriksen, Vivek Charu, Megan L Troxell, Neeraja Kambham, Erika Bracamonte, Donald Houghton, Naila I Ahmed, Chyi Chyi Chong, Bijin Thajudeen, Shehzad Rehman, Firas Khoury, Jonathan E Zuckerman, Jeremy Gitomer, Parthassarathy C Raguram, Shanza Mujeeb, Ulrike Schwarze, M Brendan Shannon, Iris De Castro, Charles E Alpers, Behzad Najafian, Roberto F Nicosia, Nicole K Andeen, and Kelly D Smith
The Effect of Caloric Restriction and Aerobic Exercise on Serum FGF-23 in Patients with Moderate to Severe CKD, Elvis A. Akwo, Thomas G. Stewart, Cassianne Robinson-Cohen, Adriana Hung, Jonathan Himmelfarb, Katherine Tuttle, and Talat Alp Ikizler
Incretin drugs in diabetic kidney disease: biological mechanisms and clinical evidence., Radica Alicic, Emily J Cox, Joshua J Neumiller, and Katherine Tuttle
Inflammatory mechanisms in diabetic kidney disease, Radica Alicic, Emily J Cox, Joshua J Neumiller, and Katherine Tuttle
Omission of Cortical Renorrhaphy During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy: A Vattikuti Collective Quality Initiative Database Analysis., Sohrab Arora, Chandler Bronkema, James R Porter, Alexander Mottrie, Prokar Dasgupta, Benjamin Challacombe, Koon H Rha, Rajesh K Ahlawat, Umberto Capitanio, Thyavihally B Yuvaraja, Sudhir Rawal, Daniel A Moon, Ananthakrishnan Sivaraman, Kris K Maes, Fansesco Porpiglia, Gagan Gautam, Levent Turkeri, Mahendra Bhandari, Wooju Jeong, Mani Menon, Craig G Rogers, and Firas Abdollah
Effects of diet and exercise on adipocytokine levels in patients with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease., Nihal Aydemir, Mindy M Pike, Aseel Alsouqi, Samuel A E Headley, Katherine Tuttle, Elizabeth E Evans, Charles M Milch, Kelsey A Moody, Michael Germain, Loren Lipworth, Jonathan Himmelfarb, T A Ikizler, and Cassianne Robinson-Cohen
Selective clamping during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy in patients with a solitary kidney: is it safe and does it help?, Ketan K Badani, Pankti D Kothari, Kennedy E Okhawere, Daniel Eun, Ashok Hemal, Ronney Abaza, James Porter, Gregory Lovallo, Mutahar Ahmed, Ravi Munver, and Michael D Stifelman
Do patients with Stage 3-5 chronic kidney disease benefit from ischaemia-sparing techniques during partial nephrectomy?, Alp Tuna Beksac, Kennedy E Okhawere, Daniel C Rosen, Amr Elbakry, Bheesham D Dayal, Jorge Daza, John P Sfakianos, Abaza Ronney, Daniel D Eun, Akshay Bhandari, Ashok K Hemal, James R Porter, Michael D Stifelman, and Ketan K Badani
Predicting intraoperative and postoperative consequential events using machine learning techniques in patients undergoing robotic partial nephrectomy (RPN): Vattikuti Collective Quality Initiative (VCQI) database study., Mahendra Bhandari, Anubhav Reddy Nallabasannagari, Madhu Reddiboina, James R Porter, Wooju Jeong, Alexandre Mottrie, Prokar Dasgupta, Ben Challacombe, Ronney Abaza, Koon Ho Rha, Dipen J Parekh, Rajesh Ahlawat, Umberto Capitanio, Thyavihally B Yuvaraja, Sudhir Rawal, Daniel A Moon, Nicolò M Buffi's, Ananthakrishnan Sivaraman, Kris K Maes, Francesco Porpiglia, Gagan Gautam, Levent Turkeri, Kohul Raj Meyyazhgan, Preethi Patil, Mani Menon, and Craig Rogers
P49 - Diabetes Screening Alignment, Rachel Blackbburn and Shelly Johnson
Robotic Partial Nephrectomy versus Minimally Invasive Radical Nephrectomy for Clinical T2a Renal Mass: A Propensity Score Matched Comparison from the ROSULA (Robotic Surgery for Large Renal Mass) Collaborative Group., Aaron W Bradshaw, Riccardo Autorino, Giuseppe Simone, Bo Yang, Robert G Uzzo, Francesco Porpiglia, Umberto Capitanio, James R Porter, Riccardo Bertolo, Andrea Minervini, Clayton Lau, Kenneth Jacobsohn, Akbar Ashrafi, Daniel Eun, Alexander Mottrie, Wesley M White, Luigi Schips, Benjamin J Challacombe, Ottavio De Cobelli, Carmen M Mir, Alessandro Veccia, Alessandro Larcher, Alexander Kutikov, Monish Aron, Prokar Dasgupta, Francesco Montorsi, Inderbir S Gill, Chandru P Sundaram, Jihad Kaouk, and Ithaar H Derweesh
Web Exclusive. Annals On Call - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly-the Sequel: GLP1 Agonists., Robert M Centor and Katherine Tuttle
Construct validity, ecological validity and acceptance of self-administered online neuropsychological assessment in adults., Naomi S Chaytor, Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Laura T Germine, Luciana Mascarenhas Fonseca, Sterling M McPherson, and Katherine Tuttle
Liraglutide for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Safety in Diabetic Kidney Disease: Liraglutide and Diabetic Kidney Disease., David Z Cherney and Katherine Tuttle
Diabetes Education with a Teaching Kitchen Intervention Can Improve Hemoglobin A1c for Type 2 Diabetics Compared to Traditional Diabetes Education, Jill Christensen, Heidi Davis, Charlotte Navarre, Hsin-Fang Li, Kathy Schwab, Richard O'Neil, and Justin Ferley
Exploring the Effect of Inpatient Diabetes Education on Readmission Rates, Cynthia Chun
Clinical Evidence and Proposed Mechanisms for Cardiovascular and Kidney Benefits from Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists, Emily J Cox, Radica Alicic, Joshua J Neumiller, and Katherine Tuttle
Intraoperative Hypotension and Acute Kidney Injury in Non-Cardiac Surgery at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, Elizabeth Davison, Amanda Affleck, and Kenn B Daratha
ABSTRACT: PO0528: Predicting Rapid eGFR Decline Using Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data Despite High Missingness in the CURE-CKD Registry, Tyler Austin Davis, Panayiotis Petousis, Davina J. Zamanzadeh, Xiaoyan Wang, Keith C. Norris, Obidiugwu Duru, Katherine Tuttle, Alex Bui, Susanne B. Nicholas, and CURE-CKD Registry Study Team
Executive summary of the 2020 KDIGO Diabetes Management in CKD Guideline: evidence-based advances in monitoring and treatment., Ian H de Boer, M Luiza Caramori, Juliana C N Chan, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Clint Hurst, Kamlesh Khunti, Adrian Liew, Erin D Michos, Sankar D Navaneethan, Wasiu A Olowu, Tami Sadusky, Nikhil Tandon, Katherine Tuttle, Christoph Wanner, Katy G Wilkens, Sophia Zoungas, Lyubov Lytvyn, Jonathan C Craig, David J Tunnicliffe, Martin Howell, Marcello Tonelli, Michael Cheung, Amy Earley, and Peter Rossing
The Role of Intraoperative Indocyanine Green in Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Results from a Large, Multi-institutional Series., Pietro Diana, Nicolò Maria Buffi, Giovanni Lughezzani, Paolo Dell'Oglio, Elio Mazzone, James R Porter, and Alex Mottrie
Multi-institutional Retrospective Validation and Comparison of the Simplified PADUA REnal Nephrometry System for the Prediction of Surgical Success of Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy., Pietro Diana, Giovanni Lughezzani, Alessandro Uleri, Paolo Casale, Alberto Saita, Rodolfo Hurle, Massimo Lazzeri, Alex Mottrie, Geert De Naeyer, Ruben De Groote, James R Porter, and Nicolomaria Buffi
Progressive Shifts in the Gut Microbiome Reflect Prediabetes and Diabetes Development in a Treatment-Naive Mexican Cohort., Christian Diener, María de Lourdes Reyes-Escogido, Lilia M Jimenez-Ceja, Mariana Matus, Claudia M Gomez-Navarro, Nathaniel D Chu, Vivian Zhong, M Elizabeth Tejero, Eric Alm, Osbaldo Resendis-Antonio, and Rodolfo Guardado-Mendoza
Serum Urate Lowering with Allopurinol and Kidney Function in Type 1 Diabetes., Alessandro Doria, Andrzej T Galecki, Cathie Spino, Rodica Pop-Busui, David Z Cherney, Ildiko Lingvay, Afshin Parsa, Peter Rossing, Ronald J Sigal, Maryam Afkarian, Ronnie Aronson, M Luiza Caramori, Jill P Crandall, Ian H de Boer, Thomas G Elliott, Allison B Goldfine, J Sonya Haw, Irl B Hirsch, Amy B Karger, David M Maahs, Janet B McGill, Mark E Molitch, Bruce A Perkins, Sarit Polsky, Marlon Pragnell, William N Robiner, Sylvia E Rosas, Peter Senior, Katherine Tuttle, Guillermo E Umpierrez, Amisha Wallia, Ruth S Weinstock, Chunyi Wu, Michael Mauer, PERL Study Group, and PERL Study Group Collaborator: Radica Alicic
Does race impact functional outcomes in patients undergoing robotic partial nephrectomy?, Ugo G Falagario, Alberto Martini, John Pfail, Patrick-Julien Treacy, Kennedy E Okhawere, Bheesham D Dayal, John P Sfakianos, Ronney Abaza, Daniel D Eun, Akshay Bhandari, James R Porter, Ashok K Hemal, and Ketan K Badani
Urologic complications after transplantation of 225 en bloc kidneys from small pediatric donors ≤20 kg: Incidence, management, and impact on graft survival., Ghaneh Fananapazir, Gary Tse, Ryan Di Geronimo, John McVicar, Richard Perez, Chandrasekar Santhanakrishnan, Junichiro Sageshima, and Christoph Troppmann
Comparison of valve-less and standard insufflation on pneumoperitoneum-related complications in robotic partial nephrectomy: a prospective randomized trial., Tom S Feng, Gerald Heulitt, Adel Islam, and James R Porter
Glycemic Monitoring and Management in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease, Rodolfo J. Galindo, Roy W. Beck, Maria F. Scioscia, Guillermo E. Umpierrez, and Katherine Tuttle
Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor as a Marker of Disease Progression in Children With Nephrotic Syndrome., Debbie S Gipson, Howard Trachtman, Anne Waldo, Keisha L Gibson, Sean Eddy, Katherine M Dell, Tarak Srivastava, Kevin V Lemley, Larry A Greenbaum, Sangeeta Hingorani, Kevin E Meyers, Frederick J Kaskel, Kimberly J Reidy, Christine B Sethna, Cheryl L Tran, Chia-Shi Wang, Katherine Tuttle, Gia Oh, Alicia M Neu, Elizabeth Brown, Jen-Jar Lin, Jennifer Lai Yee, Therese M Roth, Jonathan P Troost, Brenda W Gillespie, Matthew G Sampson, Matthias Kretzler, and Wenjun Ju
Refractory scleroderma renal crisis precipitated after high-dose oral corticosteroids and concurrent intravitreal injection of bevacizumab., Ramy M Hanna, Lama Abdelnour, Jonathan E Zuckerman, Antoney J Ferrey, Alex Pai, Kambiz Vahabzadeh, James Wilson, Everado A Torres, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, and Ira B Kurtz
496-P: Risk Factors for Incident CKD in Prediabetes, Kelly A. Hennessey, Kenn Daratha, Radica Alicic, Cami R Jones, Joshua J Neumiller, O Kenrik Duru, Susanne Nicholas, Sterling M. McPherson, Keith Norris, and Katherine Tuttle
Technology Integration: The Role of the Diabetes Care and Education Specialist in Practice., Diana Isaacs, Carla Cox, Kathy Schwab, Tamara K Oser, Joanne Rinker, Mary Jo Mason, Deborah A Greenwood, and Anastasia Albanese-O'Neill
Gestational Diabetes Prevention, Shelly Johnson
Nurses Improving Nutrition Group Attendance Through RN Invitations, Shelly Johnson and Susanna Mitchell
ABSTRACT: PO0963: Incident CKD in Diabetes, Hypertension, and Prediabetes, Cami R Jones, Kenn Daratha, Susanne B. Nicholas, Radica Alicic, Obidiugwu Duru, Keith C. Norris, Nilka Rios Burrows, Katherine Tuttle, and Meda E. Pavkov
Incident CKD in Diabetes, Hypertension, and Prediabetes, Cami R Jones, Kenn Daratha, Susanne B. Nicholas, Radica Alicic, Obidiugwu Duru, Keith C. Norris, Nilka Rios Burrows, Katherine Tuttle, and Meda E. Pavkov
International consensus definitions of clinical trial outcomes for kidney failure: 2020., Adeera Levin, Rajiv Agarwal, William G Herrington, Hiddo L Heerspink, Johannes F E Mann, Shahnaz Shahinfar, Katherine Tuttle, Jo-Ann Donner, Vivekanand Jha, Masaomi Nangaku, Dick de Zeeuw, Meg J Jardine, Kenneth W Mahaffey, Aliza M Thompson, Mary Beaucage, Kate Chong, Glenda V Roberts, Duane Sunwold, Hans Vorster, Madeleine Warren, Sandrine Damster, Charu Malik, Vlado Perkovic, and participant authors of the International Society of Nephrology’s 1st International Consensus Meeting on Defining Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials
Effect of obesity and overweight status on complications and survival after minimally invasive kidney surgery in patients with clinical t2 renal masses., Michele Marchioni, Francesco Berardinelli, Chao Zhang, Giuseppe Simone, Robert Uzzo, Umberto Capitanio, Andrea Minervini, Clayton Lau, Jihad Kaouk, Peter Langestroer, Enrico Checcucci, Nicolò De Luyk, James Robert Porter, Michele Gallucci, Alexander Kutikov, Alessandro Larcher, Andrea Mari, Patrick Sean Kilday, Koon Ho Rha, Giuseppe Quarto, Sisto Perdona, Wesley White, Daniel Eun, Ithaar H Derweesh, Alexandre Mottrie, Uzoma Arnold Anele, Kenneth M Jacobsohn, Francesco Porpiglia, Benjamin Challacombe, Chandru P Sundaram, Riccardo Autorino, Bo Yang, and Luigi Schips
Editorial Comment from Dr Martini et al. to Independent external validation of a nomogram to define risk categories for a significant decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate after robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy., Alberto Martini, Ugo Giovanni Falagario, Carlo Andrea Bravi, Ronney Abaza, Daniel D Eun, Akshay Bhandari, James R Porter, Umberto Capitanio, Francesco Montorsi, Ashok K Hemal, and Ketan K Badani
Longitudinal Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in Primary Glomerular Disease: Results From the CureGN Study., Shannon L Murphy, John D Mahan, Jonathan P Troost, Tarak Srivastava, Amy J Kogon, Yi Cai, T Keefe Davis, Hilda Fernandez, Alessia Fornoni, Rasheed A Gbadegesin, Emily Herreshoff, Pietro A Canetta, Patrick H Nachman, Bryce B Reeve, David T Selewski, Christine B Sethna, Chia-Shi Wang, Sharon M Bartosh, Debbie S Gipson, Katherine Tuttle, and CureGN Consortium
Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease by KDIGO Categories of Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria: A Systematic Review., Molly Murton, Danielle Goff-Leggett, Anna Bobrowska, Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez, Glen James, Eric Wittbrodt, Stephen Nolan, Elisabeth Sörstadius, Roberto Pecoits-Filho, and Katherine Tuttle
Medication use, renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, and acute care utilization after hospitalization in patients with chronic kidney disease., Joshua J Neumiller, Kenn Daratha, Radica Alicic, Robert A Short, Haleigh Miller, Liza Gregg, Brian J Gates, Cynthia F Corbett, Sterling M McPherson, and Katherine Tuttle
Supervised Exercise Intervention and Overall Activity in CKD., Mindy M Pike, Aseel Alsouqi, Samuel A E Headley, Katherine Tuttle, Elizabeth Elspeth Evans, Charles M Milch, Kelsey Anne Moody, Michael Germain, Thomas G Stewart, Loren Lipworth, Jonathan Himmelfarb, T Alp Ikizler, and Cassianne Robinson-Cohen
The Authors Reply., Mindy M Pike, Aseel Alsouqi, Samuel A E Headley, Katherine Tuttle, Elizabeth Elspeth Evans, Charles M Milch, Kelsey Anne Moody, Michael Germain, Thomas G Stewart, Loren Lipworth, Jonathan Himmelfarb, T Alp Ikizler, and Cassianne Robinson-Cohen
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Native Kidney Biopsy Complications., Emilio D Poggio, Robyn L McClelland, Kristina N Blank, Spencer Hansen, Shweta Bansal, Andrew S Bomback, Pietro A Canetta, Pascale Khairallah, Krzysztof Kiryluk, Stewart H Lecker, Gearoid M McMahon, Paul M Palevsky, Samir Parikh, Sylvia E Rosas, Katherine Tuttle, Miguel A Vazquez, Anitha Vijayan, Brad H Rovin, and Kidney Precision Medicine Project
Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy: evolving techniques and expanding considerations., James R Porter and Elliot Blau
Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy: evolving techniques and expanding considerations., James R Porter and Elliot Blau
Comprehensive Glycomic Analysis Reveals that Human Serum Albumin Glycation Specifically Affects the Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Different Anticoagulant Drugs in Diabetes., Hongyan Qiu, Lan Jin, Jian Chen, Min Shi, Feng Shi, Mansen Wang, Daoyuan Li, Xiaohui Xu, Xinhuan Su, Xianlun Yin, Wenhua Li, Xiaoming Zhou, Robert J Linhardt, Zhe Wang, Lianli Chi, and Qunye Zhang
New Approaches to Transform Outcomes for Kidney Disease and Heart Disease in Patients with Diabetes, Sue Quaggin, Vlado Perkovic, David Cherney, Katherine Tuttle, Ian De Boer, Clyde Yancy, Adeera Levin, and Janani Rangaswami
AKI and Hypercalcemia in a Patient with Weakness and Fatigue., Cheyenne Rahimi, Mathias Stroemel, and Nicole K Andeen
Cardiorenal Protection With the Newer Antidiabetic Agents in Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association., Janani Rangaswami; Vivek Bhalla; Ian H de Boer; Alexander Staruschenko; Johanna A Sharp; Radhika Rajgopal Singh; Kevin Bryan Lo; Katherine Tuttle; Muthiah Vaduganathan; Hector Ventura; Peter A McCullough; and American Heart Association Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease; Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Clinical Cardiology; and Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health
2020 Episode 8 – Cardiorenal Protection in Patients with Diabetes and CKD, Janani Rangaswami, Katherine Tuttle, and Muthiah Vaduganathan
Cardio-Renal-Metabolic Care Models: Toward Achieving Effective Interdisciplinary Care., Janani Rangaswami, Katherine Tuttle, and Muthiah Vaduganathan
A Multi-Institutional Analysis of the Effect of Positive Surgical Margins Following Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy on Oncologic Outcomes., Michael Rothberg, David J Paulucci, Kennedy E Okhawere, Christopher Reynolds, Ketan K Badani, Ronney Abaza, Daniel Eun, Akshay Bhandari, James R Porter, and Ashok Hemal
Case Report of a Pelvic Crossed Fused Renal Ectopic Kidney., Emily Simonds, Joe Iwanaga, Shogo Kikuta, Maia Schumacher, Graham Dupont, Juan J Altafulla, Emre Yilmaz, Rod J Oskouian, and R Shane Tubbs
Conversion of Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio or Urine Dipstick Protein to Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio for Use in Chronic Kidney Disease Screening and Prognosis: An Individual Participant-Based Meta-analysis., Keiichi Sumida, Girish N Nadkarni, Morgan E Grams, Yingying Sang, Shoshana H Ballew, Josef Coresh, Kunihiro Matsushita, Aditya Surapaneni, Nigel Brunskill, Steve J Chadban, Alex R Chang, Massimo Cirillo, Kenn B Daratha, Ron T Gansevoort, Amit X Garg, Licia Iacoviello, Takamasa Kayama, Tsuneo Konta, Csaba P Kovesdy, James Lash, Brian J Lee, Rupert W Major, Marie Metzger, Katsuyuki Miura, David M J Naimark, Robert G Nelson, Simon Sawhney, Nikita Stempniewicz, Mila Tang, Raymond R Townsend, Jamie P Traynor, José M Valdivielso, Jack Wetzels, Kevan R Polkinghorne, and Hiddo J L Heerspink
Cardiorenal–Metabolic Axis in Diabetes, Katherine Tuttle
Doing Better for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Katherine Tuttle
Emerging Options for the Management of CKD: Where Are We Now?, Katherine Tuttle
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical research., Katherine Tuttle
Revolution in the Management of Moderate to Severe CKD, Katherine Tuttle
The landscape of diabetic kidney disease transformed., Katherine Tuttle
Where do GLP-1 RAs Fit into the Management of Patients with Diabetes and CKD?, Katherine Tuttle
SGLT2 Inhibition for CKD and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: Report of a Scientific Workshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation., Katherine Tuttle, Frank C Brosius, Matthew A Cavender, Paola Fioretto, Kevin J Fowler, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Tom Manley, Darren K McGuire, Mark E Molitch, Amy K Mottl, Leigh Perreault, Sylvia E Rosas, Peter Rossing, Laura Sola, Volker Vallon, Christoph Wanner, and Vlado Perkovic
SGLT2 Inhibition for CKD and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: Report of a Scientific Workshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation., Katherine Tuttle, Frank C Brosius, Matthew A Cavender, Paola Fioretto, Kevin J Fowler, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Tom Manley, Darren K McGuire, Mark E Molitch, Amy K Mottl, Leigh Perreault, Sylvia E Rosas, Peter Rossing, Laura Sola, Volker Vallon, Christoph Wanner, and Vlado Perkovic
SGLT2 Inhibition for CKD and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: Report of a Scientific Workshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation., Katherine Tuttle, Frank C Brosius, Matthew A Cavender, Paola Fioretto, Kevin J Fowler, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Tom Manley, Darren K McGuire, Mark E Molitch, Amy K Mottl, Leigh Perreault, Sylvia E Rosas, Peter Rossing, Laura Sola, Volker Vallon, Christoph Wanner, and Vlado Perkovic
Effects Of Semaglutide On Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes: A Post Hoc Pooled Analysis From The SUSTAIN 6 And PIONEER 6 Trials, Katherine Tuttle, David Cherney, Samy Hadjadj, Thomas Idorn, Ofri Mosenzon, Vlado Perkovic, Soren Rassmussen, Benjamin Wolthers, and Stephen C. Bain
Effects of Semaglutide on CKD Outcomes: A Post Hoc Pooled Analysis from the SUSTAIN 6 and PIONEER 6 Trials, Katherine Tuttle, David Cherney, Samy Hadjadj, Thomas Idorn, Ofri Mosenzon, Vlado Perkovic, Soren Rassmussen, Benjamin Wolthers, and Stephen C. Bain
REDUCTION IN THE RATE OF EGFR DECLINE WITH SEMAGLUTIDE VS PLACEBO: A POST HOC POOLED ANALYSIS OF SUSTAIN 6 AND PIONEER 6, Katherine Tuttle, David Cherney, Samy Hadjadj, Thomas Idorn, Ofri Mosenzon, Vlado Perkovic, Soren Rassmussen, Benjamin Wolthers, and Stephen C. Bain
Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition Heralds a Call-to-Action for Diabetic Kidney Disease., Katherine Tuttle, David Z Cherney, and Diabetic Kidney Disease Task Force of the American Society of Nephrology
Integrating Patient Priorities with Science by Community Engagement in the Kidney Precision Medicine Project., Katherine Tuttle, Richard Knight, Paul S Appelbaum, Tanima Arora, Shweta Bansal, Jack Bebiak, Keith Brown, Catherine Campbell, Leslie Cooperman, Celia P Corona-Villalobos, Ashveena Dighe, Ian H de Boer, Daniel E Hall, Nichole Jefferson, Stacey Jolly, Asra Kermani, Simon C Lee, Karla Mehl, Raghavan Murugan, Glenda V Roberts, Sylvia E Rosas, Jonathan Himmelfarb, and R Tyler Miller
Evidence-based treatment of hyperglycaemia with incretin therapies in patients with type 2 diabetes and advanced chronic kidney disease., Katherine Tuttle and Janet B McGill
Dulaglutide in Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: AWARD-7 Exploratory Analysis of Clinical Outcomes, Katherine Tuttle, Brian Rayner, Mark C. Lakshmanan, Anita YM Kwam, Manige Konig, Linda Shurzinske, and Fady T. Botros
Abstract #577: Dulaglutide improves kidney fibrosis biomarker levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and moderate-to-severe chronic kidney disease, Katherine Tuttle, Jonathan Wilson, Kevin Duffin, Fady Botros, Kathleen Kelly-Boruff, Federica Genovese, Morten Karsdal, Yanzhu Lin, and Hui-Rong Qian
Dulaglutide Treatment in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Moderate-to-Severe CKD Improves Kidney Fibrosis Biomarker Levels, Katherine Tuttle, Jonathan Matthew Wilson, Yanzhu Lin, Hui-Rong Qian, Federica Genovese, Morten Asser Karsdal, Kevin L. Duffin, and Fady T. Botros
Dulaglutide Improves Kidney Fibrosis Biomarker Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Kidney Disease, Katherine Tuttle, Jonathan M. Wilson, Yanzhu Lin, Hui-Rong Qian, Kathleen Kelly-Boruff, Federica Genovese, Morten A. Kardsdal, Kevin L. Duffin, and Fady T. Botros
Halting the Cascade of Chronic Kidney Disease: Can We Catch Patients Before They Fall?, David C. Wheeler, David Cherney, and Katherine Tuttle
Acute Hyperkalemia: A Novel Strategy To Prevent Insulin Induced Hypoglycemia, Brandon Wu and Eric Harvey
Using Autoencoders for Imputing Missing Data in eGFR Decline Trajectories of Patients with CKD, Davina J. Zamanzadeh, Panayiotis Petousis, Tyler Austin Davis, Andres Olav Garlid, Xiaoyan Wang, Keith C. Norris, Obidiugwu Duru, Katherine Tuttle, Alex Bui, Susanne B. Nicholas, and CURE-CKD Registry Study Team
Submissions from 2019
Preventing Early Renal Loss in Diabetes (PERL) Study: A Randomized Double-Blinded Trial of Allopurinol-Rationale, Design, and Baseline Data., Maryam Afkarian, Sarit Polsky, Afshin Parsa, Ronnie Aronson, Maria Luiza Caramori, David Z Cherney, Jill P Crandall, Ian H de Boer, Thomas G Elliott, Andrzej T Galecki, Allison B Goldfine, J Sonya Haw, Irl B Hirsch, Amy B Karger, Ildiko Lingvay, David M Maahs, Janet B McGill, Mark E Molitch, Bruce A Perkins, Rodica Pop-Busui, Marlon Pragnell, Sylvia E Rosas, Peter Rossing, Peter Senior, Ronald J Sigal, Catherine Spino, Katherine Tuttle, Guillermo E Umpierrez, Amisha Wallia, Ruth S Weinstock, Chunyi Wu, Michael Mauer, and Alessandro Doria
Is There an App for That? The Pros and Cons of Diabetes Smartphone Apps and How to Integrate Them Into Clinical Practice., David T Ahn and Rachel Stahl
Sodium Glucose Co-transporters Inhibition and Diabetic Kidney Disease, Radica Alicic
Emergence of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists as a Therapy for Diabetic Kidney Disease, Radica Alicic, Emily J Cox, and Katherine Tuttle
Erratum. Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition and Diabetic Kidney Disease. Diabetes 2019;68:248-257., Radica Alicic, Joshua J Neumiller, Emily J Cox, Brad P Dieter, and Katherine Tuttle
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition and Diabetic Kidney Disease., Radica Alicic, Joshua J Neumiller, Emily J Johnson, Brad P Dieter, and Katherine Tuttle
Robotic versus laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: a large multi-institutional analysis (ROSULA Collaborative Group)., Uzoma A Anele, Michele Marchioni, Bo Yang, Giuseppe Simone, Robert G Uzzo, Clayton Lau, Maria C Mir, Umberto Capitanio, James Porter, Ken Jacobsohn, Nicolo de Luyk, Andrea Mari, Kidon Chang, Cristian Fiori, Jay Sulek, Alexandre Mottrie, Wesley White, Sisto Perdona, Giuseppe Quarto, Ahmet Bindayi, Akbar Ashrafi, Luigi Schips, Francesco Berardinelli, Chao Zhang, Michele Gallucci, Miguel Ramirez-Backhaus, Alessandro Larcher, Patrick Kilday, Michael Liao, Peter Langenstroer, Prokar Dasgupta, Ben Challacombe, Alexander Kutikov, Andrea Minervini, Koon Ho Rha, Chandru P Sundaram, Lance J Hampton, Francesco Porpiglia, Monish Aron, Ithaar Derweesh, and Riccardo Autorino
Robotic versus laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: a large multi-institutional analysis (ROSULA Collaborative Group)., Uzoma A Anele, Michele Marchioni, Bo Yang, Giuseppe Simone, Robert G Uzzo, Clayton Lau, Maria C Mir, Umberto Capitanio, James R Porter, Ken Jacobsohn, Nicolo de Luyk, Andrea Mari, Kidon Chang, Cristian Fiori, Jay Sulek, Alexandre Mottrie, Wesley White, Sisto Perdona, Giuseppe Quarto, Ahmet Bindayi, Akbar Ashrafi, Luigi Schips, Francesco Berardinelli, Chao Zhang, Michele Gallucci, Miguel Ramirez-Backhaus, Alessandro Larcher, Patrick Kilday, Michael Liao, Peter Langenstroer, Prokar Dasgupta, Ben Challacombe, Alexander Kutikov, Andrea Minervini, Koon Ho Rha, Chandru P Sundaram, Lance J Hampton, Francesco Porpiglia, Monish Aron, Ithaar Derweesh, and Riccardo Autorino
Increase Postpartum Gestational Diabetes Screening, Kari Ayala, Angela Bonin, Rachael Baker, Susan Chin, Brian Drake, Joseph Kaempf, Christina Malango, Judy Marvin, and Shelly Johnson
Impact of Diabetes Mellitus in Women Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents., Usman Baber, Giulio G Stefanini, Gennaro Giustino, Gregg W Stone, Martin B Leon, Samantha Sartori, Melissa Aquino, P Gabriel Steg, Stephan Windecker, William Wijns, Patrick W Serruys, Marco Valgimigli, Marie-Claude Morice, Edoardo Camenzind, Giora Weisz, Pieter C Smits, David E Kandzari, Clemens von Birgelen, George D Dangas, Soren Galatius, Raban V Jeger, Takeshi Kimura, Ghada W Mikhail, Dipti Itchhaporia, Laxmi Mehta, Rebecca Ortega, Hyo-Soo Kim, Adnan Kastrati, Alaide Chieffo, and Roxana Mehran
Management of high complexity renal masses in partial nephrectomy: A multicenter analysis., Alp Tuna Beksac, Kennedy E Okhawere, Amr A Elbakry, Bheesham D Dayal, David J Paulucci, Michael B Rothberg, John P Sfakianos, Ronney Abaza, Daniel D Eun, Akshay Bhandari, Ashok K Hemal, James R Porter, and Ketan K Badani
Do Patients with Stage III-V Chronic Kidney Disease Benefit From Ischemia Sparing Techniques During Partial Nephrectomy?, Alp Tuna Beksac, Kennedy E Okhawere, Daniel C Rosen, Amr Elbakry, Bheesham D Dayal, Jorge Daza, John P Sfakianos, Ronney Abaza, Daniel D Eun, Akshay Bhandari, Ashok K Hemal, James R Porter, Michael D Stifelman, and Ketan K Badani
Ombitasvir, Paritaprevir, Ritonavir, and Dasabuvir With or Without Ribavirin in Patients With Kidney Disease., David E Bernstein, Albert Tran, Paul Martin, Kris V Kowdley, Marc Bourliere, Mark S Sulkowski, Paul J Pockros, Boris Renjifo, Deli Wang, Diana L Shuster, Daniel E Cohen, and Ira M Jacobson
Fifteen-minute Frequency of Glucose Measurements and the Use of Threshold Alarms: Impact on Mitigating Dysglycemia in Critically Ill Patients., Grant V Bochicchio, Stanley A Nasraway, Laura J Moore, Anthony P Furnary, Eden A Nohra, Kelly M Bochicchio, James C Boyd, David I Bruns, Irl B Hirsch, Jean-Charles Preiser, and James S Krinsley
Therapy with high-dose Interleukin-2 (HD IL-2) in metastatic melanoma and renal cell carcinoma following PD1 or PDL1 inhibition., Elizabeth I Buchbinder, Janice P Dutcher, Gregory A Daniels, Brendan Curti, Sapna P Patel, Shernan G Holtan, Gerald P Miletello, Mayer N Fishman, Rene Gonzalez, Joseph I Clark, John M Richart, Christopher D Lao, Scott S Tykodi, Ann W Silk, and David F McDermott
Health-related quality of life in glomerular disease., Pietro A Canetta, Jonathan P Troost, Shannon Mahoney, Amy J Kogon, Noelle Carlozzi, Sharon M Bartosh, Yi Cai, T Keefe Davis, Hilda Fernandez, Alessia Fornoni, Rasheed A Gbadegesin, Emily Herreshoff, John D Mahan, Patrick H Nachman, David T Selewski, Christine B Sethna, Tarak Srivastava, Katherine Tuttle, Chia-Shi Wang, Ronald J Falk, Ali G Gharavi, Brenda W Gillespie, Larry A Greenbaum, Lawrence B Holzman, Matthias Kretzler, Bruce M Robinson, William E Smoyer, Lisa M Guay-Woodford, Bryce Reeve, and Debbie S Gipson
Prediction of cardiovascular outcomes with machine learning techniques: application to the Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions (CORAL) study., Tian Chen, Pamela Brewster, Katherine Tuttle, Lance D Dworkin, William Henrich, Barbara A Greco, Michael Steffes, Sheldon Tobe, Kenneth Jamerson, Karol Pencina, Joseph M Massaro, Ralph B D'Agostino, Donald E Cutlip, Timothy P Murphy, Christopher J Cooper, and Joseph I Shapiro
Early Rapid Decline in Kidney Function in Medically Managed Patients With Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis., Emily L Cooper, Yanmei Xie, Hanh Nguyen, Pamela S Brewster, Haden Sholl, Megan Sharrett, Kaili Ren, Tian Chen, Katherine Tuttle, Steven T Haller, Kenneth Jamerson, Timothy P Murphy, Ralph B D'Agostino, Joseph M Massaro, William Henrich, Christopher J Cooper, Donald E Cutlip, Lance D Dworkin, and Joseph I Shapiro
Early Rapid Decline in Kidney Function in Medically Managed Patients With Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis, Emily L. Cooper, Yanmei Xie, Hanh Nguyen, Pamela S. Brewster, Haden Sholl, Megan Sharrett, Kaili Ren, Tian Chen, Katherine Tuttle, Steven T. Haller, Kenneth Jamerson, Timothy P. Murphy, Ralph B. D'Agostino Sr, Joseph M. Massaro, William Henrich, Christopher J. Cooper, Donald E. Cutlip, Lance D. Dworkin, and Joseph I. Shapiro